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CRM for fitness center

CRM for fitness center

CRM for fitness center

CRM software for a fitness center allows you to work automatically, with instant execution of assigned tasks. Today, CRM systems allow users to optimize work resources through comprehensive automation. Through the program, it is possible to improve work processes with an increase in the quality of work and an increase in sales of goods and services, analyzing user demand and market applications. Programs at the current time are not just electronic assistants that allow you to solve various problems, this is a full range of functional capabilities adapted to a specific organization. To select the appropriate automated software, you should first analyze the market, select the functionality of the program that will become an indispensable assistant for many years. Also, the application should match your budget. A modern functional solution allows you not only to work with information data, displaying information in documents in spreadsheets, but also to provide users with full control, accounting, analytics and management. Market monitoring takes a lot of time, effort and nerves. We will be glad to help you choose software, presenting to your attention the program "Universal Accounting System".

CRM system for fitness center

Automated CRM system for fitness center jт company "Universal Accounting System" is suitable for any type of business in terms of its functional composition, regardless of the field of activity and budget funds allocated for development. Affordable pricing policy with no monthly subscription fee will reduce the company's expenses several times. The software has flexible configuration parameters, with installation on each working device, synchronized with other computers and smartphones via a local network. All users will be able to log in at the same time, without waiting for their turn, which reduces the loss of time. One-time use of the accounting system does not provide for failures and reboots. The software provides for installation with personal registration of each user, with the introduction of current work data for subsequent accounting and control of working time. The program has configuration parameters with an individual selection of themes for the desktop screensaver, tools. You can use theme templates from a wide range of themes, change the screensaver depending on your mood, etc. It is also possible to customize the language bar so that users can easily interact with foreign clients and suppliers.

CRM for fitness trainers

The CRM system for fitness trainers provides the ability to create work schedules, comparing the occupancy of groups, available rooms and time. The software provides the ability to maintain a CRM database with general contact information of clients, history of attendance of classes, reviews and suggestions, club cards and payments. By means of the software, it is possible to analyze the attendance of clients of fitness club classes, with comparison of subscription schedules. It is possible to record attendance by means of automatic accounting, using scanning devices. Fitness trainers will be able to interact with clients by means of calls and SMS, WhatsApp messages. Automatic sending of messages is carried out to the contact numbers available in the CRM database. When sending messages, it is possible to provide the necessary information to clients, for example, about changing the time or cancellation of classes, bonus reward, the need to reproduce payments, etc. The fitness trainer does not need to independently keep records on paper media, using an automated system for keeping records of client attendance and reflecting the achievement of desired goals for physical condition. When working with the software, it is possible to use electronic bracelets and cards, automatically writing off the lessons used, reflecting in the system information on the number of remaining ones and the validity period.

CRM for a trainer

The CRM program for a trainer is easy to use, without the need for preliminary preparation and training, which prevents loss of time. The software allows you to display information on the work of trainers, recording the total number of hours worked, with the calculation of wages, based on general calculated indicators. In the system, all fitness center trainers will see work schedules, receiving notifications in the form of pop-up messages on the monitor screen about changes. Within the network, all users registered in the system will be able to exchange information messages, reducing the loss of time during work in general. The software allows you to analyze data on customer attendance, identifying the reason for leaving. It is also possible to use the system to send messages with a reminder to wait for classes, in the event of a long break.

CRM for a fitness trainer

An automated CRM system for a fitness trainer allows you to automate the process of developing personal training for each client in an individual form, taking into account the goals and characteristics of each. It is important for a fitness instructor to keep records with practical results of achieving the desired goals, the progress of clients. A fitness trainer needs to keep records of the achieved goals of classes, to achieve results in the shortest possible time. It is also necessary to control the technique of exercises with the exclusion of errors and subsequent injuries. Based on information on attendance records and completed classes according to a specific program, a fitness trainer can easily make plans for further action and create a nutrition plan. The system can also build nutrition, if necessary, training programs to obtain the best result. So that the fitness trainer is not distracted by current tasks with the constant improvement of professional skills and increasing customer loyalty, an integral part of the daily work is an automated system. If necessary, the system can make calculations using certain algorithms specified in the electronic calculator. The software will 100% cope with the goals and tasks of users, using modern functionality.

CRM for fitness

The CRM system for fitness allows you to remind customers about the need to make payments, with a choice of subscriptions. Due to this function, it is possible to simplify the process of making payments, increasing the number of customer retentions. The program, when interacting with the banking system, allows you to automate the process of non-cash payments, accepting any world currencies with instant conversion at the national bank rate. Information on the financial activities of the fitness center will be displayed in accounting, when the system interacts with 1C accounting. Due to data synchronization, there is no need to re-enter information and make settlement transactions. It is possible to combine all fitness halls into a single network for convenient remote control and display of sales of services and goods and customer attendance. By analyzing attendance data, occupancy of halls, it is possible to expand or reduce the business, optimizing the company's expenses. The head of the fitness centers will remotely supervise all affairs, receiving information through statistical and analytical reports. It is also possible to analyze the increase or decrease in the company's turnover, comparing the general indicators for any period of time.

