Operating system: Windows
Category: Pharmacy management system
Accounting for Dentistry

Accounting for Dentistry
Accounting for dentistry will be reproduced quickly, efficiently, qualitatively, with the help of an automated electronic assistant. We present to your attention specialized software that allows you to optimize the organization's work resources with an integrated approach with automation of the execution of assigned tasks. The software is equipped with state-of-the-art functionality that helps attract and retain customers by analyzing data on the quality of service, the efficiency of service provision, conducting analytics of records, keeping up with the times, increasing the organization's income. The program is launched from a shortcut on the desktop, opening the login window for the application. Each employee will have a personal account, protected by a login and password to protect confidential data. The software has a beautiful interface design, with personalized configuration settings. The program makes it easy to carry out accounting in the accounting department of dentistry, with the maintenance of digital documents.
The software can be used in any part of the world, customizing and translating the program into the required language. Various parameters are also taken into account, for example, to protect information data, user capabilities are delimited. Only the head of the organization has full rights for access, control and management. The software provides for the possibility of unified work of all structural divisions, combining working devices locally, providing mutual exchange of information over the internal network. Also, for the convenience of management and control of the financial resources of the organization, it is envisaged to unite all dental clinics into a single network. Thus, there is no need to maintain separate accounting and warehouse records, analyze the work activities of personnel, compare customer attendance, etc. All information will be displayed in a single program, with the ability to analyze, manage and control internal processes, taking into account the maintenance of reporting documentation for any period of time. The software, in relation to similar developments, has a wide range of functions, a free subscription fee, quite acceptable and affordable for any organization in cost.
Accounting in Dentistry
Accounting in dentistry will correctly record all cash flows, with the ability to compare settlements for any period of time. The software can integrate with the 1C system for high-quality display and accounting. It provides for work with digital materials, using templates for quick creation of documents and reports. Filling is carried out automatically, using the movement of data from any possible sources, supporting various formats. The program supports not only graphic images, but also files of any type. It is possible to quickly generate certificates on forms 043, 037, 039. The system can easily display information on the operations performed by a particular user, excluding incorrect input, unauthorized output of information, etc. Accounting in dentistry through software will be much easier to perform, as well as information on the work of specialists. The software will automatically record the working hours of all employees in dentistry, recording the number of hours worked, operations performed, with the calculation of wages including interest.
The application can display information on all specialists, recording detailed information on the length of service and position held by a particular employee, salary, percentages according to the employment contract, work schedule, etc. in the HR department. Work schedules will be generated in the application automatically, analyzing patient appointments. Thus, all employees of the dental clinic will be able to rationally use working time, with timely changes to the schedules. The system is multi-user, allowing each employee to independently enter information during the treatment of a particular patient, making an appointment with other specialists and sending for tests. Appointments for patient appointments are made promptly, using electronic journals.
Making an appointment with a particular dental specialist is done in just a couple of clicks, selecting a patient and a single CRM database, taking into account the selected date and time. When registering patients, the selected services are displayed. If the patient is not sure that a particular service is required, it is possible to select all the names from the price list, and then, in fact, during the appointment, display and make a calculation for the services provided. In this way, you can save working time in the presence of the need to re-enter information, quickly finding the necessary records, patient information using a contextual search engine. The search can be carried out by card number, by patient's last name, phone number, by services, etc. When adding a new client to the database, it is possible to easily add information using the context menu of the simultaneous command.
Accounting software for dentistry
The program for accounting of dentistry helps to comprehensively solve various problems with the maintenance of a single client base. In the program, when maintaining accounting of dentistry, it is envisaged to unite all clinics into a single network, with the ability to display patient visits according to records to certain specialists. Patient cards will be filled in taking into account the filling of mandatory fields for registration with the entry of contact information, appointment records, visit history, payments, test results, images, etc. To improve the implementation of the work of dental clinics, it is envisaged to use patient photographs, reading external parameters at the entrance, with the recording of the date and time in the system. Using contact information, it is possible to promptly send informational messages, both text and voice.
