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Subscription accounting program

Subscription accounting program

Subscription accounting program

The program for accounting of subscriptions allows you to display information on customer attendance, excluding the facts of fraud and passage of several people on the same record, rationally using halls and time when forming a schedule. Today, the program allows you to automate daily processes, regulating the daily work of employees of any departments. The program is designed to help users in the prompt execution of tasks, regardless of complexity and volume. Programs are also classified by functionality, cost, speed of processing information data and safety of materials. Also, programs are designed to automate the work of one or many employees. Among all the developments, one of the best programs today is the "Universal Accounting System". The software is a leader due to its multifunctionality, efficiency of work with information data, multi-user mode and affordable pricing policy. In addition to the low cost, I would also like to note the absence of a monthly subscription fee, which together significantly saves the organization's financial resources.

How to keep track of subscriptions

How to keep track of subscriptions taking into account the optimization of working hours? How to properly configure the program for improved accounting, control and management? These and many other questions are asked by specialists of organizations when implementing software. The software provides for quick configuration settings, taking into account flexible parameters. The software, due to a wide range of modules and tools, is suitable for any type of organization, regardless of the field of activity. The software allows all users to simultaneously log in to the system, without blocking or failures. Each user will log in to the application using a personal account, which will be formed on the basis of initial registration and display of personal work data. Each user will be recorded in the system under personal work data, displaying the occupied labor position in the organization, on the basis of which access to information data will be provided. The delimitation of opportunities between users is based on the protection of the confidentiality of data stored in a single information space, with an unlimited amount of memory, for a long period of time.

Subscription system

The subscription system allows you to display each client separately. In the system, it is easy and quick to create subscriptions using electronic templates taking into account the automatic recording of data. Import and export allows you to quickly enter information data, optimizing the working time of employees and improving the quality of the entered information. Creating a new or extending an old subscription is carried out taking into account the display of data on clients, the time of attending classes, choosing the appropriate one from the schedules, selecting a personal trainer. The cost of subscriptions is also calculated taking into account the number of selected classes. Based on attendance, the system can identify regular customers encouraged by discounts and bonus accrual of points. Thus, when calculating the cost of subscriptions, a discount is provided for regular customers taking into account the recalculation of the payment amount. Payments can be made in the system in cash, as well as by transferring funds from current accounts, QR codes, supporting any world currency. When paying in foreign currency, an instant conversion of funds at the rate of the national bank is provided. Cashless payments for services and goods in sports clubs are carried out through three integrations of the application with banking systems, which helps improve quality indicators, speed of work and increases customer loyalty.

Accounting for subscriptions

The system automatically records subscriptions using scanning devices for reading codes. Thus, to read subscriptions with the display of information on attendance records, it is envisaged to use electronic cards, bracelets, QR codes. Thus, the accounting will be prompt, high-quality, without the need to waste time on entering information into paper journals, with the exclusion of downtime, delays, and also, excluding the facts of data falsification. And thus, when reading data on each subscription in electronic form, it is possible to exclude the possibility of several people taking classes under one subscription. With automated accounting, it is possible to display information on classes, recalculating the remaining visits. Information on the services of the sports complex will be displayed in the price list, as well as with the synchronization of data on the website and in social networks, to increase recognition and increase sales of goods. The price list will include important information on all sports areas with the cost, time of individual and group classes. The multifunctional program provides clients with trial classes, with automatic registration. Thus, clients can register by contacting the administrator of the sports complex, as well as independently choosing a convenient time, the nearest location of the hall, entering personal data on the website.

Accounting for subscriptions in excel

Accounting of subscriptions in excel Will be carried out automatically by means of a universal system. The software provides for a one-time input of primary information, subsequently using import and export of data, which significantly saves time. Information on clients will be entered and saved in a single CRM information base, reflecting not only contact information, but also reviews, history of visits, purchase of subscriptions, payments. The program can display customer reviews, with an assessment left for service and qualifications of trainers. Based on the analysis of received reviews and assessments, it is possible to identify shortcomings in the work of sports clubs. Also, based on reviews, it is possible to analyze the level of training of specialists, identifying the best for a given period of time with encouragement in the form of bonus accruals to the salary. Multifunctional software allows for the sending of information messages via SMS, E-mail, WhatsApp, Viber, providing correct, necessary information for clients. It is also envisaged to increase loyalty by sending greeting cards, taking into account the display in the system of personal information about the dates of birth of a particular client.

