Operating system: Windows
Category: Pharmacy management system
Program for the operation of the store

Program for the operation of the store
The program for the store operation must have the necessary capabilities, providing users with suitable highly effective tools for prompt and high-quality activities. There are many programs on the market with distinctive functional capabilities and also vary in cost and speed of processing information data. In order to correctly select an automated assistant with modules and tools, it is necessary to first analyze the needs of your own business, while simultaneously monitoring the market. Among the presented range of programs, it is worth highlighting one of the best from the company "Universal Accounting System". The software is presented with a fairly modest pricing policy, due to the absence of a subscription fee, significantly saving business budget funds. The software adapts to any field of activity, with small or large turnover, regardless of the number of employees. Even with little experience in software, users can easily master the principles of management, personally registering in the system with the subsequent use of an account generated during the entry of personal data.
Program for working in a store
The program for working in a store provides for the delineation of duties and opportunities according to the occupied labor position. The software allows you to control the work activity of store employees, displays detailed information during daily activities, comparing work schedules with actual calculations of the total time worked and the volume of sales performed. The program can control all actions inside stores and warehouses through video surveillance, reading information in real time, transmitting materials to the main computer, in real time. Thus, the manager will be able to analyze the data, promptly identifying shortcomings, with the exception of fraud and theft. The software is universal and automated, capable of interacting with diverse high-tech devices, using modern technological solutions in daily work, serving to optimize labor resources.
Programs for working with a client base
Programs for working with a customer base contribute to the correct display of contact information with the history of requests, orders and settlements, payments: The Universal Accounting System software is capable of maintaining a database of counterparties with up-to-date information on telephone numbers and email addresses, information on orders and deliveries, settlements, reviews received directly when sending messages in order to assess the service. The program can identify regular customers, providing bonus accruals and discounts as an incentive, and also provides for the formation of a separate price list. The software provides the ability to work not only on a desktop computer, but also on mobile devices. It is worth recalling that a separate licensed program is required for each working device. Also, there will be no difficulties with working with customers and servicing foreign customers, given the possibility of using one of 96 foreign languages, with personalized settings for the language bar. The software allows you to analyze data and build marketing solutions to attract and retain customers, using modern capabilities.
Accounting for manager's work
The manager's work accounting will be automated by means of software with a comprehensive work planning solution. By means of the ultra-modern PBX telephony function, it is possible to optimize working time for searching for information and providing data to clients during an incoming call. During an incoming call, the client's data will be displayed on the monitor screen taking into account the current information, reducing the time lost on searching and servicing. Receiving orders and reserving can be carried out both when contacting the manager and automatically by the system. The program makes it easy to accept orders, tracking the delivery status. The program is able to interact with geographic maps, simplifying the work when assessing and analyzing consumer demand, as well as supervising transport processes. Thus, it is possible to automate the process of registering an order, processing and monitoring the delivery of goods to customer addresses.
Software for the store
The software for the store helps in control, remotely monitoring the activity inside the retail premises, in real time analyzing video materials transmitted to the main computer for saving in the system. The software allows you to automatically perform settlement operations, reflecting information in accounting. Accounting is carried out with integration with the 1C system, improving the quality of settlement activities and document management. Document management is carried out in electronic form, supporting various file formats. The formation of documentation and reporting is carried out on the basis of existing templates. Importing and exporting data allows you to save time, improving quality indicators, eliminating erroneous data entry or falsification of materials.
Store program
The store program is capable of accounting and managing an unlimited number of retail outlets, improving management and control. The warehouse accounting is available in automatic form when interacting with warehouse equipment. The program is equipped with the necessary functionality that helps in the prompt execution of the most complex tasks. The program helps to expand the business by opening new outlets around the world. It is available to analyze data on demand for certain goods and types of services, with an improvement in the nomenclature. It is possible to get acquainted with the capabilities of the program, modules and tools with a free installation of the demo version. For advice, please contact the specified contact numbers, where specialists will answer questions and help with the selection of the modular composition.
CRM system capabilities for store operations
The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.
- The software has a convenient panel, with a beautiful design and a wide modular composition;
- he program provides for automatic accounting, control, analysis, management, with modern technical solutions;
- ulti-channel connection helps specialists from all departments to interact and exchange information through messages over the local network;
- he application allows storage of all information and documentation in a single information space, with classification of materials by category;
- earching for information on request is available using a contextual search engine, reducing time loss to a few minutes;
- sers have differentiated access rights, differentiated on the basis of their work activity;
- alculations are performed automatically by an electronic calculator, optimizing working time and the occurrence of errors;
- ccounting when interacting with the program 1c accounting will become faster and better, there is no need for repeated input and settlement operations, analyzing financial activities;
- he program makes it easy to analyze the work activities of company employees, calculating wages based on the time worked and the volume of sales achieved;
- emote video surveillance control will help eliminate theft of goods, downtime in work and assess the attendance of customers at retail outlets:
- arehouse accounting is carried out through integration with high-tech devices that help read and reflect information on goods during acceptance, movement of goods, and inventory;
- nformation on goods will be entered into the nomenclature, reflecting the actual balance, storage methods and periods, cost, description, etc.;
- aintaining a single database of counterparties facilitates high-quality cooperation, reflecting contact telephone numbers and e-mails, information on calls and requests, orders and payments;
- t is possible to send out informational messages to customer numbers, providing information about special offers, discounts and accrued bonus points, delivery, etc.;
- eading barcodes allows you to instantly reflect information on products in the system, carrying out acceptance, sale or write-off of items.
Free download of the program for the store
Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.
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Buy the program
If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.