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The rating is 4.9 according to 45 companies
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Operating system: Windows
Category: Pharmacy management system

Rental automation

Rental automation

Rental automation

Automation is part of the modern world. It helps you get rid of routine and focus on more important processes. Rental automation helps the modern entrepreneur to conduct business according to modern standards; the main thing is to choose the right solution for the business.

Rental automation can be ordered from the USU company. We take into account the specifics of the processes and implement the program in the company as quickly as possible. Let's take a closer look at the capabilities of the rental automation program.

Rental automation software

A program for automating USU rentals can cope with a wide variety of accounting processes: orders, financial control, working with documents, working with clients, notifications, and so on.

The program can process a variety of categories: real estate, cars, clothing, tools and more. The system allows you to describe the characteristics of rental objects in as much detail as possible. You can describe them in detail, attach photos, videos, if necessary.

To find a category in the program, just enter the first characters of the object name; you can also use barcodes, unique numbers assigned automatically by the program. You can make selections in the system, for example, based on problematic orders.

When working with applications, the user can have all the necessary information before his eyes. For example, he will have before his eyes: orders in progress, overdue, free, and so on. For convenience, we have provided the ability to differentiate object statuses. This helps to quickly analyze a certain segment of rental objects at the right time. System settings can be determined according to user preferences.

Let's consider a conditional example: the office receives a call and the client needs an apartment for a certain time and date. Using a convenient format for presenting information, a consultant can very quickly navigate the workspace and give an answer as quickly as possible.

To increase customer loyalty, you can collect interaction history in the program. When connecting IP telephony, the entire history of cooperation may appear before the consultant’s eyes and he may immediately address the client by name, thereby shocking him.

Rental automation software can be used for notifications and reminders. This can be implemented using SMS, voice messages, and instant messengers. This can be done automatically. You can also launch mailing lists with loyalty marketing programs through USU.

SRM for rental automation

SRM for rental automation can help maintain order in work within the company. Process auditing will help with this. You can always check the correctness of accounting: whether there were any distortions in dates, amounts, and so on.

The main goal of developing SRM is improved interaction with customers. The USU company provides all the necessary capabilities for this. For example, you may be given excellent opportunities to record in detail, even the smallest details of cooperation. During contact with the client, this information can be in front of the person's eyes.

You can also use modern analytics. The system will show you which products are in special demand and show your regular consumers. Through the software, you can record not only income, but also company expenses.

Property provided for rental may wear out and require repairs and consumables. There may come a time when investments may exceed the income received. Analytics will help prevent such an outcome.

SRM for rental automation makes it possible to control finances. Through the money report you will determine the amounts in the current account or cash register. You can also conduct analytics for each client, and controversial issues can be resolved using reconciliations.

We are ready to offer you many more useful and necessary features. This review highlights only some of the possibilities; you can get more detailed advice in person. To do this, you need to send a request for it. Universal accounting system - manage processes easily.

Video programs for rental automation

Capabilities of a CRM system for rental automation

The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.

  • Rental automation will allow you to strengthen your competitive advantages;
  • hrough the USU you will be able to register processes related to rental and rental;
  • he system can account for any rental and rental category;
  • or identification, you can use barcodes or unique numbers from the program;
  • he database is easy to search, you can use different options;
  • ata can be displayed in tabular form in one place;
  • he status of the rental item will be updated automatically;
  • ifferent types of statuses can be identified by color;
  • he system provides functions for making a reservation;
  • he program monitors that there are no overlaps at the box office, this helps to avoid conflict situations;
  • hen accounting, you can use various accrual options: hour, day, month;
  • he software helps control accounts payable;
  • he program can be used to register obligations;
  • he system allows you to easily register contracts and monitor their execution;
  • ou can implement notifications, reminders and other types of alerts;
  • ownload the trial version of the software right now.

Free download of the rental automation program

Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.

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Buy the program

If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.