Thus, when sending messages, it is possible to send pictures with congratulations, information about discounts and promotions, appointment reminders, and also use them as a way to obtain an assessment of the quality of service to identify shortcomings in the work of specialists. Automated software allows you to improve the work of dental clinics by analyzing the quality of service. For regular customers of dentistry, discounts are provided in one amount or another, with the ability to create a separate price list. Calculations will be reproduced by an electronic calculator taking into account the specified algorithms and the use of a price list taking into account the final amount minus the discount. The capabilities of the software are limitless when taking into account integration with various social networks, sites, applications. For example, when interacting with banking systems, it is possible to reproduce cashless payments for dental services and sold medications. Financial accounting will be performed daily, reflecting the amount of cash in each cash register and in the account of the dentistry. The data will be recorded in digital documents transmitted via email or printed on a printer, supporting the operation of various models.
CRM for accounting in a dental clinic
An automated CRM system for accounting in a dental clinic allows you to quickly create patient cards, working with a client base and schedule. The program can solve various problems, regardless of complexity. It is extremely necessary to control work processes in dentistry. With the help of video surveillance, it is possible to display the actual actions of dental clinic employees and patients in real time. It is also possible to maintain accounting with the display of all names of medicines. For medicines, detailed information on receipts will be recorded taking into account the total quantity, expiration dates, description, purpose, cost and images to distinguish from similar names, using a web camera. The application for accounting of medicines provides for the use of warehouse equipment, performing inventory quickly and efficiently, without involving workers in these processes.
Automated software provides the ability to quickly and accurately service customers, as well as providing the necessary information for incoming calls. Patient consultation for incoming calls is carried out through the PBX telephony function, displaying contact phone numbers and the history of records, treatment. All structural divisions will be combined to promptly enter information about the status of treatment, laboratory tests, images, etc. To learn more about the development, compare the functionality, it is possible to install a free trial version. After the trial period, you get the opportunity to work in a licensed program, taking into account the accumulated information. As a bonus to the purchased licensed version, you get two hours of free technical support. The CRM program for accounting of dental clinics can be used without prior training and special skills, which is quite easy and accessible for every user, even a beginner. The company's specialists will be happy to help you get additional information during the consultation when contacting the specified contact numbers or sending a request by e-mail.
Possibilities of the accounting CRM system for dentistry
The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.
- The automated software has flexible configuration parameters with the ability to analyze, manage and control the internal processes of an unlimited number of dental clinics united into a single network;
- he software makes it possible to control the work process remotely, using video surveillance in real time with reading and transferring video materials to the main computer for saving;
- nformation on the work of specialists will be recorded in the HR department, taking into account the daily accounting of working hours, displaying the total amount of time worked, services provided to patients, and calculating wages;
- he system allows searching for information data stored in the repository using a contextual search engine;
- he program makes it easy to create patient appointments based on the date and time selection, displaying the patient from a single CRM database while taking into account the allocation of a specific specialist and selected services;
- hen entering information for new patients, it is necessary to fill in the mandatory fields for registration in the cards, taking into account the addition of contact information, treatment history and records, payments;
- he system makes it possible to analyze patients by comparing visit dates, income and expenses for any period of time;
- he generation of documentation and reporting is carried out in digital form, taking into account the use of built-in templates;
- hen filling in data, there is no need to enter information manually, spending additional time on this, importing and exporting information from any sources;
- ser rights will be delimited according to work activity, providing unlimited opportunities only for the manager;
- ccounting will be carried out in the system through integration with 1C accounting;
- oice and text information messages will be sent to mobile operators or email to customers to congratulate them on various holidays and birthdays, remind them of appointments, inform them of advantageous applications (promotions and discounts), and also receive an assessment of the quality of service;
- he application allows you to make non-cash payments through the interaction of the software with banking systems;
- t is envisaged to carry out accounting of medicines, displaying each item with the assignment of a specific barcode, quantity, name, purpose, expiration date, etc.;
- nventory is performed automatically by the application using modern warehouse equipment;
- ork schedules will be generated automatically, taking into account patients’ appointments.
Free download accounting software for dentistry
Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.
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