Operating system: Windows
Category: Pharmacy management system
How to manage receipts and expenses in a store

How to manage receipts and expenses in a store
How to manage receipts and expenses in a store using modern technologies, reducing time wasted on warehouse operations several times, timely analyzing data on surplus or shortage of goods, increasing the efficiency of work activities? At the current time, there is a wide variety of developments from different companies specializing in automated accounting, control and management of intra-organizational processes. Using the software, it is possible to maintain nomenclature, display and record income and expenditure, and movement of inventory items. Automated programs allow you to use terminal mode for cashiers in stores, showing analytics and sales statistics. With the help of software, it is possible to control all processes, including balances and inventories of goods, excluding cases of theft and theft of inventory, preventing information leakage and loss of lost profits. Rather than manually carrying out warehouse and accounting, control and management yourself, it is easier and more efficient to implement a program for automated execution of assigned tasks, improving work processes.
How to calculate income and expenses in a store
You can quickly learn how to calculate income and expenses in a store by first familiarizing yourself with the functionality of the program selected from the market offers. To minimize the time spent searching for a specialized electronic assistant and at the same time save money, it is worth monitoring the market. We also advise you to pay attention to the automated program from the company “Universal Accounting System”. The software has an affordable price with a free subscription fee, two-hour technical support, and unlimited functionality suitable for any field of activity. Configuration parameters intuitively adapt to user needs, providing the right to select tools and modules for subsequent work in your personal account. All employees of the organization must independently register in the system for subsequent monitoring and recording of work activities. The software allows you to work with several stores and warehouses simultaneously, displaying operational and financial activities.
Income, expense, balance - spreadsheet
Receipt, expense, balance - the spreadsheet can be displayed in electronic format with timely additions and changes. The software allows you to automate the process of reading barcodes of goods, carrying out receipt, consumption and analysis of balances. The generation of documents, journals, spreadsheets is carried out automatically, using electronic templates in daily work, which are filled out with optimization of working time when importing materials from different sources. With the program, it is possible to implement any plans when working with documentation, converting files into the required formats. Integration with warehouse equipment allows you to correctly display information when receiving and selling goods, performing an inventory without discrepancies in quantitative indicators. In the program, it became possible to automatically carry out statistics on goods, identifying the most popular items, taking into account the calculation of total profit for a given period of time.
Income, expense program
The income and expense program affects the overall income of the organization, excluding shortages or excess of products. By recording all the data, it is possible to analyze changes in pricing for a given period of time, when purchasing products in foreign currency, calculating the increase or decrease in prices taking into account changes in exchange rates. The software also allows you to correctly maintain accounting records when integrated with the 1C system. Thus, the head of a trade organization will be aware of all matters, promptly receiving analytical and statistical data in spreadsheets, graphs or charts. The calculation will be automatically reproduced by an electronic calculator according to specified algorithms. The program has the necessary tools for detailed inventory accounting, so there is no need to waste time on manual accounting. The program has a convenient spreadsheet with all the names of goods, distinguishing items by availability, purpose, cost, etc.
Income and expense spreadsheet
The income and expense spreadsheet allows you to display current information taking into account the comparison of the total amount of inventory, excluding discrepancies in indicators. The software supports work in Excel format, using existing tabular data or contributed materials during the work. The software allows you to eliminate wastage of time when optimizing working time based on information data. For the convenience of working with actual data on goods, classification is provided by category, expiration date, cost, with the ability to highlight cells in different colors. Thus, when product positions are running low, these names will be displayed in a certain color in the spreadsheet. It also provides the ability to display information on promotional items, with recalculation of the cost for payment. To increase loyalty, it is possible to provide discounts and bonuses to customers, increasing sales volumes.
Spreadsheet - income, expense, balance
The spreadsheet - receipt, expense, balance provides for unlimited editing, search for information by articles and codes, categories, etc. For better perception and differentiation of one product name from another, an image is attached to the spreadsheet (nomenclature). Up-to-date information will be entered into the product card, taking into account the code, price, rating, description, image, etc. The software will record in detail all actions performed in the system, information on acceptance, expenses and balances, promptly generating reports with a convenient review and printing option. The built-in analytics option allows you to control the balance of surplus goods, promptly purchasing liquid products. Thus, it is possible to eliminate business downtime and loss of profits. Based on the presented spreadsheets and graphs, it is possible to control the timing of purchases and sales, calculating the total amount of income.
Report - income, expense, balance
The report - income, expense, balance will be displayed in the system, recording all employee actions, shortages, thefts, surpluses, promptly identifying errors during sales. An analysis of employee qualifications is also provided. The program provides integration with various devices, applications, and websites. Thus, when interacting with payment systems, it is possible to ensure fast payment in stores using payment cards and money transfers. Various currency formats are supported, converting funds at the rate at the time of sale. The software has a fairly clear interface, with quick installation and user training. To master and test the software, it is possible to install a trial version, which is completely free, which will also not affect the expenditure of budget funds. On our official website you can also read reviews from clients who have successfully implemented the software and are growing their businesses around the world.
Possibilities of a CRM system for managing receipts and expenses in a store
The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.
- The software is affordable, has unlimited possibilities, large RAM for storing information, integration with high-tech devices;
- he program allows you to automate the calculation process;
- cceptance of payments is possible in cash and non-cash form, maintaining interaction with the banking system;
- anual entry is replaced by importing data from various sources, supporting different file formats;
- n the application, users can easily and quickly find the information they need using a contextual search engine;
- ccess rights are differentiated, taking into account the work activities of specialists;
- he program is easy to learn with publicly available configuration parameters with a demo version and a short video review;
- he program allows for the exchange of information messages over a local or Internet network;
- convenient format for keeping track of working hours, monitoring the tasks performed by employees, calculating the total time worked and sales, with reflection on wages;
- he software allows you to implement various plans, developing your business and increasing your income;
- ccounting is performed through integration with 1C accounting, automating the process of document management, costing, etc.;
- ork with the creation of documents and reports is presented in electronic form using templates;
- arehouse accounting will be automatic, the application will interact with high-tech devices, optimizing working time and eliminating discrepancies in the final indicators of the number of goods;
- ustomer information support is available for mass or selective sending of SMS and Email messages;
- ards of clients and suppliers will be maintained in a single CRM database with the addition of contacts and sales history, mutual settlements.
Free download of a program for managing receipts and expenses in a store
Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.
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Buy the program
If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.