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Program for renting apartments

Program for renting apartments

Program for renting apartments

Renting apartments is a fairly common type of business activity. Today, anyone who owns a number of real estate properties can engage in this activity.

Real estate firms are also actively involved in this type of activity. For example, they enter into contracts with landlords and find clients for them, in return I receive a commission from the transaction.

Apartment rental software can be a great tool for doing business. The product developed by USU allows accounting for various business entities, while the software is easily customized to the needs of a company or individual. Everything is individual, and through personal contact we find out your needs and offer an appropriate solution.

There are many different features available in apartment rental software, let's look at some of them.

Apartment rental program

The apartment rental program from USU offers opportunities related to property management. For these purposes, the program creates a separate case for each property, then it is filled in in detail: features, characteristics, type of property, and so on. You can also add photos or videos of objects.

In the program for renting apartments, you can maintain rental agreements: register them, control deadlines and obligations. The software can even be configured to send various types of notifications or reminders. You can choose any format for this: instant messenger messages, SMS, internal notifications, and so on. There are a lot of opportunities in this direction.

CRM system for renting apartments

A CRM system for renting apartments helps to keep detailed records of interactions with clients. It can reflect customer data and also collect individual cases with the history of cooperation. What is it for? In order to provide quality service, taking into account preferences. This type of information can also help avoid misunderstandings.

In the system, you can define clients by category, for example: reliable, unreliable, permanent. Those clients with whom problems arise can be indicated with an exclamation mark. This will help build the right relationship with them, for example, if he is a persistent defaulter, then you need to work with such a client on full prepayment. You can also attach contracts to your customer card.

The CRM system for renting apartments from USU is easy to master; we have introduced interactive instructions into the program; it can be used at any time.

SRM for accounting for the delivery of apartments and apartments

The SRM for accounting for the delivery of apartments and apartments shows the occupancy of objects. It is very convenient to view available objects right during the consultation (occupied objects will be highlighted in color). If you place an order, but your client's plans have changed, you can easily make changes to the order; you just need to go into it and change the date or hours.

SRM for accounting for the rental of apartments and apartments allows for thorough accounting of income and expenses. Moreover, you can conduct analysis and determine which areas generate income and conduct analytics by area. Accounting can also be done in the context of property maintenance costs. All this data can be analyzed and areas for improvement and maintenance of achieved results can be identified.

In the USU you can register the lease and the deposit if it is provided. Collateral can vary from cash to documents and valuables. If necessary, you can generate documentation in the program. For example, if these are receipts, then they can be generated and sent out en masse to renters.

If necessary, we can provide you with additional features: integration with equipment, video, audio, PBX, IP, instant messengers and many other features.

In the workspace, you can organize work for any number of employees, you can define rights for them and conduct an internal audit of operations. If there are branches, we can provide functions to manage them. For more detailed information, we invite you to submit a request for a presentation.

USU – with us you will work according to modern standards.

Video programs for renting apartments

Possibilities of a CRM system for renting apartments

The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.

  • The USU program is excellent for conducting activities for renting apartments or apartments;
  • n the program, you can assign categories to real estate objects, for example: apartment, apartment, office, and so on;
  • hrough the USU you will be able to manage databases, for example, by objects or by clients;
  • hen accounting, you can use various options for accruals: hourly, daily, monthly;
  • or you, we are ready to develop other mechanisms for charging your order;
  • he program will help control income and expenses;
  • he system can reflect the costs of maintaining real estate;
  • he software allows you to organize the booking process;
  • n the system, the occupancy of objects can be highlighted in color;
  • nalytical reports will help improve accounting;
  • hrough the software you can manage your accounting;
  • ou will be able to control customer debt;
  • he program can highlight unreliable clients with an exclamation mark;
  • he software can be customized to suit the needs of users: change the desktop design, quick commands, window size, the availability of certain data;
  • ith USU you can effectively conduct rental activities.

Free download of the program for renting apartments

Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.

Have questions about the demo version?
Our technical support service will help you!
Write or call us. Contacts here.

Buy the program

If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.