Operating system: Windows
Category: Pharmacy management system
Rental and rental accounting

Rental and rental accounting
Accounting for rent and rental at the current time is carried out not manually, but automatically. It is difficult to carry out accounting, control, management and analysis of business activities on your own. In the field of renting and rental of goods it is irrational, therefore today we are looking at the involvement of various automated programs. By working the old fashioned way, you not only waste time by missing out on potential clients, but you also miss the opportunity to expand your business with increased income. Rental and rental accounting programs help automate daily processes by maintaining complete information on clients, real estate objects and goods, automatically making calculations for payment, taking into account the discount provided for regular customers. The “Universal Accounting System” software helps to quickly process reservations and rent or lease certain items of goods, subdividing them according to a certain classification. The program has an affordable pricing policy, with advanced functionality suitable for any field of activity of the organization. The program is easy to navigate, quickly setting up configuration parameters.
Rental and rental accounting program
The rental and rental accounting program provides for the differentiation of user capabilities, providing users with certain information included in the range of job responsibilities. Each employee of the organization will be personally registered in the rental and rental accounting program, using an account to log in and perform assigned tasks. A secure login and password ensure the confidentiality of stored information data. All information on products will be stored in a single information space, with quick access and search using a contextual search engine. The possibility of interchange of information data via the internal network is provided, and a multi-user mode of operation in the application is also available. It is possible to track employee working hours, displaying complete information on the status of work performed, time worked, quality of customer service, etc. Assessment of the quality of work and provision of service to customers is carried out on the basis of SMS messages sent in order to receive feedback with reviews and ratings on a ten-point scale. Thus, it is possible to timely identify the level of qualifications of employees and change the approach to increase customer loyalty.
Rental and rental accounting software
The program for accounting for the rental and rental of goods provides for maintaining a separate nomenclature with convenient use, as well as classification of information, highlighting cells in different colors for improved visualization of users. The rental and rental accounting program can be easily mastered even by an inexperienced software user. One client can simultaneously book several items of goods for the same date with automatic payment calculation. The application allows you to use different price lists for regular customers, providing a certain discount percentage. It is also possible to use bonus accruals and discount cards. The program makes it easy to send SMS messages, informing customers about attractive offers, discounts and bonuses. Controlling the work of the organization is easy and convenient, with a single database, synchronization with the 1C system.
CRM system for rent and rental
The universal CRM system for rent and rental has flexible configuration options. The language panel provides the ability to simultaneously work with several languages, which is quite convenient when examining foreign clients. The automated CRM system for rental and rental is easy to use on different work devices. All employees will be able to easily transmit the necessary work information on clients and products online. It is possible to automatically record the working hours of employees, paying fixed wages and bonuses from the automatic calculation of work performed. Considering the uniqueness of the software and its versatility, interaction with diverse devices and applications, all work will be accelerated and improved. Charts and graphs will record profitable products, demand by seasonality and price range. Comparative analysis will help build marketing plans to increase turnover.
SRM for rental and rental accounting
SRM for accounting for rent and rental is an integral part of running such a complex type of business. An automated CRM system with accounting for rent and rental can be easily adjusted for integration with cash register and warehouse equipment. Thus, acceptance, reconciliation,. They will be carried out much faster and with better quality. It is planned to issue documents, checks and invoices using electronic forms, templates and samples of completion. Payments are accepted in cash and non-cash form, promptly reflecting the company's income. To get advice from highly qualified specialists, as well as to be able to independently evaluate the unlimited functionality of the software, you should visit our official website. By downloading the free trial version, you will be able to fully evaluate the potential of the universal software in practice.
CRM system capabilities for rent and rental accounting
The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.
- The software has a beautiful interface and user-friendly menu;
- ulti-user mode allows all users to work together, with the exchange of information;
- he nomenclature will record information on each product name, availability, cost, storage location, liquidity;
- or visual perception in the nomenclature, you can attach a picture to each product;
- egular updating of information with storage in a centralized storage;
- nteraction of the application with various high-tech devices (cash register and warehouse equipment);
- uickly search for data when entering a query into the contextual search engine window;
- istribution of rights of use between employees;
- emote monitoring of staff work activities, taking into account working hours;
- nalysis of qualifications and comparison of customer service levels by obtaining feedback and customer assessment;
- ayment can be accepted in cash or non-cash form;
- customer database will be formed with regular additions of information taking into account requests, orders for rent or rental;
- utomatic cost calculation using the price list and quantities, dates of certain items of goods;
- ccounting;
- xtracting documents and reports is done quickly in electronic form, using built-in templates with filling samples.
Free download of the rental and rental accounting software
Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.
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Buy the program
If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.