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The rating is 4.7 according to 22 companies
Country availability: Open to all countries
Operating system: Windows
Category: Pharmacy management system

Program for pharmacists

Program for pharmacists

Program for pharmacists

What is the Pharmacist Program? This is a specially developed software solution for pharmacy automation and related pharmaceutical activities.

The main goal of the development is to optimize and increase the efficiency of the pharmacist. Also, such solutions are widely used in the field of inventory management. Through programs for pharmacists, accounting is maintained, sales are monitored, and service for clients is improved.

USU has developed a modern pharmacy management solution for you. USU is characterized by: modernity, efficiency, multitasking, efficiency, versatility. Let's look at the main features.

Programs for pharmacists

A key feature of the USU Pharmacist Program is its flexibility. This means that the program can be adjusted to the activities of almost any enterprise. If you have an entire network of pharmacies, you can fully manage all departments through the program. In this case, you can get a breakdown of the profitability and expenses of each institution.

The program for pharmacists is perfect for working with medications; it is in it that you can create databases and describe each item in detail. You can attach a photo of the item to the product card. When working with the arrival of goods, the invoice will reflect data on name, quantity, country of origin, unit price, and so on.

If the receipt will be made from a foreign supplier, then there may be a need to transfer the amount from the currency to the national monetary unit. In USU this can be done automatically; all you need to do is specify the course. Then, after arrival, you simply need to monitor that medications with an expiration date are sold in a timely manner.

For these purposes, you can make the appropriate settings in the program, and the system will notify you about the expiration date at the right time. You can create reports in the USU; they are generated automatically based on previously entered data. For example, you can find out the values of current stocks, control minimum balances, and so on.

When capitalizing in the system, you can see a sensor that signals changes in purchase prices, consumer demand, shows the ratio of product availability to demand, and a calculation based on how long the existing stocks will last. Another form of analytics can be used.

CRM for pharmacists

CRM for pharmacists can be used to conduct quality interactions with customers. For example, you can create a customer database in the program; you can add the history of purchases and returns, and any other information to the case. This makes it possible to use the information for marketing in the future. For example, you can launch loyalty programs, implement them based on software: discounts, bonuses, discounts.

CRM for a pharmacist can be used to manage branches. The information on them will be structured; you will be able to determine profitability, expenses, and liquidity of processes. At the same time, CRM provides an opportunity to look at the activities of departments and the business as a whole from all sides.

It is very easy to work with the program; we suggest trying the program in the trial version. The CRM functions are clear, the interface is logical, and you can customize the workspace to suit your needs.

To log in, you must use an account. A password is defined for each login. For a quick start, you can use data import from electronic media. If this is not possible, you can enter data into the directories manually. The work will use three main modules. We have placed instructions directly in the program, which can be viewed interactively.

It can serve as an excellent help, especially at the beginning of work. If there are difficulties in work, our team is in touch, technical support services are always available. We invite you to view an interactive overview of the system right now or contact us in any convenient way.

Video programs for pharmacists

Program features for pharmacists

The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.

  • The USU company has developed a modern CRM program for pharmacists;
  • he platform has various capabilities for pharmacy management;
  • he software can be used to manage any medical institution;
  • n the program you can create databases of suppliers and sold medicines;
  • ach drug can be described in as much detail as possible in the system and even place an image of the product;
  • nvoices can display an image of the product if desired, and you can also use the classic form format;
  • hen goods arrive from a foreign supplier, you can automatically calculate the amount based on the exchange rate;
  • hrough the platform, you can easily and effectively manage warehouses;
  • f the pharmacy uses home delivery of medicines, you can connect integration with cards and monitor delivery;
  • he system can serve a network of pharmacies;
  • or your convenience, we have a technical support service;
  • o quickly launch the system, you can import data from electronic media;
  • he program includes interactive instructions that can be used directly during operation;
  • ou can use any number of accounts in your work;
  • ore information can be obtained during a personal presentation.

Free download of the program for pharmacists

Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.

Have questions about the demo version?
Our technical support service will help you!
Write or call us. Contacts here.

Buy the program

If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.