Operating system: Windows
Category: Pharmacy management system
Program for receipt and expenditure of goods

Program for receipt and expenditure of goods
The program for the receipt and expenditure of goods reduces the loss of time on warehouse operations many times over, analyzing data on surpluses or shortages, increasing the efficiency of work activities. Among the wide variety of presented developments specializing in automated accounting, control and management, it is worth highlighting the software from the company "Universal Accounting System". The software during the report on the receipt and expenditure of goods can use the function of the terminal for the cashier in stores, with an increase in analytics and sales statistics. The software is presented with a democratic pricing policy, a free subscription fee that does not hit the pockets of even a start-up business. The software promotes constant control over the high-quality storage of inventory, excluding illegal actions with theft or causing material damage. In the software, all information will be stored in electronic format, limiting access rights for third parties, preventing information leakage.
How to keep track of receipt and expenditure of goods
How to keep track of receipt and expenditure of goods using software? The software is automated with unlimited functionality. You can quickly master the principles of the software by analyzing a short video review or by consulting with specialists. It is also worth considering that when purchasing software, you are provided with two-hour technical support with the registration of each user in a personal form. When registering and subsequently authorizing users in the system, an account with a secure login and password will be used, ensuring the confidentiality of information data. Each user will be able to independently select the necessary tools for subsequent work, configure the language bar with a choice of one or more foreign languages, and select a theme for the desktop. It is also possible to combine all structural divisions into a single information system for local interaction and exchange of information messages. In a single program, it is possible to manage an entire network of stores, displaying the receipt and expenditure of goods with the calculation of the turnover of funds.
Receipt and expenditure of goods
The receipt and expenditure of goods is carried out in a program with complex automation, displaying information in the system. The software allows you to timely identify shortages or surpluses of goods, productively influencing the overall indicators of productive activity. The software facilitates automated accounting of the receipt and expenditure of goods, recording information in the application, with subsequent changes in pricing. It is possible to analyze price changes with the saved information, comparing the purchase price of the purchased in a particular currency, taking into account the change in the exchange rate. It is also possible to analyze data on the demand for goods, promptly expanding or reducing the range. Thus, it is possible to exclude unnecessary financial expenses with downtime and expired goods. Calculations will be carried out automatically using an electronic calculator, introducing algorithms for calculation. The software fully automates the daily processes of users, minimizing manual accounting using modern tools for detailed accounting and control of warehouse stocks.
Journal of receipt and expenditure of goods
The log of receipt and expenditure of goods helps to display up-to-date information taking into account the comparison of the total quantity of goods, while excluding discrepancies in the calculated indicators. The log will display information on the date and time of receipt or expenditure of goods, cost, total quantity, expiration dates, etc. The software supports work with various file formats, using existing materials with subsequent apology. The software allows you to optimize the loss of working time when working with an information base in which it is possible to save unlimited volumes of materials. Information is searched promptly using a contextual search engine, providing users with specific information based on work activity, taking into account the delimited user capabilities. The software helps to competently maintain the nomenclature with the display of all names of goods, classifying them by category, availability, cost. It is possible to supplement information on the description, article, quantity, expiration dates, attached images received from a web camera or from existing files. The program allows you to highlight certain product positions in different colors, with quick provision of information about items that are running out or illiquid assets.
Accounting for the receipt and expenditure of goods
Accounting of receipt and expenditure of goods will be reflected in the accounting reports. Accounting is carried out when the software interacts with the 1C system. Thus, there is no need to perform additional data entry, calculation, generation of documentation and reporting, all processes will be performed in a single program without loss of time and additional investments of financial resources for the purchase of additional software. In the program, it is possible to carry out accounting of goods, analyzing general sales indicators, monitoring the terms of receipt and expenditure of products. Automatic implementation of inventory using integration with timely high-tech equipment is considered. Thus, it is possible to exclude material costs, with no need to involve employees. Reports will be generated automatically in electronic form, in the course of work. When generating, templates with automatic filling will be used, providing for the import and export of materials.
Spreadsheet of receipt and expenditure of goods
The spreadsheet of receipt and expenditure of goods assumes unlimited adjustments, with the search for information data by articles and codes, classified categories, etc. The software is used to simplify work activities, providing the ability to promptly distinguish one type of goods from another by means of an attached image. The program can display and analyze in detail all actions performed by users in the system, promptly generating reporting documentation for a convenient function of familiarization and printing. The software also provides the ability to send information messages via SMS, MMS, Email and Viber. It is also possible to maintain a single database with general data of counterparties, including contact information and history of cooperation, mutual settlements. The program also provides for the implementation of accounting of working hours, analyzing the activities of personnel with the reflection of information in statements, with a general calculation of wages. Integration with banking systems is provided, assuming non-cash payments by transferring funds in any world currency. To get acquainted with the innovative offer and pre-select the necessary tools and modules, it is necessary to download a free trial version.
CRM system capabilities for the receipt and expenditure of goods
The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.
- The software is presented at a democratic pricing policy, not being affordable even for a start-up business;
- he software automates daily processes, including settlement operations;
- nteraction with banking systems provides for a non-cash payment system in any world currency, converting funds at the current exchange rate;
- ccounting of working hours involves displaying actual calculated indicators of the total time worked and the completed work plan;
- mport and export of data replaces manual input with optimization of working time;
- arious file formats are supported, quickly converting documents and reports;
- he software provides for interaction of all structural divisions with working devices in a single system for convenient interaction and exchange of information data;
- t has become easier to quickly find the information you need using an electronic search engine with differentiated user options;
- he software can be evaluated through consultation with specialists and preliminary installation of a trial version in a free format;
- ulk or selective sending of information messages when sending SMS, Viber, Email;
- t is possible to maintain a single database of counterparties with display of contact information and cooperation history;
- ocuments and reports, spreadsheets and journals will be automatically generated using electronic templates;
- arehouse accounting is carried out through integration with modern high-tech devices that optimize working hours and eliminate downtime and expired products;
- ccounting is performed in interaction with the 1C system;
- he manager will be able to remotely monitor work activities using surveillance cameras.
Free download of the program for receipt and expenditure of goods
Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.
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If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.