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CRM for sales analysis

CRM for sales analysis

CRM for sales analysis

Trade must constantly develop; if this does not happen, a moment of stagnation occurs and competitors take over the initiative. How to prevent this? A CRM for sales analysis from the USU company will help you with this.

This modern solution is capable of fully servicing the process of selling goods and more. In the workspace, you can organize the activities of the entire company: manager, accountant, sales managers, and so on, there are no restrictions in this regard.

In this review, we will look at one of the areas of CRM for sales analysis - analytics.

CRM sales analysis system

Analytics is what helps improve processes. It allows you to identify areas for improvement, then take action to improve. Analytical reports help track intermediate results and promptly respond to shortcomings in activities.

The CRM sales analysis system from USU is created in such a way that it is convenient to conduct business, control and analyze it. Each user in the system is assigned a role with access rights to the database. Thanks to this, it is possible to conduct an internal audit of processes and prevent unlawful actions on the part of users.

A CRM sales analysis system can be used for analytics in different directions. Let's look at how to use it to analyze sales.

Sales analysis program

Sales analysis software from USU can provide comparative characteristics. Let's say your company has many retail outlets and you need to determine the most profitable of them; you can conduct a comparative analysis through a sales analysis program.

Also, a comparative analysis can be carried out by product groups to determine those that are in greatest demand. Often, an incorrect policy of overstocking warehouses leads to the fact that goods remain in warehouses for a long time and even expire. The company not only sells outdated products, but also spends money on storing them. Of course, she may suffer losses here.

Analytics from USU will help you control warehouse inventories and determine overstock levels. The smart program can even be set to notify you when a minimum level is reached or even automatically send a request to the supplier. The system allows you to analyze the sellability of a particular item and the demand for it from consumers.

Sales are influenced by various factors, one of them being seasonality. Some products sell well in the summer, for example: ice cream. Other products break records in winter, but are not in demand at all in summer, for example: skis. These important points will not allow you to miss the USU.

In the user menu in the USU, an entire section is dedicated to analytics. With its help, you can conduct a thorough analysis of goods and financial resources. You can analyze different categories. The most frequently used reports in the system are immediately available as quick launch buttons. For example: report: “Items sold” and “Current balances”. For money analysis, these are “Payments Received” and “Profit Received”.

You can also check how the bonus system works, see all debtors, automatically calculate piecework wages, compare stores, determine the best advertising for your activity, and so on.

SRM for deep sales analytics

SRM for deep sales analytics will help develop your business. Each report is designed taking into account modern automation and economic rules. You can visualize almost any report.

For example, a CRM for deep sales analytics will show you the income and expenses of your company. They will be presented in the form of various graphs, diagrams, and visual effects. If you watch the available video on our website dedicated to trade accounting, you can clearly see this approach to deep analytics.

Our company can also offer functions for internal audit, for example, based on user actions in the program. For commercial companies, it is very important that there are no leaks or distortion of information. The administrator will always be able to check who performed what operations in the system. In this article, we focused on just one area of the trade accounting software.

If you want to get acquainted with other features of the program, then a full video review is available for you on our website. We also invite you to download a free trial version.

Video of CRM program for sales analysis

CRM system capabilities for sales analysis

The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.

  • Software from USU will help you work effectively with sales;
  • he entire implementation can be easily analyzed thanks to the available analytics tools;
  • lmost any area can be analyzed;
  • he software integrates with maps, which allows you to analyze the delivery process, customer location, popularity in geographical parts of the city or even the country;
  • hrough the USU, you can analyze goods in various areas: best-selling, stale, high-income generating, and so on;
  • hrough the management system you will be able to see the strengths and weaknesses of your business;
  • hrough the system, you can analyze the work of employees and statistics on clients;
  • hrough the software you can track sales trends;
  • hrough the system you can control current balances in warehouses;
  • o analyze money, you can analyze received payments and profits received;
  • hrough the software you can analyze how the implemented bonus system works;
  • ou will be able to determine sales dynamics for all departments;
  • he software allows you to create customer ratings;
  • ou can conduct a comparative analysis by retail outlets;
  • ith us you can get much more opportunities for analytics, get more information right now.

Free download CRM software for sales analysis

Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.

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