CRM fitness

The automated CRM fitness program is a completely different level of business processes. The CRM system serves as an increase in the service level with an increase in throughput. The software allows you to reduce the involvement of employees, simplifying daily processes. Thus, with the help of an automated program, it is possible to make online appointments with clients, with the ability to independently choose the appropriate time, instructors and location of fitness centers. The management and control system allows you to record the arrival and departure of the club, using cards, QR codes, which greatly simplifies the work of training administrators who do not need to independently enter information on each client. Also, the system will not allow multiple clients to re-enter the halls with one card. Integration with social networks is provided to attract new clients. The information generated in the program can be used to create targeted advertising offers and mailings. This approach allows you to expand your customer base. By means of software, it is possible to analyze the actions of funds invested in advertising. The software is automated and allows you to control all processes, including personal data of clients. Thus, when celebrating birthdays or various events, the system will automatically send greeting cards to customers, which also increases loyalty.

The universal fitness CRM system allows you to save an unlimited amount of information in the cloud storage, with a single access for all users. It is also worth noting that when working in the system, the delimitation of user capabilities is visible. If you need to get any information, you can use the contextual search engine, providing information to the user in a matter of minutes, according to his user capabilities. The program makes it easy to generate the necessary report, make a spreadsheet, issue an invoice, using electronic templates that are filled not only manually, but also by automatically transferring information from any sources. The software also provides the ability to use the modern PBX telephony function to provide up-to-date information to clients when contacting, while saving time due to the prompt reading of the contact number and displaying full information on the monitor screen. Thus, clients can be consulted on all classes, schedules, instructors, cost, etc.

CRM system for fitness

The universal CRM system for fitness provides for the presentation of not only programs for clients, but also additional products available for sale. Thus, clients can, when contacting the fitness center employees or independently online, purchase equipment for training or nutrition. Information on goods will be displayed in the price list, with up-to-date information on availability, cost, quantity, expiration dates, etc. The software allows for fast and high-quality inventory without the help of company employees. The software is capable of interacting with high-tech warehouse equipment, which allows you to instantly read a barcode and display information in the system. In addition to quantitative data, the system will also record expiration dates, which will be constantly monitored to avoid expired goods and, as a result, losses. All product names will be highlighted in certain colors for quick analysis of ending positions, liquid and illiquid goods. Illiquid product names will be sold through various promotions and discounts. Liquid items will be purchased in a timely manner, avoiding downtime in work.

An automated CRM system for fitness helps to control all work processes inside each of the fitness center premises. The installation of surveillance cameras is an ideal option for remote control, receiving video recordings in real time. Thus, the business manager will remotely see the actions of employees and clients of fitness centers. It is also possible to use the personal identification function, reading the external parameters of each at the entrance to the center. The purchase and installation of a CRM system can lead to the establishment of management, accounting and control. With the help of software, you can quickly build competitiveness, raise the bar and income of the company. Setup will be easy, with the introduction of the necessary data on programs, instructors, clients. You will be able to easily carry out accounting and warehouse accounting, generate work schedules, analyzing the occupancy of the halls, send messages and generate documentation with prompt acceptance of payments. There are a lot of opportunities, do not miss your chance to develop your business and start working with an automated system today.

The CRM fitness program from the Universal Accounting System company is multifunctional and automated. To get to know the functionality better, you can watch a short video review on the official website. The company's specialists will also help you, they will be happy to answer your questions, help you install and select the necessary modules for subsequent work. The software, with a one-time payment, provides a bonus two hours of technical support. Also, to get your own assessment of the quality of the software's functionality, it is possible to install a free trial version. The trial version is a full display of licensed programs, only with a short term of use. The accumulated information will be available for subsequent work in the system, stored in the cloud storage.

Video CRM for fitness center

CRM system capabilities for a fitness center

The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.

  • An automated CRM system allows for high-quality control, management and accounting of customer visits;
  • onitor the work of trainers and administrators, client attendance, remotely using CCTV cameras, monitoring everything that happens in real time;
  • he calculation of wages for instructors and administration is carried out using actual calculated indicators of time worked, in accordance with the work schedule;
  • ll calculations will be carried out by an electronic calculator to obtain quality indicators, using the introduced algorithms for calculation;
  • he software provides for integration with high-tech equipment to carry out inventory control over inventory and additional goods for sale, eliminating incorrect calculations and data falsification;
  • nformation is obtained through an electronic search engine that optimizes the working time of users;
  • he information will be stored in cloud storage, in unlimited volume and unchanged, for a long period of time, without compressing files and supporting various formats;
  • orking with documentation and spreadsheets is easy and accessible in automatic mode, using electronic templates;
  • illing documents and reports, spreadsheets and journals with materials is done not only manually, but also automatically, moving information data from any media;
  • ll information on goods and services will be recorded in the price list, with the name, description, codes, quantity balances, cost, image;
  • hotos of products or customers can be obtained directly from a webcam;
  • nformation on clients will be entered and promptly adjusted during interaction and provision of goods and services in the CRM database, supplementing contact information with sales history (subscriptions, inventory, food), mutual settlements, reviews, etc.;
  • he program allows you to create work schedules, individual and group fitness programs;
  • he program allows for automatic sending of messages to clients to provide information on fitness club classes, as well as sending birthday and holiday greeting cards, to receive an assessment of the quality of service, etc.;
  • he automated system, when integrated with 1C accounting, allows for accounting, document flow, displaying all financial activities of the company;
  • o keep track of the attendance of clients of fitness centers, it is possible to use electronic bracelets, cards and QR codes.

Free download CRM for fitness center

Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.

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