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The rating is 4.8 according to 91 companies
Country availability: Open to all countries
Operating system: Windows
Category: Pharmacy management system

Customer Order Program

Customer Order Program

Customer Order Program

The program for customer orders allows you to regulate work moments from the moment of receipt of the request to the final result, including payments and issuance to the recipient. The programs currently solve various problems, regardless of the levels of complexity, with high-quality work with document flow, incoming requests, analysis of financial turnover. The complexity is due to the wide range of presented developments, of which there are quite a lot on the market, due to the interest of users. And we, in turn, caring about your business, well-being and activation of work resources, advise you to pay attention to the specialized development from the company "Universal Accounting System". The application is the most convenient, suitable for all levels of user capabilities, with a wide variety of available configuration parameters. You will also be pleasantly surprised and pleased with the pricing policy, which suits the budget of any organization, even with a small financial situation, while there is no monthly payment for a subscription fee.

Download the program for orders

You can download the program for orders directly from the Internet, but it is inappropriate to trust unverified developers, due to the fact that the market has a wide range of products and many unscrupulous companies provide trial versions or applications with limited capabilities for licensed ones. When purchasing unverified programs, you will subsequently have to pay two or even three times more to expand the functionality, etc. The USU software has flexible configuration parameters, provides all users of an unlimited number of a single, joint work activity with a convenient menu, divided into three sections "Modules", "Reports", "References". The software is developed taking into account the analysis of user needs, adapting to organizations in any field of activity. Each employee, installing the software on a work device and registering with the creation of a personal account, will be able to configure the configuration parameters, selecting modules and tools, setting up the language bar and setting a security password with a login to ensure the safety of confidential data. When registering specialists, it is intended not only to provide the opportunity for coordinated and automated work, but also to subsequently monitor and manage work activities.

Accounting for contracts by orders

Accounting of contracts for orders with suppliers and necessary for compliance with the terms of product delivery, payment of penalties, including timely fulfillment of obligations, etc. Automated software allows you to simplify the process of working with document flow, provides a digital format with templates that comply with the company's regulations. Templates will be used to quickly generate the necessary documentation, reporting when interacting with counterparties, entering details from the CRM database, information on goods with additional services from the price list, automatically indicating the terms and calculating the cost of payments. The application has a fairly convenient format for monitoring the validity of contract terms; when agreements expire, the system will send notifications in pop-up messages on the desktop screen to specialists for further resolution of these issues. Thus, it is possible to extend contracts or terminate cooperation. In the system, it is possible to analyze the levels of cooperation, identifying the most favorable conditions, including market analysis and comparison of pricing for similar goods and types of services.

Accounting and order processing

Accounting and processing of orders is performed offline, involves the use of electronic journals displaying terms and conditions, payments. The software, given the limitless functionality, suggests a convenient format for accepting applications with entry into journals, automatically calculating the cost of services and products. All settlement operations will be reproduced by an electronic calculator, using a price list with additional discounts provided for each client in an individual form. In the application, it is possible to use an unlimited number of individually generated price lists for each individual buyer, providing a certain discount amount. Thus, there will be no errors in settlement operations, given the efficiency of calculation with the display of data in journals, tables, invoices, acts and invoices. Documents are printed automatically or can be saved in electronic form for subsequent use and transmission by e-mail. Requests are received online and offline, providing specialists with quick entry of records and data processing with subsequent collection, delivery and issuance of products.

Accounting and control of orders

Accounting and control of orders is performed simultaneously, offering not only the entry of data on all applications, but also tracking of quality indicators, including deadlines. The system provides real management control over all stages of work, from the moment of receipt of a request from the customer to the moment of issue. All applications are processed in order of priority, with assignment of numbers and dates for subsequent reading, search and analysis. To improve the quality of work, it is envisaged to combine all departments into a single chain for convenient interaction and transfer of materials over the internal network, without the need to spend extra working time searching for and processing information materials. The system will record information not only on applications, contractors, but also on employees fulfilling this request, subsequently analyzing work activities for speed and quality. Work schedules in the system will be generated automatically, providing specialists with detailed information with the ability to make adjustments with pop-up messages on the monitor screen. The desktop screen will be individually configured by each specialist to implement comfortable working conditions.

