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Accounting for utilities

Accounting for utilities

Accounting for utilities

Accounting of utilities will be accurate with timely display of charges, based on the general indicators of resource consumption. Given the large volumes of information data, the need to service a large number of subscribers, difficulties arise in the competent management of utility analysis and subsequent calculations. Automation, security, timeliness of high-quality display of actual data, systematic transmission of consumption readings, as well as the implementation of settlement operations, are provided for when using modern technological solutions in the form of specialized developments. Programs have closely entered our lives, simplifying and improving daily processes, which will subsequently have a productive impact on the activities of the organization with an increase in income and optimization of resources.

Modern developments are classified by functionality, speed and memory capacity, number of users, price range. In order not to make a mistake when choosing a development, first of all, it is worth analyzing your business, identifying gaps in work, deciding on the necessary modules and tools suitable for your type of activity. After that, it is necessary to analyze the market, compare all the possibilities presented by certain developers, identify offers suitable for the budget, and then take the next step. Considering the endless variety of products presented by different developer companies, it is really difficult to make a choice, but we, in turn, draw your attention to the software "Universal Accounting System". The application is designed to improve quality indicators, reduce the loss of time and money, increasing capital, quickly and efficiently completing tasks. The developers, taking into account the needs and wishes of users, regularly improve the functionality.

Commercial accounting of public utilities

Commercial metering of utilities is a process of settlements by measuring consumption and reading the readings from metering devices. Commercial metering is carried out on common or individual consumption. Based on individual commercial metering, the consumer will pay utility bills based on actual consumption, based on readings from consumption devices. Software with wide functionality is an ideal solution for the purposes of business security, management and control over internal organizational processes, accounting and analytics. The software is quickly configured for any model of the Windows operating system, an unlimited number of user work devices.

The application can work remotely, providing mobility to users who are required to undergo initial registration with the display of personal data when installing the utility. When installing the utility, users will be able to quickly configure the configuration parameters using their native and foreign language for servicing subscribers, configure themes for the desktop screensaver, which can be changed at any time as desired, and also apply templates that comply with the company's regulations and tools for full-fledged business management. The application is presented on the market at a low price, especially considering the ratio with similar developments, while guaranteeing an infinity of functional potential that adapts to any level of the user, with a free subscription fee

On commercial accounting of public utilities

You can learn more about commercial accounting of utilities by consulting with specialists, using available reference books. Commercial accounting of utilities allows you to rationally evaluate the consumption of resources using electronic devices, as well as tariffs used for the square footage of living space, the number of residents, etc. The application is logged in using a shortcut on the desktop, after which specialists can use a personally generated account with a secure login and password to authorize and perform the following tasks. Graphs are generated in the application automatically, analyzing the activities of employees. Considering the work in electronic format, it is possible to promptly make changes, additions to materials. The presence of a large operational memory is provided for the safety of unlimited volumes of information files saved in the cloud space with a long term and supported Word and Excel formats.

Assuming protection and storage of all materials in a common cloud space, it is also assumed that user capabilities are divided by levels. Thus, employees, if necessary, will be analyzed by the system, displaying personal capabilities of the level, limiting or providing access. At the same time, confidential data will be reliably stored from prying eyes and, accordingly, leaks. In order for users to quickly use the necessary information, it is assumed that a contextual search engine will be used in a daily form. By entering a request in the electronic search engine window, it is assumed that the necessary information will be quickly displayed within a few minutes. Considering the limitless functionality of the software, multi-channel connection of all employees, interaction within the local area is provided, transmitting information data over the network. Thus, it is worth noting the convenience of combining all departments into a synchronized chain, to increase the quality indicators of business.

Journal of accounting of public utilities

The utility service accounting log provides for displaying actual indicators for hot and cold water, heating, gas supply, electricity, etc. Considering the fact that the software is automated, multifunctional, integrated with various devices, services, with the convenience of automatic reading of indicators from meters. Thus, controllers do not need to recheck the readings of all metering devices of apartment buildings, spending working time more productively. Considering the interaction of the software with consumption devices, it is also possible to analyze data on operation and the date of replacement, repair. The system will automatically notify specialists in checking metering devices if necessary. Each meter will be assigned a serial number, which will be displayed in the log, with actual consumption, etc. If necessary, the subscriber will be able to independently contact the support service, providing general readings for a particular period of time.

The system, in turn, autonomously calculates the total amount of utility consumption, calculating the cost and providing data in receipts to subscribers. When residents contact specialists, to improve the quality of performance in relationships, it is envisaged to keep records of conversations, as well as use the telephone option. For frequently asked questions, an answering machine will be used. Telephony provides for the efficiency of reading contact numbers when incoming calls to subscribers' phones, displaying data on the work monitor with detailed information on payments, debts, readings, etc., answering the call with a pre-prepared speech and addressing by name. Specialists can make adjustments to the accounting log during the conversation, issue requests for repairs, replacement of consumption devices, inspection, etc. Also, taking into account the possibilities of universal development, remote video surveillance of work processes within all departments by management is provided. Thus, using video recordings, the manager may not worry about the inability to be at the workplace, remotely supervising each subordinate.

