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Category: Pharmacy management system

Accounting of materials in dentistry

Accounting of materials in dentistry

Accounting of materials in dentistry

Accounting of materials in dentistry is an extremely necessary operation, requiring attention and timely implementation for the acquisition of the missing name for the provision of dental services and sales. The presence of materials in dentistry is necessary both for the implementation of dental services and for sale. All names of materials will be taken into account in the nomenclature, with the exact quantity, barcode, name, description, picture, expiration dates and storage quality. In order for accounting to be carried out quickly, efficiently, without additional costs for the withdrawal of funds, a specialized tool is needed that carries out these processes without the need to suspend work activities. Such is the software "Universal Accounting System".

The software specializes in accounting of material assets, analytical indicators, providing information in reports, graphs and diagrams, providing full control with management over intra-organizational activities. The software is a convenient tool, with a colorful interface design, a convenient control panel individually customized by each specialist entering the system under personal credentials. The software is affordable in terms of price with high quality, providing unlimited functionality for both the head of the dental organization and employees. The software is easily installed for work on any working device, locally synchronized with each other for control, management and transmission of information data. In the application, all users will be necessarily registered taking into account the display of work activities in accounts. The software displays the work activities of all employees of the dental clinic, generating graphs in electronic form for making adjustments.

Accounting of dental materials

The software makes it possible to account for dental materials, monitoring not only the quantity but also the quality indicators, promptly identifying the appropriate expiration dates. For each name of the material (medicines, consumables), the application will record information with the ability to highlight in a certain color. When the color of the highlighted cell changes, employees will be notified of the timeliness of writing off or replenishing materials, analyzing the consumption status (use during the provision of dental services or sale). To carry out an inventory of materials in dentistry, it is envisaged to connect high-tech devices to daily work. Using a barcode scanner, it is possible to quickly read material codes, also recording information in the system.

Thus, the dental staff will always be aware of the availability of materials, cost, and will also easily distinguish one medicine from another using the attached image. Images are received in the system from various sources, as well as directly from a web camera integrated with the accounting system. Calculations performed in the application by an electronic calculator will always be accurate and promptly made. There is no longer any need to enter data manually, using the import of information, optimizing working hours. In settlement operations, erroneous indicators inherent in the human factor are minimized. Dental clients can independently familiarize themselves with the price list, calculating the total cost of dental services or medicines purchased additionally, displaying data in the system and making payments. It is possible to link payment cards, taking into account the implementation of non-cash payments, accepting any currencies.

Accounting for material consumption in dentistry

Accounting of material consumption in dentistry is carried out automatically, providing for the entry of data by each specialist. The application can easily display information on data entry by a particular user, taking into account the date and time of changes to the database. All users will be provided with access to a single information base, which will store all information on dentistry, taking into account information from employees, clients, accounting and warehouse accounting. Access is provided by all users, but taking into account the differentiation of user capabilities based on work activities in dentistry. By using operational electronic search, it is possible to quickly display the necessary information to provide consultation to patients, to carry out assigned tasks. The task planner helps to plan various events, such as calls to patients, sending messages, meetings, backing up materials, inventory, etc.

The work in the application is automated, which allows you to easily and quickly perform various tasks regardless of the level of complexity. The manager will always be able to supervise work processes even remotely, with the synchronization of all dental clinics. Thus, when synchronizing all dental clinics into a single network, it is possible to analyze patient attendance data, services used, specialists in demand, reflecting information on profits in analytical and static reports. Universal software allows management to keep track of the work activities of personnel by displaying actual indicators of time worked, completed volumes of tasks, and profits generated over a certain period of time. It is also possible to identify the most active and qualified specialists, encouraging them with bonus accruals. It is quite easy to control work processes using software that interacts with video surveillance, transmitting information from surveillance cameras in real time to the main computer. Thus, nothing will remain without the manager's knowledge.

Software for accounting of materials in dentistry

The program for accounting of materials in dentistry provides high-quality management of all internal and external processes. The program provides the ability to display information on all patients, working with the CRM database with personal data, date of birth, contact information, status of consultations and appointments, links to dentists, data on laboratory tests and test results, images, calculations. It is also possible to include customer reviews, which is a fairly important aspect in managing a dental business. Based on the received assessments and reviews from customers, it is possible to identify shortcomings in the course of work and service, improving quality indicators. Through the program, it is also possible to analyze patient attendance and identify the most regular, solvent, with automatic accruals and various discounts. To increase loyalty and notify patients about appointments and various events (discounts, promotions, holidays), it is envisaged to send information messages to mobile operators and e-mail.