Accounting of materials by order

Accounting of materials for the order is carried out in a regular form, leaving liquid positions in the required quantity, with automatic replenishment of the missing assortment when forming applications. All requests from customers will be quickly processed, QR codes of goods, sorted, packed and delivered parcels will be read. For high-quality management of inventory with detailing of data on sales, demand, the use of high-tech reading equipment for inventory is provided. With the help of software, inventory is carried out quickly and efficiently without presenting work activities, conducting control and analysis both selectively and over the entire material value. All information will be recorded in the nomenclature, displayed in detail with information on each name. Each product position will be recorded in a separate card with the addition of the assigned number, barcode, article, with the cost including VAT, the total amount of balances, description, characteristics, expiration dates, attaching images. The software allows the use of various Word Excel document formats, as well as graphic images to provide detailed information about the external parameters of an object.

Accounting and processing and order processing

Accounting, processing and registration of orders are carried out quickly, accurately, in a coordinated manner, taking into account the interaction of all departments. At the same time, when placing applications, the number will be automatically entered in the cards, the date and time will be displayed, with the ability to specify departments for redirecting goods. For example, for subsequent sorting and supplementing parcels, tracking statuses not only by company specialists, but also by the customer themselves, using an electronic form for quick filling, using data from the CRM database or entering manually, indicating goods and services from the nomenclature, indicating addresses for delivery or pickup from the point of issue, etc. Not a single application will be lost, given the entry of data into the system with further control and storage of information for many years. Given the automatic reading of information data, when specifying the address and information on customers, several goods, parcels, can be combined for a single delivery. Delivery is also carried out quickly by both full-time employees and hired couriers, through the delivery service. For delivery, interactive maps are used indicating exact addresses, building routes, analyzing the time required to complete these tasks, and also highlighting areas of greatest demand for the company's services and goods.

Accounting for payment of orders

Accounting for payment of orders is carried out even autonomously, recording all cash movements in the accounting reports, upon receipt of their payment, instantly writing off the debt. Also, many organizations use bonus accumulation of points when selling products or services, accrual of accumulation on a discount card upon completion of payment. Payments are reproduced by the application in cash through the cash desk, to the courier upon delivery in hand, as well as when reading QR codes, transfers of any monetary unit from current accounts and with conversion at the rate of the national currency, providing interaction with banks and payment terminals. All financial resources will be displayed in the system, providing the manager with detailed information on the correct data for any reporting period. Also, access to the task scheduler to enter fixed dates for the reproduction of automatic processes, such as the formation of documentation and reporting. Reporting can be provided in graphs, diagrams, also using graphic images. At the same time, there is no need to worry about the correctness of the calculations performed, providing for the implementation of this operation by an electronic calculator.

Accounting for order placement

There is no need to worry about accounting for the placement of orders in the program, as previously mentioned, all processes are performed automatically, providing users with the necessary information in a short and complete form. For the convenience of counterparties, it is possible to provide advertising on various platforms, in social networks, with access to an electronic catalog for subsequent selection of interesting product positions and additional services. The convenience of online trading is to provide customers with the opportunity to make requests at any time, pre-analyzing the products, including calculating the total cost. If there are unfinished purchases, the system will automatically send notifications to remind and complete the transaction by payment and subsequent delivery. In case of need or loss of goods, it is possible to quickly find an application by number, by date of registration, by buyer, using a contextual search engine. A universal possibility of using telephone communication for interaction of buyers with specialists is also provided, saving time on processing information data and providing the necessary information when reading the contact phone number and displaying detailed information on the subscriber on the monitor screen. At the same time, the specialist will be ready for a conversation, answering the call and addressing you by name, increasing the chances of productive cooperation.

Accounting for order distribution

Accounting for the distribution of orders by pick-up points is carried out during temporary storage with implementation in the correct mode, providing for the use of large-scale maps with the division of districts and regions. Subsequently, it is possible to monitor the transportation of goods, reflecting the location of vehicles, the courier on the map. It is also possible to provide a link with the geolocation of the delivery status to customers. When notifying customers about the readiness of services or goods, it is envisaged to inform in the form of a sent message, with further delivery or pick-up from the pick-up point. Also, for quick delivery, correct display of data in the recipient's system, it is proposed to send a code number or QR code. Thus, when transferring a parcel or providing services to customers, the system will record up-to-date information with subsequent entry of comments and reviews. A separate journal will display information about problematic products.