Subscription program

The subscription program allows you to control the validity period of each, taking into account the calculation of the total number of payments. The software allows you to analyze customer attendance data for all gyms, displaying information in video format. With remote video surveillance, it is possible to control intra-organizational processes daily and around the clock. All gyms can be combined into a single network for remote, comprehensive management and control. The program has made it possible to control all processes, including staff work and customer attendance, storing information in the system. All information will be stored in cloud storage, taking into account unified access by all users, but with different use options.

The software allows using ultra-modern functional capabilities available to users today to improve the quality of the organization as a whole. The program makes it easy to create a program for group and individual classes. The schedule will be created based on customer attendance records. Thus, all employees of the sports complex will see work schedules in electronic form, taking into account the planned salary amount. Accounting for working hours allows rationally assessing the capabilities of each specialist, calculating wages based on the number of hours worked, trial, individual and group classes worked. By analyzing the status of visits, it is possible to plan further activities of the organization, taking into account the expansion of the complex when opening new gyms.

The subscription accounting program allows you to correctly calculate the total amount of services provided, using an electronic calculator, with algorithms entered for subsequent calculation. The software allows not only to provide sports center services, but also to ensure the sale of goods, such as inventory, sports nutrition, etc. Information on sports products will be recorded in the nomenclature, with a description, name, total amount of balances, purchase price and VAT, barcode numbers, liquidity, etc. To improve the quality of work with products, it is envisaged to use images that help quickly distinguish one product from another. They can be used from various magazines, as well as when integrating a web camera with the application. Web cameras allow you to use images of not only products, but also customers, entering additional data into the system for subsequent identification of the person and analysis of attendance of sports halls. The software has the necessary configuration parameters to ensure full accounting, control and management.

The automated subscription program also promotes competent management of intra-organizational processes, displaying all actions for each sports complex, taking into account the calculation of income and expenses. The program easily analyzes customer attendance data, reflecting information taking into account the calculation of profitability. Information on financial activities will be recorded in accounting. By means of the software, there is no need to use several systems simultaneously, switching from one to another and spending additional working time. Everything is quite simple, when integrating the software with the 1C system, it is possible to make entries and calculations simultaneously. Thus, time losses are reduced due to the lack of need for re-entering information, performing settlement operations, etc. With the established task of providing analytical and statistical reports in the task scheduler, the data will be provided to the manager in a timely manner. The automated program also provides the possibility of using club cards and gift certificates, entering numbers for subsequent authorization of users.

Fitness membership program

The fitness membership program simplifies the work of employees who can exchange information data via a local network. Each user will be able to customize their account, with a choice of desktop themes, selected foreign languages for competent service of foreign-language clients, as well as selecting the necessary tools for the prompt execution of assigned tasks. To improve the quality of staff work, customer service with information support, the use of a contextual search engine is provided, quickly finding the necessary information upon request. The software also helps optimize the working time of specialists, providing information on clients during an incoming call. The PBX telephony function allows you to read contact phone numbers, with the provision of information through the information displayed on the monitor screen, reducing the loss of time when there is no need to search for additional information necessary for clients. Clients can independently obtain information about the services of the fitness club, taking into account the possibility of synchronizing data with the site and social networks. It also provides the possibility of personal registration of clients in the system, making independent registration for classes, issuing subscriptions with the possibility of remote payment. In their personal account, clients will be able to see their attendance status, remaining classes, payment deadlines, etc.

