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Operating system: Windows
Category: Pharmacy management system

Automation of a pawnshop

Automation of a pawnshop

Automation of a pawnshop

Automation of a pawnshop is a necessary tool for high-quality management of the company's affairs, controlling and analyzing financial activities. For high-quality daily accounting of collateral and analytics of property value, a specialized program is provided, suitable for the functionality of managing intra-organizational processes. The application today plays the role of a high-quality assistant with individually selected modules and tools for the implementation of work tasks. The latest program from the company "Universal Accounting System" will help you establish work processes, providing for the display of information in digital documents, automating work activities. The program is automated and multifunctional, while it has a fairly high price taking into account the free subscription fee. The application is purchased for each working device separately.

Each user, when purchasing and setting up the software, is obliged to register to enter personal data and display subsequent daily work activities. The application opens the possibility of quickly implementing specified algorithms. When opening from a shortcut on the desktop, the control panel is individually configured by users, with a choice of screensaver theme designs from a wide range. In a single program, it is possible to carry out accounting and management over several departments, displaying analytical indicators of financial activity for any period of time, using graphs and diagrams. The application does not provide the ability to display information on all loans, automatically calculating the final amount taking into account the interest rate. The application is considered both for small organizations and for large ones, taking into account the use of cars or real estate as collateral.

Automation for pawnshop

Automation for a pawnshop using the Universal Accounting System software allows you to optimize your workforce. In the system, all information documentation will be carried out in digital form, generating documents and reports, acceptance certificates, invoices, if there are digital templates. Filling is performed automatically, using the movement of data from any media, supporting the operation of any file formats. The application provides constant automatic control over intra-organizational processes, when installing video surveillance, in each department reflecting the actions of employees and clients. It also provides the ability to identify the identity of each visitor to the pawnshop, recording information about the time of visit in the database. The application has a large RAM for storing information data in full, protecting against leakage by delimiting user capabilities and based on the level of user rights to provide users with materials. Data output from a single information space is performed using an electronic search engine, finding materials on request for clients, collateral, property value, interest, acts, contracts, etc.

Automation in a pawn shop

Automation in a pawnshop with an electronic assistant provides the ability to unite all structural divisions, unified implementation of work processes by a manager, cashier, accountant, appraiser. All users of the company will be able to interact via a local network, transferring materials to improve and speed up work processes. An application with a built-in electronic calculator with specified algorithms allows you to automate the process of calculating the amount of collateral, assessing the collateral, providing for subsequent payment acceptances, determining the percentage of the total cost. The application allows you to analyze data on the payment system, assuming daily or monthly calculations taking into account the automation of the accrual of penalties for penalties.

Also, to provide information to clients, it is envisaged to send messages using sending to mobile operators, or to e-mail personal forms of letters with attached scans of documents, pictures with congratulations, etc. Thus, clients will be notified of the debt, the amount of the payment taking into account the penalty, etc. With existing information about the loan and collateral, there is no need to re-enter the information. When applying for a new loan, you must select a client from the CRM client base. If such a client is not in the database, then we create a new questionnaire based on the sample, taking into account the entry of contact information, decision history, collateral, interest rate. Mandatory fields for registration are filled in both manually and automatically.

Pawnshop management

Pawnshop management is performed automatically, providing for the reflection of static and analytical reports on financial activities. Pawnshop management is carried out on the basis of the unification of all structural divisions, with constant access to up-to-date information for the prompt registration of collateral, account statements and accompanying documents, preparation of a certain amount of money for issuing and receiving payments. Business management software allows you to optimize labor resources during automation and linking the loan amount to a certain currency. The contracts will indicate the currency for subsequent payments, pre-coordinating the data with clients. Thus, it is possible to take into account the exchange rate of a particular currency, taking into account the conversion at the time of the transaction. Thus, even if the exchange rate changes, the business will always remain in profit. The electronic calculator will automatically perform the calculation process, displaying information in reports, contracts, invoices taking into account the interest rate and the accrual of penalties. Payments on collateral are provided both daily and monthly. Discounts are provided for regular customers.

Pawnshop automation software

The pawnshop automation program is designed with wide-format control and built-in modern functional capabilities. When incoming calls from subscribers, the system will automatically read the contact phone number, providing pawnshop employees with detailed information for subsequent optimization of working hours during consultations. The possibility of sending messages is also provided. All daily work will be noted in the module. Accounting documentation for collateral, clients and loans will be recorded in the module. When entering the "Loan" module, information will be displayed with an operational search for a contract by manager, department, client, date of registration of collateral, etc.

The ability to display all loan agreements (current and completed) is visible, automatically calculating the amount of profit for a certain period of time. Materials on collateral will be recorded in a separate database, attaching related documents, images, including valuation information. For the convenience of users, the system allows you to change the color scheme of certain information on clients, collateral and property value. The software allows you to simultaneously perform accounting when interacting with 1C accounting. Financial reporting will always be at hand for the pawnshop manager. For each loan, it is possible to mark expenses; if the collateral is not redeemed, it will be automatically realized. It is possible to display all expenses associated with pre-sale preparation. Analytical financial reporting provided to the manager allows you to rationally weigh and make decisions for the further operation of the business.

CRM for automation of pawnshops

Universal CRM system for automation of pawnshops provides correct data on clients, collateral property values. In a single information system, it is possible to carry out accounting and control financial turnover for any period of time, seeing daily the amounts of money in each cash desk and in the current account. In terms of cost items, it is possible to analyze the amount of expenses and income. Analytics is provided, both in quantitative and monetary terms. To improve control and management over the activities of personnel, software is used based on the principle of the CRM system (applications for accounting of clients and relationships). More detailed advice can be obtained from the company's specialists, as well as with independent analysis, visiting our official website. With the help of software, it is possible to establish daily control and management, and so that you can perfectly master the skills and ability to independently evaluate the functionality provided by the developers, it is worth downloading the test version, which is completely free.

Video programs for automation of pawnshop

Possibilities of a CRM system for pawnshop automation

The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.

  • Intuitively adaptable management control system is suitable for any type of activity, regardless of the business sector;
  • he program is a full-fledged tool capable of interacting with various applications, websites, metering devices, etc.;
  • njoyable work in a beautiful and multifunctional interface with flexible configuration options;
  • he universal program provides for work with a website, which will display correct information on pawnshop services, loan interest rates, payments, giving clients the opportunity to independently study the conditions and submit an application;
  • p-to-date information on all borrowers will be recorded in the CRM database with regularly checked information on working contact numbers and email addresses, loan repayment status, credit history analysis, property and interest, penalties (accrued during the delay), etc.;
  • he application makes it easy to receive information on various work moments, changes in schedules, notifying users with pop-up messages on the monitor screen;
  • n the program, each user will be provided with an account to log in and perform daily tasks;
  • ll information will be stored in full in a centralized storage facility, with unified access by all users at the level of differentiated user rights;
  • he application provides for the convenience of remote control by connecting video cameras;
  • ccounting of work activity is performed automatically, calculating the total time worked, the completed plan volume, issued loans, etc.;
  • he information is available to users using an electronic search engine, abbreviating ;
  • he generation of documents and reports is carried out using electronic templates, optimizing working time when creating and filling in data, importing and exporting from different sources;
  • t is possible to communicate with clients using voice or text messaging, in bulk or selective form via SMS, Viber, WhatsApp, Email;
  • nalysis of the activities of the pawnshop business is carried out in the accounting reporting documentation, providing the manager with detailed information for any period of time in statistical or analytical reports;
  • nified access and transfer of materials between users is carried out in multi-channel mode over a local network.

Free download of the program for automation of a pawnshop

Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.

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