Operating system: Windows
Category: Book publishing software
Publishing software
If you have your own publishing house or editorial office, sooner or later you will face the problem of accounting in your company. How to keep track of all the processes of creation of a product and its development? How to organize the work of designers, production, printing, and marketing companies? Magazine management at first site looks very time-consuming and complicated. Nevertheless, our company has a solution! Book publishing software – it is what you need right now! Start working with the magazine publishing software, you no longer will be able to imagine the management of your organization without it. First of all, the newspaper magazine software is multiuser software. It is very convenient and helps the head of the organization to track the work of his employees. For example, the newspaper management will now be easier because the newspaper management system has a function of managers accounting, thereby every manager works with his personal list of clients. Newspaper publishing software has a single and easily editable database of contractors. Search in the database is carried out in seconds. In addition, there is a large range of different reports for the head of the organization that will help him to establish management and better understand what is happening in the company.
Financial reports will help to manage the flow of funds. Reports on employees will show the performance analysis of your employees for any period of time. Among other things, the newspaper software provides an economic analysis of the company and displays visual statistics. Publishing app also creates various kinds of necessary documents, such as invoice, acceptance certificates, receipts and so on. By registering an order for a particular printed products, the publishing apps will keep all data and parameters of the order, such as the year and issue number, page size and the total amount of products. A useful feature of the publishing company software is the storage of graphic images. The publishing software is capable of producing accounting and profitability analysis, advertising accounting and publishing control. Managers of the company will be able to present each edition in a separate project. The head of the organization will be able to compare projects. Statistics in edition will allow the head of the organization to keep track of all the financial resources of the organization. There is a possibility of planning as well.
The head of the organization will be able to plan the future activities of the enterprise, calculate the estimated income and expenses, as well as to analyze the efficiency of the enterprise. You can find the free demo version of the program for newspaper organization and management. It can be downloaded from our website, after you send us an email with your request.
Also, if you have any questions regarding the functionality of the program, its features or pricing, you can call us or just send us an e-mail. Our software for publishing accounting has more functionality! Automate your business with us!
Features of publishing software
The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.
- The publishing software contains a single database of customers.
- Register of orders of printed materials. Storing the required parameters of the order: a year and issue number, page number and page format.
- It is possible to keep images in the book publishing software.
- The software for magazine management generates the necessary documents: invoice, receipt, and the act of reconciliation etc.
- The newspaper software includes the registration of cash and non-cash payments.
- The magazine publishing software provides automatic tracking of the remaining debt.
- The newspaper publishing software includes the accounting of advertising, cost-benefit analysis and monitoring of publishing.
- The publishing apps include an economic analysis of the enterprise.
- The publishing app represents each edition as a project. You will be able to compare your projects.
- The software for newspaper management allows you to demonstrate the statistics in a publishing house for a certain period.
- The newspaper management system includes monitoring of all movements of funds in the context of financial articles, analysis of costs and revenues.
- The innovative system of analytical accounting in publishing agencies.
- The newspaper management software controls the work of managers and the result of their work.
- The software for newspaper organization and management includes business-planning and analysis of business performance.
- You can download a free demo-version of the publishing company software from this website.
- The software for publishing accounting allows you to fully automate the publishing cycle.
- The software for publishing control plans activities of the company, takes into account the volume of printed materials.
- The publishing software includes the analysis of the company's management decisions.
- The book publishing software includes quantitative accounting of accepted orders, financial accounting, as well as an accounting of labor costs.
- The software for magazine management calculates the amount of charge of piecework wages for managers, depending on their work.
- You can download a free demo-version of the newspaper software from our website.
- Detailed records of all contacts with clients: telephone calls, personal meetings.
- The magazine publishing software may include any financial statements.
- The newspaper publishing software may include a detailed audit of the actions of all users.
- Publishing apps have an access control to different modules.
- Publishing app have plenty of additional functionality.
Purchase the publishing software
If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.