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Category: Pharmacy management system

Pharmacy management software

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Select language Pharmacy accounting journal, pharmacy management. Automation programs for pharmacies and pharmacy business networks, pharmacy control. Accounting of goods in a pharmacy, programs for pharmacies free download of the program pharmacy, software pharmacy drug accounting

Pharmacy management software is an automated system for control of your facility. Our pharmacy software keeps an accounting of medications, medicine control, pharmaceutical control, medical inventory accounting, shows medications that are going to an end. Software for pharmacists has a multi-user interface. Each user has his own username and password. Each employee can have individual access rights, so that he could see an information related only to his zone of powers. Certain powers are designed for the cashier, accountant, pharmacists, storekeeper and the head of an organization. Pharmacy software programs have a rich functionality. They work with peripheral equipment: barcode scanner, label printer. It allows keeping quick quality control and accounting of medications. Basic accounting units are in the "Modules." There you can record goods and medications for selling. In the same section accounting of pharmacies, customers and requests is being kept. Pharmacy software system has directories. In the “Directories” you can specify nomenclature of medicine, and the employees of an organization. Analytics is held in the section of “Reports.” You can create reports on medication usage and its residues. Residues of medications are displayed grouped by suppliers.

Among other things, you will see the financial reports and will be able to control the flow of funds in your organization. Database information on a particular product or medication can be found in seconds, because the pharmacy accounting software has a simple and instant data retrieval. The only thing you need to do is to specify search criteria correctly. Pharmacy control can also keep an accounting of part -payments or payments in full to contractors. The analysis can be displayed for any period of time. The pharmacy management system has a set of management reports on goods sold, customers, employees and contractors. It is going to be a pharmacy automation on a new level! For example, based on the “Customer’s report" you can analyze the most profitable customers. You will see if they have discounts, and you can enter the discount system with personal custom cards. If you have a pharmacy chain, you can organize the work of all branches in a single information system. In this case, each branch will see the work of its facility, but the head of the pharmacy chain and the chief accountant will be able to see the work of all branches at once and make appropriate reports. Reporting in the pharmacy software systems is formed for any period of time, allowing you to carry out the calculations on work of the organization by the day, month and year.

You can download the free demo version of the pharmacy computer systems from our website. Please, contact us if you have any question. Remember that the automated pharmacy has even more functionality! Pharmacy systems can be customized to fit your needs.

With our pharmacy automation systems, you can automate the management of your organization, and thus improve your business!

Watch this video to learn about the pharmacy accounting software.

Pharmacy automation features

The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.

  • Pharmacy software form a unified customer database optionally.
  • Each client can have an individual discount for service.
  • Accounting of goods in the pharmacy supports contractors.
  • Pharmacy management system supports different payment methods: cash, non-cash, etc.
  • Acceptance inspection, Purchase Invoice.
  • Pharmacy management software keeps a history of invoices for any movement of goods.
  • Pharmaceutical accounting in logbook of movement of goods.
  • Pharmacy control includes support of multiple cash desks when selling.
  • Pharmacy automation, medication accounting.
  • The demo-version of pharmacy automation system download free.
  • Storage and accounting of medicines.
  • Accounting of medicines contain the possibility using a barcode scanner and other commercial equipment.
  • With the help of the software, you will be able to monitor the stock of goods in real time.
  • Pharmacy systems track the accounting of goods movement in the pharmacy.
  • The pharmacy computer systems display the stock of goods grouping it by suppliers.
  • Pharmacy management system supports the subject quantitative accounting by category of medicines.
  • Pharmacy software programs include personnel management.
  • Each employee can have a percentage in the piecework wage.
  • Automated pharmacy business includes automatic generation of registry of ending goods.
  • Management control of pharmaceutical activities through specialized reports.
  • Medical logs can be filled automatically by the software.
  • Computer software for pharmacies includes accounting of medicines in the pharmacy.
  • Maintenance program for automation of pharmacies contains substantively quantitative accounting the medicines.
  • Write us to download a free demo-version of the pharmacy automation systems.
  • Pharmaceutical control includes an analysis of expiring and expired stock of goods.
  • Production control in the pharmacy includes the formation of applications for the purchase of medicines.
  • The organizational structure of management of the pharmacy allows each employee to see only the functional area of his responsibility.
  • Pharmacy software provides a detailed audit of the actions of all users.
  • Pharmacy software has user access to different software modules.
  • Pharmacy management software has differentiated user access to different program modules.
  • There are can be much more functions!

Download pharmacy accounting software

Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.

Purchase the pharmacy software

If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.

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