Payment book for utilities

The payment book for utilities in specialized software is used in electronic form, recording actual consumption readings, comparing the issued invoice and the payment indication for certain resources. Today, subscribers are provided with paper electronic receipts, whichever is more convenient, they pay in cash or by bank transfer. Payment books for utilities are receipts that indicate the personal account, readings for electricity, hot and cold water, heating, gas supply, etc. The consumed resources are summed up with the tariff plan. Calculations made in the system are carried out by an electronic calculator, which is quite convenient, reliable, fast and easy. Algorithms entered into the electronic calculator allow you to optimize the working time of employees, quickly calculating the total cost of services provided to subscribers. The receipt also indicates additional services for garbage collection (MSW), house maintenance costs (HMCC), elevator maintenance, security, cleaning of entrances, video surveillance, intercom.

The services provided are calculated based on the volume of total living space, the number of residents, etc. It is quite easy to display analytical indicators for any period of time in the application, providing the management and the relevant authorities with the necessary reports. For convenient perception of information, reports can be provided in graphs and diagrams. Thus, it is possible to compare the general indicator of consumption and expenditure of resources for any period of time. Given the limitless functionality of the application, the use of a task scheduler is also considered, in which it is possible to specify the deadlines for completing work. For example, when implementing the protection and safety of information data, regular backup is required, which the system will reliably and quickly cope with. If it is necessary to provide statistical and analytical reports to the management, the application will quickly generate the necessary data. Inventory of inventory items (equipment, materials) will be carried out promptly, using interaction with high-tech equipment.

Utility Calculation Spreadsheet

The utility calculation spreadsheet allows you to display previous readings and actually display the difference and the total amount of payment according to the tariffs. The receipts will also indicate a cell indicating the amount that the consumer will pay at the current time. When working with documents, reports, receipts, applications and notifications, it is envisaged to use templates that are quickly generated and filled in according to samples. Transferring materials from one source to another can optimize the time of employees. In the utility, it is possible to analyze the indicators of the labor activity of all employees, permanently noting in the journals the indicators of daily working capacity and academic performance, comparing the actual indicators of the number of hours worked and completed applications, calculating wages. The utility also implements the supervision of the location of employees, reflecting the geolocation on large-scale maps. Dispatchers will be able to promptly redirect specialists on applications, quickly solving a particular problem. Also, calculation spreadsheets can be used to display data on all requests from subscribers, recording the date and time of the request, the reason (repair, breakdown, replacement of meters, etc.). As the work progresses, the data will be supplemented in the spreadsheets, with the introduction of notes, feedback from residents, which will be received with an assessment of the work of specialists.

Automation of utility accounting

Automation of utility accounting is carried out by means of high-tech software that automates the company's work resources. The application provides for entering data on all objects of apartment buildings, reflecting materials on owners, residents, entering personal account numbers, square footage, readings from reading devices, payments and debts, accrual of penalties, etc. The application can supplement information with scans of documents, photographs, for the identified determination of a person when contacting employees in departments. The development also assumes the use of contacts of phone numbers for communication with subscribers, providing information support on news, scheduled repairs, the need to make a payment for utilities.

Interaction with subscribers is carried out by sending messages in a single or selective format. As a convenience, it is envisaged to install and use a mobile application, providing residents with the opportunity to independently register in personal accounts to submit applications, receive receipts, compare tariff indicators, see company news, give testimony, etc. In order to analyze and test the functionality of the capabilities demonstrated by the high-tech, automated program on your own, you should follow the link below, download the demo version. The demo version is free, the only drawback of which is a limited period of validity, but with the preservation of information data accumulated during the testing period. If you have any questions, you can get additional information by contacting specialists for advice.

Video of the program for accounting of utilities

Possibilities of a CRM system for accounting of utility services

The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.

  • The software provides for automatic reading of meter readings for calculation and issuance of invoices in receipts, monitoring the status and timeliness of payments, analyzing debtors;
  • he application has the ability to interact with subscribers by sending voice and text messages, calls, using contact information;
  • ubscriber data will be reflected in the CRM database with full details, resources consumed, payments and debts, accrued penalties, applications, personal account name, square footage of residential and non-residential space;
  • n the universal development, employees can quickly generate, save and print documents and reports, applications and receipts, using templates with automated entry of information;
  • upervising and managing intra-organizational life has become even more accessible with the help of real-time video surveillance, recording materials;
  • alculations are performed by an electronic calculator, ensuring efficiency and accuracy, taking into account actual consumption and tariffs;
  • ll departments will be integrated for convenient accounting, control and management, analysis, as well as coordination and exchange of data via a local or Internet network;
  • or each employee of the organization, work activity will be monitored and analyzed, with the calculation of monthly wages;
  • eceipts will be provided to residents in paper or electronic form;
  • ayment is available in cash and non-cash forms, taking into account interaction with banks and payment terminals;
  • he accounting department will promptly analyze and read readings from metering devices, perform calculations, generate documentation and reporting, when integrated with the 1C system;
  • ree testing of functionality is provided when installing the trial version;
  • ontrol of all metering devices will be accurate and timely, reflecting data on replacement, repair, and readings;
  • pplications from subscribers are accepted in person, by phone, or by sending them electronically from a mobile application;
  • he presence of large-scale maps allows you to see and distribute work responsibilities between employees, redirect them to urgent calls, and build routes;
  • elephony allows you to handle a large flow of subscribers, answering calls with information displayed on the monitor screen, providing advisory assistance, accepting applications, and recording conversations;
  • mployees can enter data manually or automatically, transferring it from different media.

Free download of utility billing software

Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.

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