Operating system: Windows
Category: Pharmacy management system
Canteen accounting software

Canteen accounting software
The canteen accounting program allows you to optimize work processes with financial management, purchasing and delivery, analyzing data on the arrival of visitors, changes in the work schedule and creating a menu. Software today allows you to cover all needs from small canteens to large catering chains. The automated program can be used with full control, using advanced tools to improve work efficiency. Programs today are divided by functionality, level and speed of work, simultaneous execution of tasks for a certain or countless number of users, as well as cost. To select a worthwhile software for accounting, control, analytics, and warehouse management, it is worth first analyzing and testing various developments, then purchasing one for permanent use as an indispensable assistant for many years. To cope with multitasking, providing users with the necessary tools for high-quality and efficient work, it is worth paying attention to the “Universal Accounting System” program. The application is designed for autonomous operation of companies in any field of activity, improving daily processes.
How to keep track of food in the canteen
You will not have any questions about how to keep track of food in the canteen, because... The software has fairly easy-to-manage configuration parameters that are individually configured by each user. The user composition will be recorded in the program to monitor work activities, analyze the quality and speed of task completion. The company’s specialists will help with advice and will also clearly demonstrate the principles of working with the selection of tool modules. The program provides for the possibility of uniting all canteens into a single network, monitoring financial activities, comparing data on growth and demand, and calculating overall figures for net profit for the quarter. Everything in the program is easy and understandable for every user, even with little experience in software. The software replaces dozens of specialists and applications, providing the necessary tools for analytics, menu creation, warehouse and financial activities, and marketing.
Accounting for food in the canteen
Accounting for products in the canteen is carried out automatically with the ability to integrate with warehouse equipment, quickly performing an inventory. In this way, it is possible to minimize discrepancies in quantitative indicators. Also, warehouse and accounting will be carried out in two clicks, displaying various indicators, when the software for accounting products in the canteen interacts with the 1C system. It is possible to quickly reproduce the calculation and display of information on financial activities, displaying overall indicators for net profit, wage costs, products, etc. Ready-made reports and statistical data will be generated automatically using electronic templates. A minimum of time will be spent filling out information data for a particular declaration, reporting, or documentation when importing materials. In the program, accounting and control will be carried out autonomously, reading information on the most profitable items on the menu, analyzing the performance of employees, calculating the total profit income taking into account discounts, purchases, etc. Working hours will be recorded automatically with payroll calculations and bonuses.
How to keep records in the canteen
How to properly keep records in the canteen without wasting time and money? Quite easy and simple. You will be able to master and configure the application within the first hours, after completing registration and creating a personal account. For high-quality work, a division of user rights is provided, based on the official position of users, displaying information when logging into the system and providing data that will be stored in a centralized storage. The software allows you to control the demand for certain types of dishes, supporting changes, focusing on profit. The software helps control the availability of products according to the planned menu, compare expiration dates, quantities, and replenish stocks in a timely manner. Also, to promote business, it is possible to deliver orders to canteen customers, automatically accepting orders and processing them. The application allows you to control the timeliness of payments, as well as the display of information in the database. In any field of activity it is necessary to maintain a separate database of clients and suppliers. The CRM database will display correct information with contact details, history of deliveries and orders, mutual settlements, reviews, etc.
How to keep track of products in a cafe
You will be able to evaluate how to keep track of products in a cafe in your own case when you install the test version. The software in the form of a demo version will clearly demonstrate the unique capabilities and efficiency of an unlimited number of users who will be able to exchange information messages over a local network. The program allows you to quickly search for information. Also, for any establishment, the attendance of potentially paying customers is important, so the service must be at the highest level. In order to adequately assess the qualifications of employees with the service provided, it is planned to send SMS messages to clients to receive feedback and evaluate quality. The program promotes high-quality accounting and warehouse records. The application makes it easy to analyze the attendance of cafe visitors, providing discounts and points to increase loyalty. The bonus system is electronic money, guaranteeing a 100% return of visitors. The program increases labor productivity, increases profits and eliminates collapse and bankruptcy.
Possibilities of a CRM system for accounting in a canteen
The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.
- The program is a high-tech assistant with the necessary range of tools that productively influence the increase in turnover through a well-structured strategy for attracting, retaining, and servicing clients;
- aintaining a CRM database helps to have contact details of counterparties for communication, history of payments and attendance, reviews for analysis;
- utomated messaging helps provide information to customers, increasing engagement and traffic;
- ll information will be stored in the cloud for unified access and use of information data by users;
- ontact Finder is a convenient tool for finding data in minutes;
- elegation of user capabilities allows you to protect information from outsiders;
- he multi-user format facilitates the interaction of all users exchanging information messages with each other over the local network;
- ach user, when registering in the system, will be able to independently set up an account with a selection of modules and tools, themes, languages;
- ontrol of the quality of work and time worked in the application is carried out automatically, with the calculation of salary and interest for service;
- utomatic calculation of the amount of checks will be made by an electronic calculator with the entered prices from the menu taking into account the discount;
- ccounting is carried out through integration with 1C accounting;
- ideo control is remote control over actions inside public catering outlets;
- he ability to combine all points into a single network for convenient and effective financial accounting, control and management;
- sing the application with high-tech warehouse equipment allows you to quickly cope with inventory, monitoring the quantity and expiration dates of products;
- he free test version allows you to independently test the capabilities of the application, with a preliminary selection of modules and tools.
Free download of the program for accounting in the canteen
Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.
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Buy the program
If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.