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The rating is 4.8 according to 93 companies
Country availability: Open to all countries
Operating system: Windows
Category: Pharmacy management system

Program for a cosmetics store

Program for a cosmetics store

Program for a cosmetics store

The program for a cosmetics store is an ideal option for proper record keeping, constant monitoring, analytics of customer traffic and demand for care and decorative cosmetics. The programs are designed to optimize the work resources of any type of business with automatic execution of assigned tasks of any complexity. With a properly selected automated system, you don’t have to worry about business development, increasing sales volumes, expanding your customer base, or the quality work of your employees. Among the presented developments, it is worth highlighting the “Universal Accounting System” software. Unlike similar programs, the development of a control system is presented at an affordable cost, with wide functionality, a multi-user format of work, and unified management of an unlimited number of stores and warehouses. The software, at an affordable price, does not require a monthly subscription fee. The application provides for registration and subsequent authorization of users using personal accounts with security logins and passwords.

Automation of a cosmetics store

Automation of a cosmetics store provides for an integrated approach using modern tools that activate workforce resources. In the program, all product items will be classified into categories. Additional information with description, expiration date, volume, and cost will be attached to the product cards. So that store employees and customers can independently familiarize themselves with the appearance of the products, it is possible to attach an image received directly from the web camera. The program provides for comparison of cost data taking into account market analysis and purchase price. When purchasing products in foreign currency, it is possible to analyze and calculate the cost, taking into account changes in exchange rates. In the program, all calculations are carried out automatically, using an electronic calculator during the work, with the entered calculation algorithms. The program can be easily used, even by an inexperienced user, quickly mastering the application and control principles. It also provides support from specialists who, in addition to consultation, will help with the selection of modules and tools.

Programs for a cosmetics store

Programs for a cosmetics store allow you not only to control the arrival, movement, and balances of goods, but also to maintain a customer base with display of traffic and calculations of total sales volume. The program provides for maintaining a CRM database with detailed information about contacts for communication with customers, history of circulation and purchased cosmetics, payments in cash and non-cash form. The software facilitates analysis of customer traffic, identifying the most regular and solvent ones, who bring the greatest profit. To increase loyalty, a bonus system of accruing points and providing discounts is used. Also today, online trading is quite relevant, reducing the cost of time and financial resources for renting premises for shops and warehouses, selling products directly from warehouses. Thus, all information with all names will be displayed on the website in an up-to-date form, where buyers can independently select the necessary products, add them to the cart and later make a purchase. For incomplete purchases, the system will automatically send a message notifying you of pending items. The software helps increase sales volume by analyzing data on liquid products, implementing marketing campaigns with promotions for unclaimed products and promptly replenishing missing goods of liquid items.

Accounting in a cosmetics store

Accounting in a cosmetics store will be carried out automatically, using high-tech devices that affect the optimization of working time. Carrying out warehouse accounting manually consumes a lot of effort, nerves and time, and does not always have a productive effect on the displayed quantitative indicators and financial activities, taking into account the influence of the human factor. Therefore, software that automatically performs capitalization, movement, and inventory will record quantitative indicators, without discrepancies between calculations and nomenclature. In the application, it is easy to find the desired product position by scanning the barcode with a barcoding scanner. Also, when entering the name and article number of the product, it is possible to quickly find the necessary information on cost, description or storage location. In the program, all users will have personal authority and access rights to information data stored in a centralized repository. With multi-channel access, users will be able to interact and exchange information data locally, which also helps reduce time losses.

Accounting program for a cosmetics store

The accounting program for a cosmetics store guarantees high-quality control over the safety of inventory. CCTV cameras allow you to record customer attendance in stores and the work of personnel in warehouses. Also, using the software, you may not have to worry about accounting, providing for integration with the 1C system. Thus, document management will be streamlined, automating the process of creating documents, reports and acts based on existing templates in electronic form. Filling provides for manual and automatic data entry, importing information from various sources, supporting any file formats. The software helps to automatically attract and retain customers with increased loyalty by sending information messages to customers in a mass or selective form. It is also possible to use the ultra-modern PBX telephony function, saving time and quickly providing information to customers, seeing detailed information and, if necessary, entering additional information into the database. The software is presented as a test version for preliminary familiarization of the work of potential users. Also, when you purchase a licensed program, you receive two hours of technical support as a bonus.

Video programs for a cosmetics store

Capabilities of a CRM system for a cosmetics store

The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.

  • The software has a convenient system with the ability to select modules and tools for high-quality work;
  • he application provides multi-channel connection, with single sign-on and exchange of information messages;
  • he software has desktop themes that can be changed at the request of users;
  • ach employee undertakes to register in the system, entering personal data to create an account used daily with a security login and password;
  • he system provides for keeping records of working hours, increasing efficiency while reflecting details of time worked, with payroll calculation;
  • inancial activities will be reflected in the system, taking into account the integration of the software with 1C accounting;
  • he generation of documentation and reporting will become a quick and streamlined process, using electronic templates in daily work;
  • he software is affordable, with a free subscription fee;
  • he application provides automatic calculation, saving time and eliminating errors;
  • he program provides automatic filling of documentation, spreadsheets and logs;
  • nformation support is provided by a contextual search engine, entering a request into an electronic window;
  • he application allows you to conduct analytics on popular items of goods, making plans for productive trading activities
  • he nomenclature will reflect correct information for each item of the product, with code and article number, cost, possible discount, description, shelf life, picture;
  • arehouse accounting is carried out using high-tech devices that facilitate the prompt execution of acceptance, movement, write-off and inventory;
  • he ability to conduct online trading is available, providing up-to-date information on availability and prices to customers, automatically accepting orders and processing formation and payment.

Free download program for a cosmetics store

Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.

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