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CRM for rental

CRM for rental

CRM for rental

Rental is a fairly profitable format for entrepreneurial activity: stable income, few investments, you can constantly expand the list of services, and it’s easy to manage processes. But no matter how easy the activity may seem, for it to flourish, it is necessary to keep records: register income, monitor expenses, then in the future you can plan activities.

A rental CRM can be a great tool for managing your activities. The USU company invites you to pay attention to a software solution developed specifically for this area.

CRM for rentals is a simple but highly functional software. The list of functions includes basic ones for processing processes and auxiliary ones for deep analytics.

CRM system for rental accounting

The CRM system for rental accounting from USU offers you the following options. To begin with, let’s define the fact that rental records can be kept in different categories: cars, tools, clothing, equipment and much more. Based on this, further work in the software is built.

In the program you can clearly track the occupancy of a particular item. To do this, the developers have introduced the ability to differentiate categories by color.

In order to select a particular category from the system, you need to use the search. This can be done by name, item number or barcode. Sometimes it is enough to enter the first characters of the name.

Let’s say a potential client calls the office and needs to rent a car. The manager will only have to look at the schedule, and he will immediately determine availability, free hours and other information. It’s very convenient that everything is in one place, certain events are highlighted in color, and you can give an answer to the client almost immediately.

A CRM system for rental accounting can significantly speed up processes and increase customer loyalty, because they won’t have to wait long for a response.

SRM rental

CRM rental is focused primarily on interaction with clients. The name itself speaks about this. In CRM rental from USU you will be able to build these relationships with clients.

In the system, you can create a card for each client and enter personal data into it. When interacting, in some cases an agreement is created and registered, in other cases the company takes a deposit or an advance payment. All these nuances can be indicated and taken into account in the future.

The USU has functions for working with debtors or unreliable clients. Such subjects can be identified in the program with an exclamation mark. This will protect the company from unprofitable relationships. In fact, in the program you can conduct and save all transactions related to a particular client.

CRM rental

Rental CRM can be useful for recording company expenses, for example, it may be needed to track the costs of maintaining rental facilities. Let’s say you rent out cars, but you need to constantly maintain their presentation, spend money on consumables, dry cleaning, car wash, and so on.

Accounting for asset maintenance will show your costs and help you understand whether your activities are paying off. CRM rental is equipped with different types of reports, they can be by assets, financial activities, and also summary.

Also, thanks to the reports, you can identify the most successful managers, and you can determine the individual contribution of each to the company’s profit. We can offer you additional options. For example, they may be related to communications.

On request, you can connect integration with PBX and instant messengers. This will help you get additional benefits in your activities. For example, you can launch a newsletter by voice or through the desired communication format. For the convenience of our clients, we have introduced interactive instructions into the program; they can be used directly during the work process.

USU can be used on a cloud basis, over a local network or on a separate computer, it all depends on your needs. We will be happy to provide more detailed advice in a personal conversation. The universal accounting system is a reliable rental program at an affordable price.

Video of CRM software for rental

CRM system capabilities for rental

The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.

  • A universal accounting system can act as a CRM for managing rental processes;
  • he software can be used in accounting for any type of rental;
  • ou can create an individual card for each rental facility;
  • RM is very easy to set up for accounting in any company;
  • he software allows you to control the booking process;
  • he system makes it easy to manage finances, you can verify this yourself;
  • he system allows you to define a deposit or prepayment;
  • he software helps to work effectively with toxic clients and think through the format of working with them in advance, for example, this may concern the full repayment of rental costs in advance;
  • e create conditions for long-term relationships with consumers of services, for this you can save the history of cooperation;
  • he software can record expenses;
  • ith USU you can receive documentary evidence of all transactions in the program;
  • he system allows you to effectively manage collateral, prepayment, cash and other financial elements;
  • hrough the software you can connect a service to assess the quality of services provided;
  • hen involving partners in rental or rental work, you can register processes in this direction;
  • SU is a great opportunity for high-quality business management.

Free download CRM software for rental

Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.

Have questions about the demo version?
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Write or call us. Contacts here.

Buy the program

If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.