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The rating is 4.8 according to 17 companies
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Operating system: Windows
Category: Pharmacy management system

CRM for rental business

CRM for rental business

CRM for rental business

The rental business is constantly developing and is successful. That's because it's easier for people to rent something than to buy it, especially if the product is not needed so often.

Modern landlords use CRM for their rental business. This platform helps optimize interaction with the client base, simplifies the process of working with orders, finances, and facility management.

A rental business CRM developed by USU can be of great benefit to you. In this review we will talk about the main advantages of the program.

SRM for rental business

SRM for rental business from USU primarily automates your processes. This may concern order processing, payment settlements, invoicing, notification of rental expiration dates, contract extensions, and so on.

It is easy to register in SRM; each rental or rental object can be entered in detail into the program. There can be a variety of features included and even an image attached, it all depends on your preferences.

You can search the database by nomenclature, by name, and so on. For example, you can even search for data on rental objects or problem ones (in cases where there is a delay in return or payment).

SRM for rental business from USU is designed in a very convenient way, the user has all the functions at hand, he can see in front of him all the necessary data on days, terms, rental objects, and so on.

The program can work with highlighting information in color, for example, positions that are leased can be highlighted in blue, and rental violators can be highlighted in red. In the program you can define the necessary settings as desired

This is very convenient if the services are in demand and there is no end to those interested. Then, right during the call, the responsible employee can view the stated day and time and instantly place it on the reservation or offer other rental options.

Rental business program

The USU rental business program shows current data, problem areas, and does not allow overlaps in the rental schedule. If sales are possible, it is easy to launch this process through the software, and the operating principles are absolutely the same.

The system allows you to implement different types of notifications through instant messengers, mail, SMS, voice notifications, you can make automatic settings for sending them. You can also control user actions in the system to eliminate fraud in activities. For example, you can easily check whether there have been changes in dates or times in order to hide income.

Rental business software will help you analyze processes. For example, you will be able to determine the most profitable positions for your business, products with high demand, estimate costs and their feasibility. The manager can receive professional management reporting.

You can analyze the company’s performance and identify strengths and weaknesses. In the “money” report, you can view reports for any period of time and current cash balances and bank accounts. You can track expenses and income for any reporting period.

For any client, you can print a reconciliation report or provide the client with other types of documentation. The final report for rent or rental will calculate the amounts that will be earned. This can be done for each rental property.

You can work with tables, graphs, diagrams. If the company is still engaged in sales, then you can receive the same analysis on sales. In the “payback” report you can check which products paid for themselves at the box office, and you can also check the final profit.

The customer report will show who orders the most. You can create discounts or bonuses for them and launch a loyalty program for them through the software. Marketing analytics will show where customers most often learn about your company. If a certain type of advertising is purchased, its effectiveness can be determined.

Employee reports will show you the best employees in your ranks. You can generate reports for any period from a working day to a year. This review covers a minority of the program's capabilities. More information can be found on our website. Our clients can be companies from different countries. We guarantee you an individual approach, loyal prices and success from implementation.

Video of CRM program for rental business

CRM system capabilities for rental business

The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.

  • CRM for rental business from USU is capable of servicing basic processes in the field of rental and rental;
  • ou can manage any rental business through the system;
  • ategories for rental can be very different from bicycle rental to car rental;
  • ach rental category in the system is assigned a unique number;
  • ou can search the database by name, by clients and other categories;
  • t is very easy to work with orders in the program;
  • ou can highlight special categories in color for quick identification;
  • he program helps to control the armor and does not allow overlaps;
  • he program allows you to quickly register clients and find them very quickly;
  • ou can hand over goods by the hour or daily;
  • he system allows you to generate receipts automatically;
  • n the software you can record the type of deposit and its return;
  • t’s easy to manage your reservation in USU;
  • hrough the system you can track debtors;
  • ere you can find many other very useful functions for business.

Free download of CRM software for rental business

Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.

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Buy the program

If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.