Accounting for expenses by orders

Accounting of expenses for orders is performed by the application, pre-calculating the cost of delivery, payment of wages to full-time and part-time couriers, ensuring safety in temporary storage warehouses or at pick-up points, etc. All associated expenses will be taken into account, displayed in the system for the possibility of continuous financial analysis. Information on the company's financial activities will be maintained in 1C, which productively interacts with the application, without the need to switch from one system to another. There is also no need to manually re-enter information that is already in the database. We remind you that all information is saved automatically in the cloud, in any volume, for a long period, taking into account the classification by numbers, dates, counterparties, etc. For filling, importing materials is provided with maintaining quality indicators and high speed.

Accounting for order calculation

The accounting of the calculation of orders is displayed in a separate table, taking into account the numbers and dates of registration, deadlines, upon readiness and provision to customers, making comments with an assessment of the quality of execution. The software allows you to improve the work of the entire business, also involves the receipt and processing of data from foreign customers, by ensuring interaction and attracting third-party resources, social networks, sites, etc. Considering the possibility of using a mobile application, counterparties will be able to register in the mobile application, in their personal account on the site, in the online store, making applications with subsequent analysis of execution. Also, when registering, counterparties will be able to use personal discounts and calculate accumulated points for subsequent payment for services and goods. All information about completed discounts, promotions, mutual settlements, purchases will be displayed in the system, with the ability to print checks, analyze data. All information on financial activities will be structured saved in the 1C system, assuming synchronization for automated accounting analysis. At the same time, perfect business management with financial activities is taken into account, simplifying the daily work of users, taking into account the possibility of entering information once and for all with further import and export.

CRM system for customer orders

The automated CRM system for customer orders provides for maintaining correct information on all counterparties classified by categories, taking into account the distinctions by certain parameters. Counterparties will be classified by requests, timeliness of payment, calculating the final profit brought with the provision of additional opportunities, privileges. The application will record detailed information in the CRM database, with details, history of cooperation, services used and goods purchased, mutual settlements, reviews, discounts, the presence of a bonus card with existing accumulated points, etc. The information will be regularly supplemented, providing for the improvement of relationships, offering scans of documents and checks. To improve the relationship, it is also envisaged to send messages, which are produced in bulk, voice and text letters. In addition to text messages, an image will also be attached when congratulating on holidays, attaching invoices, etc.

Buy a program for customer orders

You can buy a program for customer orders in a preliminary test version, with free technical support. The demo version is a free option for familiarizing the user with the application. The universal system is a convenient tool for implementing the most complex tasks, when integrated with devices, additional applications and services. You will be able to automate the process of recording appointments and make requests online, accept payments in a contactless form, control internal processes using video surveillance, and also use electronic bracelets, cards and personal identifiers to record the attendance of employees and visitors to branches and retail outlets for any period of time, it is possible to generate reporting documentation with diagrams and graphs. You can contact specialists by the contact numbers provided on the website, and also receive two hours of technical support in a free format when purchasing a licensed program.

Video programs for customer orders

CRM system capabilities for customer orders

The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.

  • The universal application has flexible parameters with individual settings by employees registering in the system under personal credentials;
  • he affordable cost of the application is not the only advantage that distinguishes it from similar developments with a free subscription fee;
  • he application, with all its multifunctionality, also offers interaction with additional services, reading devices, applications;
  • he reading device helps not only to scan goods, but also payment and discount cards, certificates, subscriptions, and display detailed information in the system;
  • he counterparty database provides users with the necessary information in an up-to-date form with details, settlements, application status, completed transactions, and reviews;
  • he application makes it possible to automate the process of calculation operations, assuming the use of an electronic calculator;
  • he software has 96 languages that can be used by users;
  • or convenient communication with counterparties, it is envisaged to use contact telephone numbers and email addresses for sending messages with attached files, graphic images, and texts;
  • nteraction between users locally is carried out through synchronization of work devices;
  • onitoring activities within all departments and warehouses has become more accessible with the installation of surveillance cameras;
  • he staff's wages are calculated in accordance with the physical calculations of the work performed and the time worked;
  • he formation of work schedules is carried out in the system autonomously, assuming a rational distribution of tasks with fast and high-quality execution in the blogo business development;
  • ll requests from counterparties will be accepted and recorded in the system, video recordings of conversations;
  • o receive incoming calls from subscribers, it provides the possibility of using a telephone exchange and an answering machine, developing a business with the provision of the necessary advisory assistance in a prompt and high-quality mode;
  • ccepting applications online, processing requests with quick implementation, analyzing the execution of all work according to established deadlines and quality.

Free download of customer order software

Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.

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Buy the program

If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.