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The rating is 4.9 according to 86 companies
Country availability: Open to all countries
Operating system: Windows
Category: Pharmacy management system

Program for dentists

Program for dentists

Program for dentists

The program for dentists can be used as a separate tool, as well as in the complex automation of a dental clinic. With the help of the programs used, the dentist does not need to manually fill out electronic medical records of patients, creating an order - an outfit for dental technicians. Today, programs for dentists are multifunctional, providing not only the maintenance of patient records for an appointment and display of information during treatment, but also provide management, control over internal organizational processes, analysis of demand and recognition, calculation of income and expenses. Automated programs allow you to achieve success in any field of activity with digital document management. Online recording and automation of work processes is what any organization needs.

Also, by implementing software, it is possible to receive payments online, managing the schedule for employees with rational distribution of dental offices, taking into account free time and equipment. By means of software, employees are freed from routine tasks, doing the most important tasks - scaling the business. Among the wide range of programs presented on the market, we would like to proudly offer to pay attention to the software from the company "Universal Accounting System". The software is affordable not only in terms of management, but also in price, with high quality of work and an unlimited number of users. In addition to affordable pricing policy, there is also no monthly subscription fee. Due to the multifunctionality and integration of the application with various social networks, sites, high-tech warehouse equipment, systems, it is possible to automate management, accounting, analytics and control. A single platform allows you to achieve the desired results, reducing the time, while increasing income.

CRM for dentists

The automated CRM system for dentists allows storing the necessary information about clients, creating and filling in electronic cards taking into account the history of visits, missed procedures, tests and images, impressions, payments. The client base also provides for displaying contact information for sending informational messages by E-mail, WhatsApp, Viber, SMS, sending not only text, but also voice notifications. By sending informational messages, it is possible to inform clients about various promotions and discounts in dentistry, remind them of appointments with specialists, informing them about the readiness of the results, and also congratulating them on holidays, attaching greeting cards. It is also possible to send SMS messages to receive feedback in order to improve the quality of service. Thus, it is possible to always be in touch with clients, increasing the number of visits.

In the system, all users must undergo personal registration with the reflection of information when installing software on work devices. All work devices will be synchronized to work in a single rhythm with the exchange of information data over the internal network. Thus, when combining all structural divisions of a dental clinic, there is no need to waste time searching and transferring data, all processes will be performed locally. Therefore, there is no need to waste working time on transferring information, re-making records, waiting for the readiness of test results. Each user will be able to independently log into the system and register patients for subsequent appointments or redirect them to other specialists, fill out electronic cards, write out certificates and appointments. Information on patients will be stored in the accounting system, giving dental specialists the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the course of treatment, complaints and subsequent provision of dental services before the appointment.

Dental program

The dental program not only provides for maintaining electronic patient cards, but also allows storing information in full in a centralized repository. Using an electronic search engine, it is possible to quickly display the necessary information, but it is also worth considering the fact that the application will read information on each user, taking into account the delimitation of user capabilities. Thus, storing confidential information is much more reliable, excluding leaks. It is also possible to create work schedules, making patient appointments with dentists in just a few minutes. The information will be automatically displayed in the system, with personal access for each employee of the dental clinic. Using the software, it is possible to analyze data on patient records, identifying regular customers and encouraging them with discounts. Also, based on analytics, it is possible to analyze financial activities, displaying information on accounting. Accounting in the USU application is performed when integrated with the 1C system.

Thus, the formation of documentation and reporting is carried out quite easily, using templates, with filling in materials according to samples. The application also allows you to perform inventory when integrated with high-tech reading devices. Therefore, it is quite easy to monitor consumables and goods in pharmacies, warehouses, receiving reports on purchases and other expenses. Inventory is performed quickly and efficiently, recording information in the nomenclature for each position of a drug or consumables. The software also allows you to control not only the number of drugs, but also the expiration dates. The software improves work with clients, with accounting and warehouse accounting, increasing the interest and recognition of clients when interacting with social networks, websites, regularly using marketing solutions. With a dental program, it is possible to quickly read information on each name of a drug or consumable, reading a barcode with instant payment or write-off. The application also provides for the use of images attached to a particular name of a product, distinguishable from each other.

Program for a dentist

The program for the dentist allows you to optimize working hours, allowing clients to make an appointment online themselves. The application provides for tracking the work of the business at any time, analyzing the occupancy rate according to the schedules, identifying shortcomings in the work of each employee, attracting new clients and earning much more. The software allows you to automate the process of filling out electronic cards of daily accounting, if necessary, filling out the certificate form 039 for the patient. Thus, when automating the formation and filling of documentation and reporting, it is really possible to significantly save time with error-free input. It is also possible to reduce the number of canceled appointments and downtime, with an increase in repeat entries when analyzing the attendance of clients of the dentistry.

In the automated program for the dentist, it is possible to manage an unlimited number of dental clinics. It also provides for remote video surveillance in each room, dental office, warehouse, accounting department, cash registers, pharmacy, and reception, to eliminate errors, data falsification, and theft of inventory. Multifunctional software allows for comprehensive business management. So that you can independently analyze the quality indicators of the software's functionality without investing a penny, use the download of a free trial version. For additional information on the program, installation, and the need to select modules and tools, you should contact the company's specialists at the contact numbers listed on the website; there is also an email for sending a request.

Video programs for dentists

CRM system capabilities for dentists

The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.

  • Automated software is convenient and affordable in terms of price and quality, providing for the organization of teamwork with optimization of work resources;
  • he application allows you to optimize your working time using a convenient format of entries in an electronic journal, promptly displaying the date and time, services, specialists and calculating the cost of services;
  • n the program, it is possible to load the number of rescheduled appointments and no-shows, with an increase in repeat appointments, using marketing tools with automatic notification;
  • he ability to send mass or individual text and voice messages in the form of SMS, E-mail, WhatsApp messages, providing customers with information about profitable applications, discounts, new types of services, congratulating on holidays, and also receiving feedback with assessments of the quality of service;
  • he program makes it possible to identify regular customers in dentistry, providing gifts in the form of bonuses and discounts to increase loyalty;
  • eamwork is organized through a multi-user mode, uniting all working devices to exchange information via an internal network;
  • emote video surveillance is carried out using surveillance cameras in real time, reflecting information about the activities of employees and clients of the dental clinic;
  • aking into account automation and the possibility of synchronized work with websites, social networks, additional systems, high-tech equipment, it is possible to attract new clients and earn more, spending fewer resources;
  • he inventory is carried out using the application's interaction with high-tech reading devices, displaying information on the quantitative and qualitative indicators of each item in the nomenclature;
  • toring information has become more accessible, taking into account the provision of confidentiality while taking into account the delimitation of user capabilities;
  • lanning of work schedules and calculation of wages is carried out in the system automatically, seeing the accounting of working hours with the calculation of monthly wages;
  • ccounting is performed by the system effectively, generating document flow and settlement operations, providing the management of the dental organization with detailed information on financial activities at any time;
  • he unified information system makes it possible to manage patient appointments with dentists while maintaining a single client base;
  • he software can interact with banking systems and insurance companies, accepting and processing payments in any currency;
  • ith the help of software, it is possible to improve the work of dentistry, making appointments online with rational use of equipment, dental offices and working time of employees.

Free download program for dentists

Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.

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