Operating system: Windows
Category: Pharmacy management system
Program for a computer store

Program for a computer store
The program for a computer store provides for a constant analysis of demand for these or other types of devices and additional components, creating pricing in accordance with market offers. The developers of the “Universal Accounting System” software have created an automated assistant for work in any field of activity. The software can be configured for an unlimited number of working devices with a convenient format, remote control, monitoring and accounting. The software has an affordable price with a free subscription fee, flexible configuration options and a user-friendly interface. The application is available to every user, even with little experience in software. For each, authorization in the system is provided with the entry of personal data for further control of work activities and access to informative data and user capabilities. User capabilities are strictly delimited, depending on work activity.
Computer inventory program
The computer inventory program provides control over safety in quantitative and qualitative form. Thanks to the automated program, it is easy to find information on computers, components, costs and other information. Information is stored in an information repository with shared access by users. Information can be found manually or automatically by entering a query into the electronic window of a contextual search engine. An automated search system simplifies and speeds up the process of providing data. Information on computers, components and additional services will be maintained and regularly updated in the price list. There is no need to manually enter data, wasting time, when it is possible to transfer information from any sources. You can attach a picture received from a webcam. Accounting and inventory are carried out by the program in interaction with various high-tech devices. Thus, it is possible not only to optimize the consumption of working time, but also to improve labor productivity.
Computer inventory programs
Computer inventory programs help you streamline your workload by effectively coping with different tasks at the same time. The program, when interacting with a barcoding scanner or data collection terminal, will quickly calculate the number of computers and other products. Each product will be recorded in the system, automatically displaying the quantity, warranty period, and general characteristics. Thus, when entering a code or pointing a barcoding scanner at a product, the system can easily and quickly display information for sale, calculating the payment amount, bonuses, etc. The application does not allow mistakes, which, as a rule, are often made even by qualified specialists. If necessary, it is possible to use individual codes by pointing the scanner to read barcodes on a sheet of paper. The program allows you to analyze sales and identify the most liquid product names, replenishing stocks at dawn to increase income. It is also possible to compare sales volumes for a given period of time. When delivering goods from abroad, it is possible to calculate the amount of expenses and income, taking into account the cost, delivery of products in foreign currency, exchange rates and other things. The universal program provides accurate data, eliminating downtime, increasing sales volumes with a well-structured marketing scheme.
PC inventory program
PC inventory software allows you to reduce costs while expanding your business at an accelerated pace. The application, by monitoring the market and comparing demand for PCs, will provide data to specialists, taking into account the sale of goods with the greatest material benefit. The program allows you to manage all stores and warehouses, monitoring all the actions of employees. Work activities will be displayed on monitors when transmitting materials from surveillance cameras. Thus, facts of theft of inventory items, as well as incorrect actions of store employees or customers are excluded. In the program, it is possible to unite all stores into a single management network for the best performance. To improve the quality of work of employees, an analysis of customer service is provided, comparing sales volumes and reviews that customers leave independently when sending messages. The program allows you to send SMS and Email messages to a customer base or selected numbers to provide information about new products, advantageous offers, discounts and bonuses. Thus, customer loyalty increases with increasing sales volumes.
Computer inventory software minimizes the investment of time and money. There is no need to purchase additional applications or devices, or hire additional staff. One universal program replaces dozens of workers, working properly even around the clock. The system can be accessed from any working device, from anywhere in the world. Different foreign languages can be used for work. It also supports accepting payments in any world currency, converting funds at the rate at the time of the transaction. The program, integrating with the 1C system, ensures accounting, automating the process of generating documentation and reporting, and carrying out settlement transactions. The program also allows you to maintain a database of all clients and suppliers, adding contact information, history of requests, purchases and payments. The system allows you to identify a regular customer, calculating the income generated. For regular customers, it is planned to create separate price lists with bonuses for further purchases.
Store management
Store management is carried out by a program with automatic accounting, control, analysis and management. Employees can transfer data over the internal network, reducing time consumption. Also a unique opportunity is to promote goods through an online store, automatically accepting orders, processing them and monitoring the status of payments and delivery of goods. The issuance of invoices, warranty cards, documents, acts is carried out on the basis of electronic templates that are filled out automatically when transferring information from any sources. You can get acquainted with the program by directly installing the free demo version. Pre-select modules and tools are also available. If necessary, and if you have any remaining questions, you should consult with the company’s specialists.
Capabilities of a CRM system for a computer store
The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.
- The automated program has a low cost and does not require payment of a monthly subscription fee;
- ulti-channel connection optimizes working time with the exchange of information over the local network;
- n a single system, it is possible to see and analyze reports on stores, managing individual retail outlets;
- ast accounting, write-off of goods, inventory, using high-tech devices when working with the program;
- he universal system has flexible configuration options with a personally configurable account;
- nformation is updated regularly, providing information to users quickly when they enter a question about goods and services, contractors and other data into the contextual search engine;
- eeping records of working hours is carried out according to actual calculations of time worked and the volume of the fulfilled plan, with the payment of wages;
- ontrol is carried out remotely using installation and transmission of video materials;
- aintaining accounting records during synchronized operation of the application with the 1C system;
- enerating electronic documentation and reporting using existing templates;
- o increase revenue, it is planned to analyze liquid products, timely replenish stocks and sell illiquid items with a well-structured marketing strategy;
- ossibility of expanding business and opening new outlets by selling goods through an online store;
- he program allows you to maintain a separate database of contractors with contacts, information on sales, payments, bonuses, etc.;
- eographic maps allow you to build routes for the delivery of orders with goods, analyze timing and calculate costs;
- he application can work in any part of the world using the necessary languages.
Free download of the program for a computer store
Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.
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Buy the program
If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.