Operating system: Windows
Category: Pharmacy management system
Warehouse program for a store

Warehouse program for a store
The warehouse program for a store allows you to automate work processes with the analysis and calculation of the balance of goods, systematically carrying out quantitative and qualitative accounting. The program over the store warehouse can be used as a multifunctional assistant, with the unification of all retail outlets and warehouses. Huge support depending on the advanced functionality allows you to provide full accounting, control and analysis, business management. In the program, it is possible to carry out diverse tasks with automatic execution and saving of data on the status of execution, time and quality. In the program, each user will be able to make their own adjustments to the control panel, providing a selective system of modular and tool composition.
In order to provide yourself with a high-quality and multifunctional assistant in the implementation of accounting, control and management of intra-organizational processes of the trading business, it is necessary to monitor the market and choose a specialized development accordingly. In order to make it easier for you to save time, we advise you to pay attention to the specialized development from the company "Universal Accounting System". The software, unlike similar applications, has a fairly modest pricing policy, no monthly subscription fee with a one-time payment, without additional investment of funds. The software can interact with various metering devices, systems, quickly solving the tasks in any area. The management principles are not complicated, even a beginner can handle it without much effort, without wasting time on lengthy preparation or training. The user composition is unlimited in quantity, providing everyone with the necessary functionality with one-time access to the information base and other parameters.
Warehouse and store program
The program for a warehouse and a store provides for maintaining a single information base for displaying all names of goods, employees, clients and suppliers, with the formation and storage of documentation and reporting. The single information space has a large RAM, without compression and file modification. Various document formats are supported, with prompt formation based on built-in templates, electronically corrected by specialists, depending on labor powers. Delegation of user capabilities ensures high-quality storage of information data. Only the head of the company has non-cash powers, remotely monitoring the activities of subordinates and financial resources, managing the business based on up-to-date analytical and statistical data. The program in warehouses and stores is available for use when working with any working device, logging into the system from personal accounts that are generated during registration in the system.
The multi-user format of work allows to unite the structural division with the exchange of information data via the local network or the Internet. The data will be regularly updated, guaranteeing high-quality presentation of information during work. The software is able to work with any suppliers and buyers, viewing the language panel settings. Information on buyers and suppliers will be recorded and promptly adjusted in a separate CRM database, with contact information, sales status, settlements, calls and correspondence. The software is equipped with an ultra-modern PBX telephony function, promptly providing specialists with information about an incoming call from clients, with details of sales, orders, and delivery of goods. The software, when interacting with banking systems, allows you to quickly make contactless payments by transferring funds from current accounts or using payment cards, supporting any types of world currencies. It is also possible to use the contact formation of buyers to carry out informational mailing of messages, with the provision of advantageous offers for goods and additional services.
Store warehouse program
The program store warehouse provides for the implementation of full and constant control over the organizational actions of both employees and customers. CCTV cameras will automatically transmit information in real time to the main computer. Also, through the program for stores and warehouses, it is possible to record working hours, automatically calculating the wages of specialists, based on the salary and additional payment of bonuses for sales volumes. The calculation will be automatically produced by a calculator in electronic form, reducing time losses and the occurrence of errors, entering algorithms for settlement operations. Also, an important advantage of the program is the implementation of accounting, when the application interacts with 1C accounting. Thus, all information on financial activities, transactions will be recorded in the software.
Carrying out an inventory requires preliminary preparation, suspension of activities with summing up quantitative and qualitative balances. When implementing software, it is possible to carry out an audit at least daily, using high-tech equipment for reading bar codes and displaying information through a data collection terminal. In the program, all data on goods will be displayed in the nomenclature, providing actual indicators of balances, with bar codes, cost, demand, return, picture, etc. The software is multifunctional, there is no point in describing all the possibilities when there is a test version that provides the opportunity to fully evaluate the development for free. Installation of the demo version is possible from the official website. Where there is also a video review of the program, with user reviews, modules and tools that can be pre-selected for your organization.
Possibilities of the CRM system for a warehouse and a store
The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.
- Automated software adapts to the activities of any organization, providing a wide range of modules and tools suitable for everyone;
- he application has unlimited possibilities, which you can get acquainted with by installing a trial demo version, available absolutely free of charge;
- he program is configured individually by each user on a working device, with the completion of initial registration and use of an account protected by a login and password;
- he application provides for delegation of user capabilities, restricting access depending on the work situation;
- contextual search engine provides users with a quick search for information, saving time and having a productive impact on business operations;
- nformation data and documentation will be stored in unlimited volume and format in cloud storage, for general use;
- he program is capable of unified accounting, control and management of all stores and warehouses, reflecting actual sales figures and financial activities;
- he application makes it possible to automate the data registration process by importing data from various sources;
- he documentation is generated using electronic templates with automatic assignment of a number and date, storing the information in a register;
- he application allows you to connect all work devices via a local network for collaboration and exchange of information messages;
- he software can be used in any language of the world, productively collaborating with foreign partners;
- ccounting with integration with 1C accounting will save time on re-entering data and calculations, analytics, reflecting all information in a single application;
- nique software, using high-tech equipment, is capable of automating the process of inventory and control, reflecting the actual indicators of the balance of goods on the shelves of stores and warehouses;
- he universal program allows you to automatically perform calculation operations, using a price list and algorithms for efficient actions;
- emote monitoring and control of activities inside stores and warehouses is achieved by installing surveillance cameras and transmitting data in real time.
Free download of the program for warehouse and store
Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.
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Buy the program
If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.
See also:
- Program for accounting of goods in retail trade
- Product accounting system in a store
- Program for accounting of income and expenses
- Program for accounting of goods in a store
- Smart store program
- Sales accounting program in a store
- Barcode program for a store
- Programs for stores
- Programs for a chain of stores
- Programs for trading in a store