Operating system: Windows
Category: Pharmacy management system
Automation of a sports club

Automation of a sports club
Automation of a sports club today is achieved only by installing specialized software, which provides a comprehensive solution for constant monitoring, high-quality management, and analysis. Due to interest and increased demand, the market offers countless developments that differ not only in functionality but also in price range. First of all, you should decide on the necessary parameters for your business, then monitor the market and decide on the software that is suitable in terms of cost, modularity, and tool range. As a rule, the presented developments are suitable for a specific area of activity, a limited number of users simultaneously performing work, but this is not about the software from the Universal Accounting System company. The USU software has flexible configuration parameters, a wide range of modules and tools that guarantee high-quality and uninterrupted operation of any company, regardless of the field of activity and the number of employees. The affordable price speaks of care for its customers, and not at all about a meager functional composition. Infinity of possibilities allows you to expand your horizons, develop your business with an increase in your customer base and income.
Program for a sports club
The program for a sports club provides the ability to combine all the halls together for convenient management, control and accounting. The program assumes installation on any types of working devices that will be locally synchronized for convenient interaction and exchange of information data. In the program, each employee of the company is obliged to register in the system, taking into account the entry of personal data. After completing the registration in the system, an account will be created with a secure login and password. Thus, all confidential information of users will be protected. When third parties enter, the system will block access. The accounting program does not provide a personal approach to each user with the ability to customize configuration parameters, select languages, tools and desktop themes. The software provides for any regional location of users. The multi-user mode provides an unlimited number of simultaneously working users, without system failures. Data is updated regularly, providing employees with only relevant information.
Accounting for a sports club
Accounting for a sports club is the most important task. Accounting of customer attendance, with an analysis of growth or departure will be done automatically by making records in reports. Accounting of customer attendance of sports clubs using software is quite easy, using scanning devices, electronic bracelets, cards and QR codes. Thus, it is possible to automate the accounting process, optimizing the working time of employees and clients of sports clubs. Attendance data will be displayed in the application, automatically writing off the classes held, displaying information on the validity period of the subscription and remaining visits. Information on subscriptions, additional services and goods will be displayed in the price list, with up-to-date data. Detailed information on goods will be recorded with a description, expiration and storage dates, cost, and quantity of balances. It is also possible to attach product images, which is quite convenient for both fitness club employees and clients, visually assessing the external parameters, distinguishing one product from another. Images are obtained either from various magazines or from a web camera. Clients can independently purchase subscriptions and goods, sign up for a trial lesson, independently registering on the website in their personal account, where personal information, history of requests, calls, payments, etc. will be recorded.
Accounting of clients of a sports club
The sports club's clients are accounted for in the software with a single client database. The CRM database will display in detail the personal information of each client, taking into account the entry of contact information for phones and email addresses, the history of requests, classes, purchased subscriptions and payments. The software makes it possible to analyze customer attendance data and identify regular customers, providing discounts as an incentive, accruing bonus points, and creating new price lists. When calculating the cost of subscriptions and additionally purchased goods, the system will calculate the total amount minus the discount for a particular client. To increase customer loyalty, automatic sending of SMS, Viber, Email messages is provided, with text information regarding changes in the schedule, accrual of bonus points, as well as an image sent with congratulations on holidays. to analyze customer service, as well as sending a request to the client with feedback and an assessment of the quality of the staff's work. By analyzing the received data with customer ratings and reviews, it is possible to identify shortcomings in the work of the staff (administration, instructors).
Buy a program for a sports club
Buying a program for a sports club today will not be the slightest difficulty. It is worth paying attention to the details, i.e. wanting to save time and money, many uninformed company managers buy free programs that do not have the necessary functionality, or even charge a considerable amount of money during the work. When purchasing software, first of all, it is necessary to conduct an analysis by independently assessing the quality capabilities by downloading a test version. As a rule, a test version is provided completely free of charge and is a clear indicator of the capabilities of a particular program. Software from the company "Universal Accounting System" provides for the provision of a licensed version with two hours of technical support as a gift. Also, the company's specialists will always be in touch, will help not only with consulting users, but will also help you in setting up and choosing modules with tools. Buying software is a necessity dictated by time. To improve the quality indicators of the company's work, to increase the interest and growth of customers, expand business and build competitive relationships, you can not do without software.
CRM system for a sports club
Automated CRM system for a sports club allows providing users with functional capabilities, optimizing working hours. The CRM system allows you to control all actions inside each sports hall, displaying information in real time by installing surveillance cameras, with the transfer of video materials to the main computer. Thus, in the absence of the possibility of being in the sports club on your own, the manager will always be able to analyze data on what is happening. The software is also equipped with modern functional capabilities, such as personal identification, providing or restricting access for club members. Information on clients added to the black list will be displayed and read by the system, limiting entries and entry into the sports club. By means of the program, it is possible to exclude the fact of fraud and the use of one subscription by several people, displaying information in the database on arrival and departure from the sports club.
