Operating system: Windows
Category: Pharmacy management system
Software for studio

Software for studio
The program for the studio "Universal Accounting System" is distinguished by its multifunctionality and availability in terms of price and quality. The program today plays a key role in business development, regardless of the organization's field of activity, an electronic assistant is needed to maintain digital accounting documents, control and analytics, remote control. The application allows you to optimize the expenditure of working time, providing for a one-time data entry, performing settlement operations and records, simplifying the editing and output system. The software provides for multi-channel connection of all users simultaneously, taking into account the use of personal accounts. The application provides for the delineation of labor responsibilities by the level of access to information, ensuring complete confidentiality. With a multi-user work format, users will be able to transfer information over a local network, also optimizing the consumption of working time. All information received or generated in the system will be automatically saved in the information storage in full, supported Word and Excel formats, unchanged for a long time. Users will be able to get the necessary information in the course of work using the entered query in the electronic search engine window.
When synchronizing all work devices with the main computer, the head of the studio will be able to supervise work processes, giving additional instructions. When monitoring and analyzing work processes, it is envisaged to keep records of the time worked and the volumes of planned tasks completed by each employee. The calculated monthly salary is based on general indicators. In a single system, it is possible to manage an unlimited number of studios, reflecting all orders, level and quality, speed of processing requests and customer service, calculating income and expenses. The head can provide analytical and statistical reports for subsequent successful decision-making and planning of the organization's activities.
The program in the studio can be used as an automated assistant for accounting and warehouse records, placing orders and settlements. The software, suitable for the budget of any organization and cost, also provides for the absence of a monthly subscription fee. For each working device, an additional licensed version is provided for. When working, users can use desktop computers, smartphones, tablets, individual registration in the system and the use of accounts. In addition to the studio employees, the program can also be used by customers, going to the site and registering in their personal account, independently selecting suitable finished products or placing an order for sewing, choosing materials and accessories, calculating the cost, production time and making payments.
Accounting program for studios
The accounting program for the studio provides the ability to maintain warehouse records of all materials and accessories, finished products. Information on materials will be recorded in the nomenclature, displaying quantitative and qualitative indicators with the name and description, code and article, cost. It is also possible to attach an image to visually distinguish one name from another. The system provides for the availability of highlighting product positions in certain colors for quick response and write-off or replenishment of stocks for the planned production of sewing products. The application provides the ability to carry out settlement operations using algorithms entered in the electronic calculator. The calculated information will be automatically displayed in invoices, checks, acts and other reporting documents. The formation of documentation and reporting, invoices, acts, is based on the presence of digital templates that are filled in both manually and automatically, moving data from various sources. Any file formats are supported.
Also, information on financial activities will be displayed in accounting when integrating the application with 1C accounting. Thus, the head of the studio network will be able to remotely analyze data on the company's financial turnover at any time. In the application, it is possible to see all orders, issuance and delivery of products to customers. All stages, starting from placing an order, production, payment, issuance will be displayed in the system taking into account the manufacturing time. Orders can be received not only through studio employees, but also online, optimizing the working hours of employees. When the studio accounting program interacts with the banking system, it is possible to provide contactless payment by transferring funds from current accounts and QR codes in any currency with conversion. The application also provides for identifying regular customers, calculating the profit brought in for a given period of time, individually providing discounts in a certain amount to regular customers for loyalty. The system will make calculations taking into account the discounts provided, accurately reflecting the data in the database.
Buy a program for the studio
Buying a studio program has become even easier and more accessible. It is possible to buy a studio program with a preliminary analysis of the functional capabilities and selection of the modular and tool composition when visiting the official website. The trial version is provided free of charge, ensuring the storage of information data for subsequent work in the licensed program. The site contains customer reviews, which you can also read, contact information of specialists - consultants who will help you install and configure the application, select a personal module format. It is also possible to choose the design of themes for the desktop screensaver, languages for setting up the application and working with foreign counterparties in any part of the world. The program also provides the ability to maintain a single database of counterparties, supplemented by regular information on the history of orders, settlements, reviews, discounts, etc. Manual control is replaced by automated accounting, optimizing the working time of users. For convenience and ensuring high-quality work, eliminating errors and illegal actions on the part of employees or clients of the studio, it is envisaged to install video cameras for remote monitoring of actions inside each department.
Possibilities of a CRM system for a studio
The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.
- The universal information system allows to unite all departments together, managing, controlling and conducting analysis of demand and financial activities of the sewing business;
- he application provides the ability for each employee to log in personally and use the account to perform work tasks;
- nternally, all employees will be able to transmit information to quickly complete certain tasks;
- ser capabilities are delimited according to the working status of each studio employee, providing for the protection of confidential materials from leakage;
- he application provides for the use of modern functional solutions for the automation of machine production, optimizing business resources as a whole;
- he system has the ability to analyze work activities, providing the ability to automatically calculate wages based on actual indicators of their time worked, the quality of tasks completed, and production in accordance with the plan;
- onitoring all departments has become more accessible with the help of surveillance cameras, transmitting video materials in real time to the main computer for analysis and subsequent storage;
- t is envisaged to form and fill in a CRM database for all clients of the studio, for subsequent interaction when sending voice and text messages, notifying about the readiness of orders, delivery, the need to reproduce payment, etc.;
- he system provides the ability to automatically conduct settlement operations;
- he universal utility provides access to attracting and retaining customers with increased loyalty when providing discounts and other privileges;
- utual settlements are possible both in cash and in non-cash form, assuming interaction with banking systems;
- he multicurrency regime ensures the acceptance and conversion of funds at the national bank rate;
- ccounting will become easier and more efficient when integrated with the 1C system, providing management with the opportunity to constantly have the necessary information on the financial activities of the business;
- t is possible to obtain detailed data in statistical or analytical reports on general indicators of demand and sales of finished garment products;
- he formation of electronic formats of materials is carried out using built-in templates filled in according to samples;
- he information system allows you to store unlimited amounts of data in a centralized storage facility.
Free download of the program for the studio
Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.
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