The subscription system provides the ability to integrate with geographic maps, displaying geolocation information, with the construction of the shortest route for clients. Using geographic maps in work, it is possible to automate the process of delivery of orders with sporting goods. Receipt and processing of orders for the purchase of goods is carried out quickly, reflecting in the system information on the status and delivery times, monitoring each stage. With a rational assessment of the attendance of clients of certain classes, it is possible to competently record by a free window. In the system, it is possible to analyze the attendance data of each client, changing the approach to classes, providing a nutrition plan, etc. It also provides the possibility of personal consultation by specialists of clients.

The subscription system provides comfortable conditions for the implementation of work activities by each user. The universal system allows you to provide services to customers with the sale of goods. It is available not only to provide additional inventory to customers, but also to open sports stores, displaying the actual names of each position in the system. To maintain the trade of sports goods, it is necessary to competently carry out quantitative and qualitative control and accounting. To carry out quantitative accounting, it is envisaged to use high-tech warehouse equipment, which will record information on the balance of goods in the nomenclature by scanning bar codes. It also provides for the sale of sports nutrition, with the need to control expiration dates. In the system, all information will be recorded correctly, with certain names highlighted in different colors, to provide up-to-date information to specialists. Thus, when positions are running out, suitable expiration dates of goods, the system will provide information to specialists with pop-up messages to take the necessary actions promptly and efficiently.

CRM for subscription accounting

The automated CRM system for accounting of subscriptions provides the possibility of preliminary analysis of functional capabilities by installing a demo version. The demo version is provided to users absolutely free of charge, to carry out their own analysis of the quality of the functional capabilities of the development. In addition to the test version, the company's website presents a short video with a description and principles of software management. It is possible to preliminarily select modules and tools, read reviews from satisfied users around the world. It is also possible to consult with specialists on various issues related to the installation of the program and suitable modules and tools that will be selected in a personal format for your organization. The software will allow you to quickly carry out work processes, efficiently storing information in the system, so do not put off until tomorrow the purchase and installation of a high-tech assistant

Video of the program for accounting of subscriptions

CRM system capabilities for accounting of subscriptions

The following list represents some features of Special Software. Depending on the configuration of the software, a list of features may vary.

  • Automated software facilitates high-quality accounting and control over the work of fitness centers, displaying customer attendance and calculating the company's profitability;
  • he program allows you to easily and quickly track customer attendance using electronic cards, bracelets and QR codes, entering information into journals;
  • he system provides for the accounting of the work activities of personnel, calculating the amount of wages based on the salary and the number of hours worked, during individual and group classes;
  • t is possible to calculate the cost of services and provided sporting goods based on the price list used with the calculation algorithms entered into the electronic calculator;
  • he data will be updated regularly, taking into account multi-channel connection and simultaneous work of all users, delimiting user capabilities based on work activity, ensuring data confidentiality;
  • earching for information in the system is carried out in a matter of minutes using a contextual search engine;
  • aving unlimited amounts of data in a single cloud storage, taking into account support for various file formats;
  • uilding a schedule, taking into account changes in the program for personal or group classes, taking into account the provision of a meal plan for clients;
  • nformation on clients will be reflected in a single information base, taking into account the filling in of contact information, history of visits, purchase of subscriptions, payments, etc.;
  • ll information on the sports complex services and products will be displayed in the price list, taking into account the validity period, cost, number of classes, product balances in warehouses, with descriptions and images;
  • he software is equipped with cutting-edge functions that guarantee high-quality control, accounting and management of various organizations, activating the working time of employees;
  • he program provides the possibility of integration with banking systems, conducting non-cash payments through transfers of funds in any world currency with conversion at the national bank rate, using payment cards from QR codes;
  • onitoring staff performance and customer attendance with throughput analysis is possible through video surveillance;
  • he ability to send out informational letters via SMS, E-mail, WhatsApp, Viber messages, displaying in the system the status of reading or blocking the sending with moving to spam;
  • he application allows you to analyze the attendance of clients of certain classes, rationally using the halls and the working time of trainers, and making prompt recordings.

Free download of subscription accounting software

Below are the download links. You can download the software presentation in PowerPoint format and demo version free of charge. Moreover, the demo version has a function of limitation: by time of use and functionality.

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