Operating system: Windows
Category: Pharmacy management system
Accounting for the studio

Accounting for the studio
Accounting for a studio is necessary to control work, calculating all actions with the management of orders and the availability of materials necessary for sewing production. What business without accounting? In addition to the analysis of each organization, control and management of internal organizational processes are also required, taking into account unforeseen problems that can complicate the further development of your business. To prevent the emergence of difficulties, optimize the use of company resources, a specialized program is required that will help you in setting up sewing production. For these purposes, it is envisaged to implement a specialized program that is designed to account for clients, place orders, control and analyze the availability and purchase of materials.
With the help of software, you will be able to automate your studio with the establishment of warehouse accounting, increasing productivity and managing company orders, while saving time on data processing. Modern functional capabilities provide work from any working devices, which in turn does not provide for a binding to the workplace, working both in the office and from home. In order to purchase a program for managing the studio, you will need time, effort, be patient, given the wide range of market offers that vary in functionality and cost. To help you find an automated program, we recommend that you pay attention to the automated program "Universal Accounting System". The software has proven itself on the positive side, providing users with the opportunity to work in any part of the world, while having unlimited possibilities. You will also be pleased with the pleasant price of the utility, not hitting your pocket, given the lack of a monthly subscription fee.
How to keep records in a studio
How to keep records in the studio at first will help the company's specialists, who will also assist in choosing models and tools suitable for your organization, taking into account the scope of activity. By means of software, you will be able to analyze and control orders, finished products, work clothes, materials, issuance, storage, etc. The principles of work will meet your requirements. You can keep records of the studio, both for individual and mass sewing. To begin with, it is worth reminding about the need to configure the application on working devices with registration. When registering in the system, an account will be created, which is used only by one user in order to ensure the confidentiality of data. The program has no restrictions on the number of users performing work activities at the same time. On the contrary, to ensure teamwork, it is envisaged to unite all working devices via a local network to exchange information messages between employees.
Thus, it is possible to optimize working hours and improve the quality indicators of the studio. When managing several studios, the manager does not need to purchase additional programs, really implement management and control, analytics in a single system, synchronizing all departments. The program makes it easy to register customer orders, saving data or printing the necessary documents, reports, invoices and checks. Also in the application, the manager will be able to analyze data on orders, distributing tasks between departments, monitoring the timing and quality of work. For high-quality execution of the assigned tasks, the work of the studio, it is envisaged to manage the work activities of employees, monitoring labor processes with the reflection of information in reports and with the calculation of wages. Wages are based on a fixed salary or piecework based on the time worked and the accrued interest for completed orders. Thus, it is possible to improve the quality indicators of sewing production.
Accounting of the studio
Accounting of the studio will become a well-established process, registering orders with maintaining a separate database. No order will be lost, the work will be completed on time, the possibility of using reminders by the application is provided. For example, data on important orders will be entered into the task scheduler. The program also provides for reminding users of important tasks by pop-up messages on the monitor screen. In addition, it is also provided for highlighting certain cells in bright color by clients or orders, materials. For example, when highlighting a particular client, other employees will see information about a call, debt. When highlighting materials for machine production in bright color, employees will be informed about the missing quantity and assortment.
By means of the software, all orders will be executed exactly on time, registering each by number, date, client, cost, manager and execution status. The software provides for maintaining a single database of contractors, with the entry of personal contact information, all orders, payments, the presence of a discount and payment card. When placing orders from regular customers, there is no need to waste time on entering data, it is enough to open the desired client in the CRM database with a choice from the price list of materials for subsequent sewing. Data on new clients will be entered quickly, providing for prompt filling of electronic questionnaires, by importing data from various sources. The amount of payment is made automatically, using an electronic calculator in the work. Thus, it is really possible to speed up the process of registration, registration and acceptance of payments.
Accounting in the studio
Accounting in the studio is performed automatically, as well as other work processes. The application provides for the control of the safety of materials, with the name of all fabrics, accessories, consumables for sewing products. High-tech devices that quickly read product codes and reflect information in the system will be used to carry out inventory. Thus, there is no need to suspend the work of the studio. The software also allows you to quickly issue invoices, acts, checks, reports. Creation of documentation and reporting, invoices and acts is performed on the basis of existing electronic templates. When supporting work with different printer models, it is possible to quickly print invoices and checks. When interacting with banking systems, the application also provides the ability to accept payments in cash and non-cash form. Non-cash payments can be made from current accounts, using payment cards, QR codes, supporting the acceptance of any world currency with the conversion of funds, at the rate of the National Bank. It also provides for the calculation of the cost of sewing products, taking into account the discount provided for regular customers. All payments will be reflected in accounting, with the ability to analyze the increase or decrease in labor productivity over a certain period of time. Analytics data will be provided in reports in the form of graphs and diagrams.
Accounting in the studio is performed automatically, as well as inventory, analytics and control. In the application, accounting is performed by integrating the application with 1C accounting. With these capabilities, the manager will control financial activities at any time. In addition to accounting and warehouse accounting, the software also provides the ability to expand the customer base by providing services to customers outside a certain region, accepting orders remotely, including delivery. The interaction of the application with social networks expands horizons and increases brand awareness. It is also possible to analyze the effectiveness of advertising for the studio, calculating the return on investment. It is also possible to carry out mass mailing of SMS, WhatsApp, E-mail messages to provide up-to-date information on studio offers, promotions and discounts. Automation of management control for the studio is implemented using the automated program "Universal Accounting System". You can quickly familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the utility through a video review presented on our official website, which also contains modules and tools for preliminary selection, customer reviews and consultant contacts. By purchasing a licensed version, you receive two hours of technical support from specialists as a gift.
Possibilities of the CRM system for accounting in the studio
The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.
- The automated information utility provides a comprehensive approach to solving problems of any level of complexity, suitable for organizations in any industry;
- he application allows you to quickly find the necessary information using an electronic search engine, spending a few minutes;
- ll information will be stored in a centralized repository during classification, assuming support for various file formats and without limitations in terms of time and volume;
- he software is capable of interacting with high-tech equipment for rapid analysis of inventory, displaying information in the nomenclature;
- he formation of documentation and reporting is based on digital management using templates that can be quickly filled in using samples, minimizing time costs;
- sers will be able to transmit information data over a local network, taking into account the unification of all departments with work devices;
- emote control of work activities within each department is possible with the use of surveillance cameras;
- t is possible to unite all studios and workshops for convenient and effective business management on a remote basis;
- he manager will be able to rationally evaluate the activities of subordinates based on the actual data provided by the system, and pay wages based on the overall calculated indicators;
- ational adoption of balanced decisions on the further activities of the sewing production will be carried out with the provision of reporting documentation in static and analytical reports;
- nformation on the financial activities of the business will be displayed in accounting, when integrating the software with 1C accounting;
- he system provides for data analytics on the most popular items of sewing products, promptly producing new items for continuous operations and increased revenue;
- egistration of orders for finished products or custom tailoring is carried out in the system, when opening an electronic form. With subsequent entry of data on clients selected from a single CRM database, indicating the terms, cost of services, type of payment, attaching discount or payment cards, discounts, etc.;
- he payment system provides the possibility of cashless payments through interaction with banking systems, supporting any world currencies with conversion of funds;
- he application allows you to analyze and compare information on purchasing power, identifying regular customers and rewarding them with bonuses and discounts;
- he universal system has a beautiful interface design with flexible configuration options.
Free download of accounting software for studios
Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.
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Buy the program
If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.