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Operating system: Windows
Category: Pharmacy management system

Registration at the medical center

Registration at the medical center

Registration at the medical center

Accounting in a medical center allows you to receive up-to-date information on various components of the activity. It also clarifies the picture of the profitability of the processes. Without correct accounting, the indicators will not be accurate, but approximate, but such a result does not suit anyone. Therefore, it is not surprising that almost every company has an accountant who accurately maintains all indicators.

But accounting is not limited to recording financial indicators. For a medical center, it is something more. Let's take a closer look.

Registration in a private medical center

Accounting in a private medical center is necessarily carried out in the context of work with patients. We suggest you use the USU program for high-quality accounting. It will allow you to accurately and effectively work with various components of the activity. The system can serve both narrow areas of activity and a comprehensive approach to the management of the institution.

So, the registration of patients in the UCU is carried out in electronic cards. These convenient registers contain all the necessary information on the patient's health condition and all the procedures used for treatment. In fact, the doctor collects a history for each patient. These cards are available at any time, they are easy to use, and information can be printed.

The printed form of information will certainly be appreciated by clients, because the doctor's handwriting is always very difficult to read. Also, to help the doctor, we have placed ready-made standards of treatment protocols in the program.

Medical center accounting

Medical center accounting is also related to registration for an appointment. We offer convenient mechanisms for creating schedules for specialists and making appointments. At the same time, you can take into account restrictions and desired benefits. For example, a doctor may conduct an appointment at certain hours or days of the week, perhaps equipment will be used or a special room will be needed. All these nuances can be taken into account when creating schedules.

Accounting in medical centers

Accounting in medical centers is related to maintaining the registration of services provided. In this case, it is very important to take into account the quantity and cost. In the USU, you will be able to reflect all this data. This also applies to documents, they will be generated in accordance with the accepted forms. You can use your own ready-made templates.

In the program, you can work with different types of reports in different categories. This will help identify trends and assess prospects.

Accounting in a medical center

Accounting in a medical center can also be done through the system, you will be able to manage warehouse balances, cash, current account, wages, fixed assets. When registering expenses and income, you can determine the directions by accounting accounts and identify the most profitable areas of activity. Regarding expenses, you can identify the most expensive areas.

Through the USU, you can conduct accounting activities for medicines. This way, you can correctly purchase the required quantity based on your needs. You can also monitor the expiration date of items and determine notifications about their expiration. The program can take into account receipts, expenses, write-offs and other typical operations.

Accounting for a medical center

Accounting for a medical center is related to the activities of employees. Through the UCS, you can control the amount of time worked, calculate wages. When integrated with equipment for entering the premises, you can ensure automatic control of visits to the workplace.

The program can accumulate information, create an archive and statistics of processes. Any information can be available in a short time. When integrated with communication services, it is possible to provide information support to clients. This can be done through different channels, for example: mobile operators, email, messenger.

Each user in the system will be assigned an account and statistics of actions will be saved. This allows to increase the level of responsibility for the work done. It is very easy to learn how to work in the program - just use the interactive instructions. You can manage processes remotely when connecting to the cloud. We can provide other options for you. To do this, you need to contact us. We will hold a presentation for you at any convenient time. USU will help you conduct business professionally.

Video of the program for accounting in a medical center

Possibilities of a CRM system for accounting in a medical center

The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.

  • Using the software from USU, you can carry out accounting processes in a medical center;
  • he management will be carried out according to modern automation standards;
  • he software has modern capabilities for information support of clients;
  • ou will be able to keep accurate records of patients;
  • he system allows you to manage and account for all the assets of the institution;
  • ou will be able to work with accounting operations;
  • he program allows you to define roles for different participants and access rights to data;
  • he platform helps to work with the schedule and create appointment schedules;
  • ou can get extended capabilities on request;
  • he program helps to work with various types of reporting;
  • he doctor will be able to use ready-made treatment protocols;
  • he system can be used in different languages;
  • anagement of activities can be carried out in the context of working with branches;
  • ou can connect integration with the site;
  • ree trial available.

Free download of the program for accounting in a medical center

Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.

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Buy the program

If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.