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Category: Pharmacy management system

How to properly keep records of medications?

How to properly keep records of medications?

How to properly keep records of medications?

How to properly keep records of medications? This is the question asked by a novice businessman, for example, the owner of a new pharmacy. This issue is very important because it directly affects activities. Their availability, successful implementation and minimization of costs or losses depend on how well the accounting of medicines is organized.

Let's take a closer look at how to properly keep records of medications in the USU program? First of all, it should be noted that this process requires a systematic approach, accuracy, thoroughness, safety and compliance with legal regulations.

In order to properly keep records of medications, automation is necessary. For these purposes, we propose to use the Universal Accounting System. This program can be used not only for keeping records of medications, but it can also be used to effectively manage other pharmacy processes.

First you need to create a database. In USU you can create a database on medications. In it you can display information on name, dosage, expiration date, quantity, suppliers. This can be done manually, using a barcode scanner or using data import from electronic media.

After you enter the information, each position in the system is automatically assigned its own unique number, which can be used for quick search. In the software, you can think through the structure of the nomenclature, for example, you can add separate categories and subcategories to them. For example, you can define categories by dietary supplements, vitamins, medications, and others.

How to keep records of medications?

How to keep records of medications? Registration is an integral part of the process. Reception of goods can be decisive in confirming quality. It is very important to check the integrity of the goods, expiration dates, labeling; the quantity must correspond to the data in the invoices. Direct registration is carried out on the basis of documents from the supplier.

In this area, the income may come from different suppliers and even foreign ones. In this case, it is important to provide for certain nuances when goods arrive. In the USU, you can enter the exchange rate when entering the purchase price. You can also immediately track how the exchange rate has changed over time. This will help ensure that the institution does not operate at a loss.

During accounting, you need to pay attention to certification. These documents are subject to control and storage. In the future, for accounting purposes, you need to pay attention to inventory. Carrying it out regularly will help control the balances in warehouses and check the accuracy of accounting. Thanks to integration with equipment, inventory can be carried out very quickly.

It is also very important to correctly distribute medications by category, date of receipt, and expiration dates. Also, if necessary, you can determine areas for storage because for medicines there can be differences: temperature, humidity, light and other characteristics.

Strict accounting is also needed for the dispensing of medications. For example, some pharmacies practice keeping special journals. They can be maintained in the USU automatically. These registers can contain any necessary information.

Expiration date management is very important for accounting purposes. This includes monitoring the deadline and alerts about its approach. It is easy to implement these opportunities through the USU. Write-off and disposal are also an integral part of medicines accounting. The program can reflect these operations.

Reporting and documentation make accounting legal and subject to evaluation. In the USU, you can regularly generate various types of reports, for example, on the movement of medicines. The software allows you to work with different types of document forms, and you can adapt them to legal norms.

During accounting, attention must be paid to safety. The USU is protected by reliable encryption and authentication mechanisms. The software also allows you to restrict access for employees and protect accounts with passwords. We can tell you about other useful functions of the system. We invite you to send a request for a presentation.

How to keep records of medications? The answer is simple - use the Universal Accounting System, and your activities will be carried out correctly.

Video program: how to properly keep records of medications

CRM system capabilities: how to properly keep records of medications

The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.

  • The USU program was created for maintaining records of medications;
  • n the system, medication accounting can be adjusted to the specifics of your institution;
  • he software can be used to track the receipt of medicines from foreign suppliers;
  • f necessary, the documents can indicate amounts in foreign currency;
  • hen maintaining records, you can integrate software with equipment, for example, with a barcode scanner;
  • ou can involve any number of employees in accounting by defining access rights for them;
  • f necessary, you can keep records by structural divisions;
  • he program is customized for the required document flow;
  • ou can use any number of warehouses in your work;
  • he software will show the profitability of processes;
  • hrough the system you can work with clients in a more personalized way;
  • ou can get an individual presentation completely free of charge;
  • he software can integrate with maps to determine the location of clients;
  • uring operation, you can use data import;
  • universal accounting system will help optimize your activities.

Download the program for free to properly keep records of medications

Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.

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