Operating system: Windows
Category: Pharmacy management system
Automation of a small warehouse

Automation of a small warehouse
Warehouses are storage facilities for inventory items, no matter whether the storage facility is large or small, accounting is required to ensure the appropriate distribution of resources, the exclusion of theft by interested parties and the implementation of order in operations both in the system or accounting journals and directly on site.
In modern conditions, automation of a small warehouse is carried out using a special program. Why is it worth using a program even for a small warehouse? Because it optimizes processes, makes them transparent and understandable, operations and documents acquire a modern, readable appearance, and the person in charge gets rid of routine actions.
We offer to automate a small warehouse using software from the USU company. This system will be an excellent solution for both a small and a large warehouse, even for their network. We will tell you about the basic capabilities of USU.
Program for a small warehouse
In the software from USU, you can keep track of goods and inventory. This includes: maintaining product cards with full information about them. For example, the following information can be entered: article, name, description, quantity in stock and other information. Everything depends on the user's preferences.
Working in the USU, you will be able to search by barcode or name. Filters can be applied to any characteristics. Through the USU, you can receive and issue goods. To begin with, the recording of receipts to the warehouse will be implemented, indicating the supplier, dates and quantities. Then, the issuance of goods is recorded, including through simple integration with the sales system.
The program for a small warehouse from USU will be an excellent help in conducting an inventory. The function of reconciling the actual availability with the recorded quantity, with the possibility of adjustments, is available. Automatic reports on discrepancies can also be generated.
The small warehouse program can be used for inventory management. This includes setting minimum and maximum inventory levels. The system can even notify you when inventory needs to be replenished.
Automation of a small warehouse from USU will provide you with modern reports intertwined with analytics. For example, reports on the movement of goods, shelf life, balances, etc. can be generated.
The UCS provides the ability to integrate with warehouse equipment - this significantly speeds up the activity on receipt, expenditure and other operations. It also provides the ability to integrate with accounting systems to facilitate accounting. The UCS can act as a comprehensive solution and as an autonomous one only for the warehouse. Everything depends on the ordered functions.
Barcoding is a modern way of working with product range. Our company can provide integration with barcode scanners for quick accounting of product movement, as well as for prompt inventory.
We can offer you full-fledged opportunities for servicing trade processes. In our online store you can purchase equipment for servicing sales and software for it. We can provide management opportunities: simple warehouse accounting, trade assimilated with a warehouse, temporary storage warehouse or WMS with address storage of goods.
A simple solution with an intuitive interface that does not require complex setup and expensive maintenance is suitable for automating a small warehouse. We can offer you such a version. To do this, you need to contact us with a request.
In order to quickly master the work in the system, it is necessary to undergo a short training, this can be done before implementation. Also in the program there is an interactive instruction, allowing you to independently master the principles of work in the system. We provide not only these opportunities, you can also count on help from technical support.
We have collected the most modern possibilities for accounting of activities, we invite you to get acquainted with the available video review. USU - will help to cope with automation of a small warehouse and not only.
Possibilities of a CRM system for automating a small warehouse
The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.
- A universal accounting system can be useful for managing a small or large warehouse;
- he software allows you to manage an unlimited number of warehouses;
- arcodes can be used when working with goods;
- or marking, you can create your own short barcodes;
- t is possible to work only with the name of the goods or with another type of marking;
- he system provides maintenance of warehouse document flow;
- hen starting work, you can use data import from electronic media;
- ou can work with any type of nomenclature;
- t is possible to control the work of users in the system;
- ou will be able to track all incoming and outgoing transactions in the warehouse;
- he system easily integrates with warehouse equipment, which ensures prompt inventory control;
- he USU can be used for remote warehouse management when connecting to the cloud;
- he platform is reliably protected by implemented information security mechanisms;
- ou can order a database backup;
- ou can also get other features, watch the available video review of the software capabilities.
Free download of a program for automation of a small warehouse
Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.
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Write or call us. Contacts here.
Buy the program
If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.