Operating system: Windows
Category: Pharmacy management system
Program for passenger transportation

Program for passenger transportation
The program for passenger transportation allows you to organize and control the processes of transport companies. The platform concentrates valuable information on business processes, allows you to easily manage and transform it. Using such a program, company employees stop focusing on routine processes and can perform more actions in a limited period of time.
We suggest you use the program for passenger transportation developed by the USU company, it is equipped with modern functionality and has advanced capabilities for managing activities.
CRM for passenger transportation
In the USU system, you can work with different categories for accounting: drivers, transport, flights, routes, finances, etc. Let's consider the main features. CRM for passenger transportation from USU allows you to smoothly manage flights. For example, you can plan routes and schedules directly in the software.
The process of assigning vehicles and drivers to routes can be carried out using a dispatcher or automatically, depending on your needs. You will be able to Account for different types of routes: city, intercity, international.
Accounting of passenger transportation
Accounting of passenger transportation may include booking and ticket sales. If you only need these functions, we can offer you a separate, highly specialized program.
We can provide you with the online ticket booking process via the website when integrated with your website. You can also provide financial management via USU. You can be provided with support for several payment methods. You can even create electronic tickets in the USU program.
CRM system for passenger transportation
The CRM system for passenger transportation will help to work with data on passenger traffic. The system will reflect data on flights, time intervals and other criteria. These statistics will allow to identify peak hours of the fleet, demand for certain types of services and other performance indicators.
Passenger transportation management
Passenger transportation management includes working with a vehicle fleet. The system can be used to keep records of vehicles. The following data can be reflected in the transport databases: brands, models, mileage, maintenance, etc. It is possible to plan maintenance work, replacement of auto parts, oil, tires, etc. The system can be configured to automatically remind you of the need for maintenance or checks.
The software from USU is designed to account for drivers and personnel. The system can maintain data on subjects and store information about them. Driver cards can contain all the necessary information with the attachment of permits. The program can be configured to automatically calculate wages based on hours worked and trips completed.
Control of passenger transportation
Control of passenger transportation is inextricably linked with reports and analytics. You will be able to maintain detailed reports on income, expenses, company performance and, therefore, control key performance indicators.
You will also be able to analyze vehicle usage and route loading. This will help you understand whether a particular type of transport is being used profitably, whether you still need to hire new drivers, or whether it is time to update your fleet.
USU has the ability to integrate with other third-party solutions: accounting, ERP, CRM and others. But if you choose a comprehensive solution, we can provide you with the functions of these systems.
Automation of passenger transportation
Automation of passenger transportation is an important process that brings clear benefits to the transport company. Thanks to this, transportation is optimized, the processing time of operations is accelerated, operations become transparent and understandable for the participants of the processes, and administrative work does not require the involvement of a large number of employees.
These are just some of the advantages, there are many more that have not been mentioned. We invite you to a full presentation at a time convenient for you. With USU, you will be able to conduct your activities in an organized and correct manner.
Possibilities of CRM system for passenger transportation
The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.
- By purchasing a program from USU, you are purchasing a professional solution;
- ou will be able to keep records of drivers, warehouses, auto parts, transport, work performed, routes;
- he software allows you to easily and effectively organize the work of your transport company;
- here can be any number of accounts in the system;
- ou will be able to determine the drivers’ workload and plan future work;
- he program allows you to maintain full registration of drivers;
- ny number of documents can be attached to the driver card;
- n the USU it is possible to keep records of working hours;
- hrough the USU, you can keep track of your vehicle fleet, with full detail;
- he program can be used to select a car for a trip;
- he system allows you to plan work for each driver;
- he Completed report will help you determine what work has been completed;
- he software can be used to keep records of spare parts and other goods for any number of items;
- n the program you can create any number of warehouses and conduct operations on them;
- ith USU you can easily and effectively manage passenger transportation.
Free download program for passenger transportation
Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.
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Buy the program
If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.
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