Operating system: Windows
Category: Sport and Recreation
Program for sauna management
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The sauna program is a “Universal Accounting System” automation program that will allow the sauna to organize efficient accounting of costs and financial receipts, optimize internal activities, and establish regular interaction with visitors. Programs for saunas and baths are distinguished by a simple interface and easy navigation if they are a USU product, while similar offers from other developers can no longer guarantee their availability to users with any skill level and even in the absence of those.
The sauna software is interested in attracting workers from different work areas and management levels, as this will allow it to compose a complete description of the activities that the sauna and bathhouse are currently carrying out. The more different users give their testimony when performing work, the more nuances the program accepts for accounting when drawing up a description, which is a report on each type of activity in numbers and other indicators.
The sauna accounting program excludes the participation of employees in accounting procedures and calculations that always accompany accounting. The accounting procedure is determined in the program settings, where all assets and resources of the bath at its disposal are taken into account, staffing and working hours. To configure the work of the bath, the program has a block "References", it is filled only once and before the first working session, after which all accounting procedures in the bath will go automatically. For example, in this section, the sauna accounting program asks you to indicate the items of expenditure and sources of funding, according to which the distribution of costs and all financial receipts will take place, to list the inventory that will be rented or sold. According to this list, the program generates a nomenclature for keeping records of commodity items that a sauna and a bath acquire to improve the quality of services and make a profit.
Also, in this setting block, the sauna control program places all information about the organizational structure of the bath, employees, their rates for calculating payment for work performed, departments and branches that are part of its network, as well as price lists - there can be as many as you like, they will be used to calculate the cost of visits and their cost for the bath, the profit received from each visit. In the "References" block there is even a set of text templates for organizing advertising and informational mailings, which the sauna accounting program will automatically send to its customers to stimulate the growth of their activity to visit the bath. In addition to such a set, there is also a set of document templates, from which the program generates current and reporting documentation, including accounting and invoices. Thus, the "References" section sets the "tone", or order, for the functioning of the program as an electronic assistant for managing the sauna and bathhouse, financial resources.
In addition to the "Guides", the menu of programs for the sauna and bath contains two more information blocks - "Modules" and "Reports". In the "Modules" section, the sauna and the bathhouse register operational activities, noting the interaction with the customer by phone in different databases, his visit at the appointed hour, sending the newsletter to the recipient group selected in the unified database of counterparties, because the program monitors the sending of mailings according to the purpose and customer requests so as not to create rejection of this service. Sauna registration program - yes, this can also be called a bath automation program, since the execution of any operation requires its registration, for which users are offered various electronic forms, while they have the same format, and the same principle of information distribution, despite the different purpose ... This uniformity is referred to as unification and provides users with significant time savings in working with such forms. To fill them, you need to master a minimum of simple skills, the possession of which over time is brought to automatism.
Sauna and steam bath programs use many such seemingly inconspicuous methods to save employees\' working time - this is one of the main tasks of the program. For example, another effective tool is the color indication of current indicators, which will allow employees to visually monitor processes and compliance with the deadline for work, since the program itself controls all this, notifying staff about an undesirable situation, which may develop at some point, alarming in red to attract attention. In the order database, where programs for saunas and baths keep records of customers, time, payments, each line (visit) has its own color, which indicates the status of this visit - completed, in action, completed at the moment and not yet paid, completed long ago and there is a debt, otherwise. For example, an active visit is green and, as soon as the client has finished the procedures, a payment reminder will appear, if there is no prepayment condition, in addition, the client can receive additional services, inventory for hourly rent. The color change is automatic.
Programs for saunas and baths provide for the separation of rights to access service data in order to protect their confidentiality, taking into account the large number of users.
The separation of rights provides for the separation of responsibility for the quality and timing of assignments and the reliability of the readings placed in the software.
The division of rights provides for the assignment of individual logins, security passwords to them, which form each separate work area for posting information.
When the user fills out an electronic form, his login is automatically marked, which allows you to know exactly the performer of any operation, the author of inaccurate data.
All forms marked with the user\'s login are accumulated in his work area, closed from colleagues, but available to the management to check their content for compliance with the process.
There is an audit function for verification, it will draw up a report on changes in all forms that have taken place since the previous control procedure, and will reduce the management time for reconciliation.
Programs for saunas and baths provide for the formation of a nomenclature range for accounting of inventory and other products used in trade and economic activities.
Each commodity item has trade parameters for identification in the total mass, its movement is documented by waybills, from which a base of primary accounting documents is created.
Programs for saunas and baths imply inventory control in the current time mode - this is an automatic write-off of goods as they are sold and payment is received.
Programs for saunas and baths provide for the formation of a single database of counterparties in CRM format to monitor work with customers, suppliers, contractors.
The CRM format will allow you to attach to the "personal affairs" that each counterparty has, any document, including photographs, a contract, a personal price list, receipts for payment.
The formation of a receipt for payment, a sales receipt, an accounting report is independently carried out by the program, the documents meet the requirements and are always ready on time.
Interaction between staff is supported by internal communication in the form of a pop-up window - a message in the corner of the screen with an active transition by clicking on it to the topic of discussion.
Interaction with counterparties is supported by electronic communication in the form of e-mail and sms, it is actively used in advertising and information mailings - mass and selective.
Programs for a sauna and a bath do not require a monthly fee, their cost is the same for the basic configuration, the functionality can always be expanded for an additional payment.
Purchase the sauna management software
If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.