CRM for a sports club
An automated CRM system for a sports club allows you to analyze data and keep track of the work of all employees of the sports club. The formation of a work schedule will be an automatic process carried out in the system, with the presentation of data to users in electronic form. Thus, instructors will be able to adjust their work schedules and analyze the occupancy of groups, with the calculation of income. The accrual of wages is carried out by the software automatically, counting the total number of hours worked, group and individual classes conducted by instructors. All financial activities in fitness clubs will be recorded in a single system, with accounting. Thus, the manager will be able to analyze income and expenses related to the rental of premises, accrual of salaries to employees, etc. By comparing the general indicators of customer attendance of clubs, it is possible to expand or reduce the business.
Sports club visitor counting
The registration of visitors to the sports club is carried out automatically with the display of detailed information in the system. The registration in the system will be carried out not only by attendance, but also by performance. For each instructor, client, a specific program of classes will be built, adjusting nutrition. Registration for classes is carried out not only through the reception, but also online. Clients can independently register in the system, taking into account the receipt of notifications about classes, meals, timely payment of subscriptions, etc. Clients can see the schedule, choose classes that suit their own schedule, with a choice of the nearest sports clubs. Information about the location of fitness clubs will be reflected on large-scale maps, easily building routes. Providing services and goods, it is necessary to control the status of sold and residual products. By means of software, it is possible to easily carry out inventory, using high-tech warehouse equipment. A barcode scanner and a data collection terminal allow you to quickly read product codes and display information on quantitative indicators in the system. By identifying liquid positions of goods, it is easy to form requests for the purchase of the necessary products in the system. Also, by purchasing goods in foreign currency, it is possible to analyze price changes, due to an increase or decrease in cost price and changes in the exchange rate.
CRM for sports clubs
Automated CRM software for sports clubs provides the ability to maintain accounting records, interacting with the 1C system. Thus, there is no need to re-enter data, make calculations, all information will be relevant and easily used in documents, reports, acts, invoices, etc. When generating documentation and reporting, electronic template formats will be used, with automatic assignment of numbers and dates. Finding the necessary information on clients, employees, sports club programs, schedules and other information is available using a contextual search engine, spending a couple of minutes. Also, users do not need to manually enter information on paper media, using an electronic format with import and export of data. Electronic documents can be used for viewing, transmitting by sending messages, as well as for printing. The program supports work with various printers of any models.
Program for sports clubs
The program for sports clubs is a convenient format for carrying out daily processes, capable of replacing dozens of qualified specialists in any field. When implementing automated software, you will be able to expand your business, going beyond the boundaries of a certain region, opening new sports clubs around the world. The software is able to interact with various social networks and sites. The application is available to analyze customer demand for certain types of services, work on the latest programs. Investments in marketing will be analyzed taking into account the arrival of customers, increasing ь from certain sources. How to learn more about the program, get acquainted with the capabilities, modules and tools, is available when visiting the official website. The site also has a video review, contact phone numbers of consultants who can be contacted for additional information. Installing a demo version will help you independently test the development capabilities, continuing to work with the developed materials.
Possibilities of a CRM system for automating a sports club
The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.
- Automated software is an ideal electronic assistant with prompt execution of assigned tasks, monitoring work processes and performing calculation operations, recording attendance of classes;
- he universal system allows you to calculate the cost of subscriptions based on the provided (group, individual) classes, with additional services and sporting goods;
- he application is capable of processing information in unlimited volumes, saving it in a single cloud storage, for an unlimited period of time, supporting any file formats;
- he information is available to each user in an individual form, providing for the differentiation of user capabilities based on the tour status;
- ith software automation, it is possible to quickly find information on request using a contextual search engine, reducing the cost of working time to a couple of minutes;
- he construction of class schedules is carried out based on the analysis of client attendance, rationally using space and working time;
- ll information about the organization's income will be reflected in accounting when integrating the application with 1C accounting;
- n addition to providing classes in a sports club, it is envisaged to provide and sell products, reflecting up-to-date information in the nomenclature, reflecting the name, quantity, cost, expiration dates, etc.;
- nventory is performed in the program when integrated with high-tech equipment, conducting quantitative and qualitative accounting with minimal risks and loss of time;
- he head of the organization can remotely control all processes using real-time video surveillance, with materials saved in the system;
- rovision of information to clients about classes, discounts and schedule changes is carried out by sending messages to mobile phones and e-mail in bulk or selective form;
- ubscription generation will be a quick process, as will documentation, reporting and invoicing, using built-in templates;
- here is no need to re-enter the same information by using import of information data from any media;
- ayment acceptance and processing is carried out in software with integration with banking systems, providing for non-cash transfers of funds;
- ttendance is recorded automatically, quickly reading barcodes, using electronic bracelets and cards.
Free download of the program for automation of a sports club
Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.
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If you want to purchase software, contact us by phone, Skype or write us an email. All contact details you can find here. You can discuss all the details with our specialists and then they will prepare a contract and an invoice.