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The rating is 4.9 according to 91 companies
Country availability: Open to all countries
Operating system: Windows
Category: Pharmacy management system

Medicine accounting program

Medicine accounting program

Medicine accounting program

If you have opened a new pharmacy or already manage a network of them, then you of course need a program for accounting for medications. What main functions should such a software solution have? In this article we will look at the program for accounting for medications from the USU company and its main capabilities.

So, the solution from USU is designed for the process of managing and monitoring pharmacy inventory. The first thing that can be done thanks to the program is accounting and control of medications. This includes: automated tracking of warehouse balances, maintaining databases of medicines, recording expiration dates, saving history of purchases of certain medicines.

Accounting for medicines begins with the transfer of goods to the pharmacy warehouse. This process is carried out based on the invoice from the supplier. In the USU you can determine the warehouse for the arrival of medicines, enter the quantity of goods, amount, name. The system creates databases in accordance with needs, for example, it may be a specific structure with categories of medicines. This approach greatly simplifies the process of interacting with the database.

Accounting for medications in hospitals

Accounting for medicines in hospitals differs from pharmacy accounting in that the consumption of medicines, first of all, goes to treating patients, while in a pharmacy it is a sale to generate income.

Accounting for medications in a hospital primarily pursues the goal of uninterrupted supply of departments and monitoring the use of medications. Pharmacy accounting pursues the goal of effective inventory management: the availability of marketable items and ensuring sales optimization.

Accounting for medicines in a budgetary institution

Accounting for medications in a budgetary or commercial institution can be carried out through the USU. We can provide medication accounting capabilities for any institution. Regardless of the scale of activity.

Accounting for medicines in a budgetary institution, of course, has its own characteristics, and control plays a special role. The USU company is ready to adjust the software to the specifics of the activity.

Accounting for medicines at the enterprise

Accounting for medications at an enterprise, for example, in a pharmacy or commercial establishment, involves direct interaction with suppliers. Sometimes you have to formalize transactions from foreign suppliers. For this case, our program provides functions for managing exchange rates and automatic calculations in relation to the national currency.

When accounting for medicines at an enterprise, through the program you can evaluate how much purchasing prices have changed, how this affects purchasing power, and so on. Built-in analytics will help you timely evaluate the most profitable offers from suppliers.

CRM for medication accounting

CRM for medication accounting from USU works according to modern standards. Through it you can manage relationships with customers if a personalized approach is important to you. USU helps you easily launch loyalty programs: bonuses, discounts, points and many other options.

CRM for medication accounting may have other functionality. If you visit our website, you can see this for yourself. This could be modern integration with a website, equipment, maps (relevant when delivering medicines). You can even manage a network of branches and they do not necessarily have to be located in the same city. Deep analytics and the availability of additional services make accounting modern, efficient, and comprehensive.

It is very easy to work in the program; you can connect any number of accounts to operations, while you can differentiate rights and conduct an internal audit of operations.

Users can adjust the work area to suit themselves, for example, they can: work in multi-channel mode, easily manipulate indicators, change the design, and so on. All of the above contributes to success in activity. We are ready to provide you with more information in a personal presentation. Please send a request in any way convenient for you, and we will definitely carry it out for you.

Video programs for recording medications

Program capabilities for medication accounting

The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.

  • Through software from the USU company, you can maintain professional records of medications;
  • he program can be used to support the accounting processes of a pharmacy or larger medical institution;
  • he platform allows you to create an entire system of structural databases, where there are categories and subcategories;
  • he program allows you to keep records of medications from foreign suppliers;
  • uilt-in exchange rate calculation functions will help you automatically convert indicators into current monetary units;
  • ccounting can be maintained using special equipment;
  • ou can work with barcodes;
  • f there is no special marking, you can create it yourself, through unique numbers generated automatically by the program;
  • arcodes can also be read from a sheet;
  • hrough reports you can track all settlement and receipt transactions;
  • nalytics will show where else you can improve your activities;
  • hanks to reporting, it is possible to calculate future periods of activity;
  • hrough the software you can easily implement a loyalty program;
  • he platform features an intuitive workspace;
  • ith us you can get other important benefits; we invite you to receive a personal presentation of the software’s capabilities.

Free download of the program for medication accounting

Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.

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Buy the program

If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.