Operating system: Windows
Category: Pharmacy management system
CRM for service stations

CRM for service stations
CRM for service stations is software for managing the main processes of an enterprise. In modern conditions, the use of such a solution is fully justified. Thanks to such a program, you can get rid of paperwork, increase the speed of accounting processes several times and increase customer loyalty.
We offer you the capabilities of the software for service stations, developed by the company USU. This solution is able to optimize basic operations and increase the productivity of your employees and customer satisfaction with service.
CRM STO from USU will help you manage your clients and database. In the convenient registers of USU, you can store information about clients, their vehicles and service history. When making an appointment, you can organize a preliminary mailing to clarify the visit. An automatic reminder can even be implemented by a voice call, where USU will call the client, deliver the information and record the answer.
CRM system for service stations
The CRM system for service stations from USU will help you work with service records in an optimized way. When integrated with your service website, you can provide online recording with the ability to select time and services. You can also provide a classic format of records with the participation of a consultant.
In case of heavy loads, it is possible to introduce automatic distribution of resources of masters, equipment, boxes depending on the workload.
STO CRM from USU will help you manage orders and repairs. In the system, you can create and manage work orders. If the repair is divided into stages, you can track the repair status. Through CRM, you can distribute tasks, set time frames, certain quality criteria and monitor their implementation.
Programs that are customized for specific processes. In it, you can save work histories for each car, for the use of specific parts and materials.
A CRM system for a service station can provide you with the ability to manage a warehouse if you have one. Usually, large car services have their own material base for expenses, materials and auto parts.
You will have control over the stock of auto parts, all accounting of spare parts will be transparent, you will be able to timely monitor the availability and delivery times. If you have an online store, you can ensure automation of the order of the necessary parts.
STO CRM will help you cope with financial transactions. For example, you will be able to conduct settlements with clients in cash or by bank transfer (a mixed format is also available), work with invoices, delivery notes and certificates of work performed. When working with legal entities, you will be able to provide them with all the necessary documents.
When working with debtors, you can control debts. When making payments to third-party organizations, you can control payments and plan expenses for future periods.
Download CRM for service stations
Among other things, you can use the CRM to create reports on profit, employee efficiency, and service popularity. This way, you can evaluate your business from different angles, see its strengths and weaknesses. You will be able to conduct a professional assessment of your business's financial condition and plan further development. You can download the CRM for service stations in a trial version right now from the CRM website.
STO SRM from USU will help you with customer feedback. For example, you can launch a service for assessing the quality of services provided. Through the platform, you can collect customer feedback and analyze their satisfaction with the services provided.
The program allows you to set up marketing mailings and loyalty programs to attract new and old customers. The mailing can be done in different ways. You can choose the most convenient for your customers.
Buy CRM for service stations
You can buy CRM for service stations from USU at an affordable price. We can provide you with versions with basic and exclusive features. We invite you to send a request for a personal presentation right now. Universal accounting system – modern automation capabilities at affordable prices.
Possibilities of a CRM system for service stations
The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.
- Through the USU, you can work with an auto parts store or a service station;
- he software allows you to make appointments;
- he program can be used to create maintenance schedules;
- he system allows you to work with any number of clients, and you can keep detailed records of service data;
- he software can be used to generate different types of documents;
- lients in the system can be assigned categories;
- hen providing services, settlements will be made automatically;
- efore providing services, to clarify the visit to the service station, you can make an automatic voice call to clients;
- hrough the software you can easily organize mailing using 4 main methods;
- he cost of work can be calculated in standard hours;
- he system can perform process calculations;
- he software makes it easy to keep track of warehouse inventory and monitor the distribution of consumables and auto parts;
- ayment can be accepted in a mixed manner, either in cash or by bank transfer;
- ou will be able to provide your clients with a complete package of documentation;
- he software can generate internal documentation, and you can also get other features.
Free download CRM program for service stations
Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.
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Buy the program
If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.