To improve the work of the dental clinic, it is envisaged to use the modern PBX telephony function to provide information support to patients in the event of an incoming call, promptly displaying the contact number with the personal information of patients to the dental staff. The application is capable of quickly making appointments with patients, maintaining an electronic journal and displaying the work schedules of specialists. Thus, when patients contact the dental clinic, employees will be able to quickly enter data, selecting patients from a single CRM database and indicating the name of the service. The system provides for promptly generating an invoice and sending it to the accounting department and the cash desk based on the entered information about the patient, the time and date of the appointment, and the services provided. All departments will be synchronized in order to optimize working hours. Clients do not need to spend additional time contacting the reception, the cash desk, all data will be displayed in the system for prompt management of operations. Payments are accepted in cash, as well as when the program interacts with banking systems, by non-cash means in any currency.

Accounting of materials in a dental clinic

Accounting of materials in the dental clinic is performed automatically with the display of information in digital documents. Documentation and reporting will be generated by users in the program quickly and efficiently, providing for the use of templates that will be filled in by importing and exporting sample data. The system provides the ability to save all materials in full in a centralized repository. The software allows you to carry out accounting not only over material assets, but also to analyze patient attendance. Through the system, it is possible to really identify the reasons for cancellation of appointments and patient departure to other dental clinics. Data on the increase and departure of patients will be displayed in graphs and diagrams, comparing percentage ratios for any period of time. The accounting system provides for the formation of work schedules based on patient records, rationally using dental offices, equipment and materials. The software also provides the ability to work with bonus cards and gift certificates. When scanning a code, the system will record up-to-date information taking into account the size of the discount, etc.

Buy a program for accounting of materials in dentistry

Buying a program for accounting of materials in dentistry is not difficult, but it is quite risky considering the presence of applications on the market that do not correspond to the description. For example, the developer can colorfully describe the functionality of the program, which in reality will be limited taking into account the need to make additional payments to improve processes. The software "Universal Accounting System", unlike similar developments, is multifunctional, has an affordable cost and unlimited possibilities, which can be familiarized with by independently installing a free demo version. Thus, you will be able to evaluate the potential of the program yourself. To get a preliminary consultation with specialists, you can contact the contact numbers listed on the site, send a request by e-mail. The composition of modules and tools can also be selected in advance by visiting the official website, where there are also customer reviews, a short video review of software management.

Video of the program for accounting of materials in dentistry

Possibilities of a CRM system for accounting of materials in dentistry

The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.

  • Automated software is a unique solution for automating dental work processes;
  • n the program, all users will be entered into the database taking into account remote control of work activities;
  • he application is designed for multi-user mode, providing internal local exchange of information messages for the competent implementation of work activities;
  • he application allows you to work in any part of the world, customizing the control panel based on the selected languages;
  • he software allows displaying information on patients with the maintenance of a single CRM database, contact information, history of appointments, settlements, taking into account the attached images of test results;
  • he application provides for the use of modern PBX telephony functions to obtain information for quick customer service during an incoming call;
  • nventory of dental materials is carried out promptly, using high-tech equipment for reading bar codes and displaying in the system the correct data on the quantity and quality of each item;
  • hen providing dental services and selling materials, the acceptance of cash and non-cash payments is being reviewed, supporting any monetary units with conversion at the rate of the national currency;
  • he application allows for mass or selective sending of informational messages via E-mail, SMS, WhatsApp, informing patients about appointments with a specified time and date, about the status of payments, readiness of test results, information about promotions and discounts;
  • he program provides for work with bonus cards, gift certificates, displaying data in the system taking into account discounts;
  • alculations made in the application will be accurate, provided to clients during consultations, and also displayed in invoices, reports, journals, and statements;
  • he program makes it easy to maintain accounting records, displaying information on financial activities, taking into account the integration of the application with the 1C system;
  • he program makes it easy to generate documentation and reports in electronic format using templates with input of information according to samples;
  • or dental specialists, it is possible to perform work activity accounting, display general information on the amount of time worked and the level of quality of patient care reflected in wages;
  • o develop the business, it is planned to expand the client base and provide information support when the program interacts with social networks, the website, using modern marketing solutions.

Free download of the program for accounting of materials in dentistry

Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.

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