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CRM for real estate rental

CRM for real estate rental

CRM for real estate rental

The rental process requires consideration on the part of the lessor. Many people underestimate accounting and then they themselves do not understand how they begin to incur losses. Thanks to careful accounting, you can keep expenses under control, record income, determine liabilities, and control debt.

Accounting makes it possible to sort everything out and bring transparency to operations. A modern tool for these purposes is CRM for real estate rental. Programs can be very different, with a standard set of functionality or with the ability to select functions.

The USU company has developed a CRM for renting real estate with different capabilities. It all depends on the scale of the activity; you can choose a simpler or more complex solution. Our software products are universal, they can be easily adjusted to the specifics of your activity.

CRM real estate rental

CRM real estate rental from USU – let’s look at the main features. First of all, when working in the program, you need to fill out the reference book. This applies to information on clients, real estate, expense items and others.

Regarding the real estate database, it can be noted that it can be created automatically by importing data from electronic media. If this is not possible, you can manually enter the information. A customer card can reflect basic information: contacts, initials, preferences. Very convenient: as you work, a history of interactions is created. You can save in the software: calls, correspondence, commercial offers. This allows you to use this information at the right time, for example, for marketing or during the consultation process, the manager will already understand who he is talking to, what preferences the opponent has and will be able to provide information very quickly.

The database of real estate objects can be maintained through CRM in as much detail as possible. You can create your own card for each object. You can attach information about the object to this card, for example: photos or legal documents.

Each property may have its own rental history. Available reports in the USU can show which real estate is particularly popular and which is not in demand at all.

Real estate rental CRM can be used to maintain accruals. It all depends on the format practiced in your business: rent by the hour, day, month. Based on this, the data will be generated. Calculations can be carried out automatically.

SRM for real estate rental accounting

A CRM for real estate rental accounting can even, with the appropriate settings, send a receipt by email or do this for all clients in bulk.

In the process of activity, a situation of delays may inevitably arise. To prevent this from happening, the program can be set to provide reminders in this area. In addition, in the software you can also calculate the amount of penalties based on your odds.

SRM for accounting for real estate leases can be used in almost any state; if you have branches, you can keep records of them, while generating general data for analysis.

The program helps to maintain contact with opponents and create mailing lists, taking into account modern standards. When integrated with telephony, you can carry out automatic mailings by voice and immediately identify your opponent when calling the office. This approach increases loyalty.

The USU can be used to manage finances: control debt, obligations to other persons, maintain a cash register and current account, warehouse, manage payroll, and so on.

We offer our clients not only to keep records, but also to immerse themselves in deep process analytics to understand the development of the company, its strengths and weaknesses. This is a great help for the modern leader.

We are ready to offer you much more and this review only covers the edge of the program's capabilities. To get a more complete understanding of how the software works, we invite you to contact us or submit a request through the website for a presentation.

You are given the opportunity to download a free trial version. USU - manage your rental property correctly.

Video of CRM program for rental real estate

CRM system capabilities for real estate rental

The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.

  • The USU company has developed a modern solution for servicing accounting in the field of rental real estate;
  • n the program you can create structural databases, in them you can define categories of objects and their main characteristics;
  • he system will help you calculate the rental price based on specified characteristics automatically;
  • eceipts can be sent out in bulk;
  • hrough USU you can organize an email newsletter;
  • he program allows you to maintain databases of clients;
  • istribution can be done through instant messengers;
  • he program can generate summary reports;
  • hrough the software you can process transactions on late payments;
  • he reminder system will help to automatically notify debtors;
  • he software allows you to generate various types of documentation: invoices, receipts, etc.;
  • he system can be used to conduct contracts;
  • hrough the software you can control the process of real estate occupancy;
  • f necessary, you can provide a registration process for your reservation;
  • eave a request for an individual presentation completely free of charge.

Free download of CRM software for real estate rentals

Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.

Have questions about the demo version?
Our technical support service will help you!
Write or call us. Contacts here.

Buy the program

If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.