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Automation of cargo transportation

Automation of cargo transportation

Automation of cargo transportation

Automation of cargo transportation is a modern way to improve this area. Automation of cargo transportation is carried out with the involvement of software. Thanks to this, full coordination of the process, professional management, accounting and analytics are carried out, which allows improving activities.

The USU company has developed a modern and practical software solution for cargo transportation management, thanks to which you can effectively manage your business. Below we will consider the main features.

Automation of cargo transportation logistics

Automation of cargo transportation logistics is related to transport management. If you use different types of transport for transportation, then it is very important for you to maintain databases on them with the nuances of using services. In the USU system, you can determine the categories of transport units, operating conditions. If these are services of third-party organizations or individuals, you can easily formalize these features.

If you provide services based on your own transport, then in the program you can register each unit of transport and maintain data on technical maintenance, fuel and lubricants, spare parts, etc. Through the USU, you can optimize routes, minimize downtime in operations, choose the most effective delivery methods and coordinate the work of transport taking into account traffic, weather and other factors.

Automation of transportation

Automation of transportation allows you to easily process a large number of requests and track the location of goods in real time, as well as the status and speed of delivery.

For each shipment, you can monitor the stages: when loading took place, when the vehicle left, intermediate stops, reloading en route, when delivered, etc. Each stage can be accompanied by the delivery of a notification to the sender, as well as to the manager supervising the process.

In multimodal transportation, it is very important to record intermediate stages and not miss nuances. By launching an application for work through the USU, you will be able to track each stage in the program - this will be highlighted in a certain color.

Automation of transportation management

Automation of transportation management is accompanied by a certain document flow. In the system, you can create electronic consignment notes, invoices, contracts and other documents. They can be created and transferred automatically, which reduces the number of errors and speeds up the process.

You will be able to work with both internal and external documentation accompanying the processes. In USU, you can easily create templates and use them in further activities. This is convenient and optimizes work.

Automation of freight transportation

Automation of freight transportation may include warehouse management. This directly concerns warehouse logistics, including accounting and distribution of goods, which helps to avoid errors during loading and unloading. If you have your own warehouse, you can easily manage warehouse processes through the software. In the system, you can reflect the entire path of shipment to delivery.

When using temporary storage warehouse, you can order the corresponding functions. More detailed information about warehouse management can be found on our website.

Automation of consolidated cargo

The software solution can analyze data from past shipments and offer recommendations for improving operations, forecast transport demand and better manage resources.

Automation of consolidated cargo can be carried out through the USU, as well as multimodal transportation. The program can use CRM functions. This is due to the maintenance of detailed data on clients. You will be able to collect individual cases with full preservation of the history of cooperation.

When ordering a standard shipment, you can increase the speed of service by copying data. For customers, you can connect notifications about delivery or intermediate stages, and you can use different methods, we even have voice notifications available. We have prepared many different options for you. If you visit our website, you can see for yourself.

The program is very easy to use, we train our clients and provide auxiliary tools for quick learning, for example, an interactive manual is available and more. If you plan to scale up your business and need to service branches, you will be able to use the same program purchased earlier. We invite you to an individual presentation at a time convenient for you.

Video programs for automation of cargo transportation

Possibilities of a CRM system for automation of cargo transportation

The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.

  • Through the USU, it is possible to automate the process of cargo transportation;
  • ou will be able to manage each area of processes;
  • he program allows you to maintain databases of clients;
  • he system can initially define different types of settings;
  • uring work you can use 4 modern notification methods;
  • he system is very convenient for working with applications;
  • sing the search, you can easily find the required application, for example: by date, client, etc.;
  • ll types of applications can be entered into the software, even those that are still at the agreement stage;
  • arious types of documents can be applied to the transportation application;
  • or each client, you can mark all planned and completed work;
  • ith regular orders from clients with the same set of services, you can speed up the registration process;
  • he cost of the flight will be calculated automatically;
  • he program makes it easy to generate details for each route;
  • ocumentation will be generated automatically;
  • he program makes it easy to evaluate activities from different angles.

Free download of the program for automation of cargo transportation

Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.

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Buy the program

If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.